Couple of notes to anyone who reads this FF.

1.) I do not own anything of the original ideas that may or may not surface in this fiction.

2.) If you find spelling problems, you are allowed to correct such errors through revives.

3.) Descriptions are not my greatest skill so if you find it confusing, well im sorry for it… really, i am.

Text specification: for you who have trouble to pinpoint actions or

"normal speech"

'personal thoughts"

"kyubi speech"

"kyubi thoughts"


"flashback ended"

(Chapter 1.) The beginning of changes

Running. It's the only thing he knows. To run, if it's from a shinobi or a civilian, it's the same thing, he runs. But why should he run? He's as much part of this village as any other person born in the village. Yet he has to run, run and hide from the glares that they give him when he's walking down the street, or when he's ever seen around the village. Hell who wouldn't want to run from people that throw everything you could ever possibly imagine, old fruit, stones, ranging from pebbles to boulders, blades in every shape and size, from small kunai to massive fuma-shuriken.

Well at least he hadn't been stabbed by a blade in close for a few months now. But the attacks had at least tone down a little, no thanks to the Anbu that he was told following him 24/7. It had taken a long talk with the old geezer to make him understand that people were still attacking him behind the geezers back.


"Excuse me, I want to talk with the old man Hokage" said a small blond boy standing in front of a desk in a long hallway. The person he was talking to was the Hokage secretary. She looked up and at the sight of him a 5 year kid with blond hair and blue eyes. He had whisker marks on his cheeks that gave him a sort of feral and/or cute appearance. He sported an orange jumpsuit that seemed to have been repaired several times over, she flinched and said "why would the Hokage even want to talk with you, besides he's busy all day so you can just leave now" she said, emphasizing want and leave now. The boy let his gaze fall to his feet, and said "okay" quietly.

Just as he was about to leave, the door to the hokage's office opened and a familiar figure stood inside.

"Naruto, I thought I heard your voice, why don't you come in." the Hokage said. He saw a faint disbelief in the boy that looked to him and then at the secretary. "But aren't you busy all day" Naruto asked with a tone of 'what is going on'. The hokage gave a curios look at him and then his secretary. "did you say I didn't have time for him miss Saya". The secretary flinched at the stern look that she got from him. "I...i did, but I thought that you wanted to have some time for yourself and i…" she started but the Hokage interrupted. "And what gives you the idea that I don't want to spend time to help my villagers if I may ask." The hard tone caused Saya to flinch even more. Then the hokage spoke, "I want your belongings to be out of that desk by tomorrow and your resignation at my desk tonight".

She was about to say something but understood that there was no reason for it to get worse. She just looked at the blond with cold eyes and saw that he was looking at here, but it was not eyes that look like he enjoyed her being fired, it was like he was going to say… "Im sorry…". She snapped her eyes open at this. When she heard that she knew that it had to be a joke. 'the demon apologising, that has to be some sort of trick, or maybe one of his pranks, yes that has to be …'. But her train of thoughts were cut short when she heard him say word that really struck her.

"Ojji-san don't fire the lady, she hasn't done anything. I guess she just didn't know that you were not working, or she really wanted you to have some free time. I know it's a hard work to be a hokage, so she must have it as hard as you have it to keep check on everything. I don't want her to get in trouble because of a misunderstanding". She was, in other words, decked at those words. The demon, defending someone that he barley knows. She looked at the Hokage and she thought that her brain had shut down. He was smiling, smiling for what the boy said, she couldn't believe what was going on until he said.

"Okay Naruto I won't fire the lady, but I would want here to be more careful with what she says to other people, no matter who it is. Let's go into my office so we can talk". She couldn't believe it, her job was saved by the village demon. She thought that second thoughts about the kid was not an option but she thought 'I might reconsider but it wont happen in a while at least' as she saw both the Hokage and the de… the blond walk into the office and she got back to work with what she did before, sort out paper and sending equal amounts.

"Well what can I do for you Naruto, do you want a free ramen ticket again or is it something else". The Geezer said. "Ojji-san I want to ask if I could get some help with buying some training-gear and supplies" Naruto said with a undertone of mild blend of desperation and anxiety. "Why is it that you need my help with buying training gear and supplies? Can't you buy those things yourself?" he asked with a worried tone on his voice. "Well every time I want to buy thing people just scream and shout at me to leave the shops. Plus at one time I wanted to buy a few kunias to practice with but instead the either throw stuff at me or tells me to pay three times the amount that others pay. Even so I could barley use the kunias that I bought from the shop" he said pulling out a kunai from his pocket.

The geezer almost fell out of his seat in anger when he took the kunai. It was rusted almost beyond repair and definitely beyond use. It was chipped in several places and the handle was almost as bad, bent so it was almost an act of hell to even hold it. 'This is not something someone should pay even a penny for, how can they even dare charge three times the amount for something that has been thrown in a garbage bin. It almost acts of treason to even think such a thing'. He looked up at Naruto an said

"Naruto tomorrow ill take you to the best smith and armour shop in town and help you buy some real gear for once, how does that sound". He already knew what he would answer.

"REALLY, Awesome, I can't wait already. Just wait and se old man, im going to become the next hokage and the you will have to give me your hat and title to me, believe it!" he highly announced "I know you will Naruto but please call me Hokage or Sarutobi, please I may be old but im not that old" Sarutobi said with a mix of a smile and a sweat-dropped as Naruto left the room with a smile that could only mean one thing. Naruto was happy and that was all he needed to know.

End of flashback

How, how could things turn out like this. First he was walking down the streets, or if you call sneaking past 21 Chunnin, 6 Jonin, 2 Anbu, plus about 60 plus civilians 'walking', to get to his 'apartment', if you could call it that. I mean who would want to live in a place that was litterly falling apart. The walls were torn in every way possible, the bathroom hadn't been in any working order since his 4th birth day, the kitchen was nothing, not even a microwave or a spoon could be found. Why? Well when people decide that you don't seem to need it, they take everything from you, and what they can't take they wreak like it was at demolition-build going on. So it was no surprise that you never found Naruto home anymore longer then a few minutes or an hour at best.

But today people seemed to be able to find him. It was like he had lost all ability to hide. They found him everywhere he went. For the first time in a long while, he was getting scared. 'How, how can they find me. They were never able to find me before, so how can they no…' his train of thoughts were stopped by a sharp pain in his side. As he looks down he saw a senbon needle in his lower abdomen. Wincing from the pain, he pulled it out to look for who had thrown it. Suddenly he jerked back as a new one came flying by his left side to just barley scrape his chin. He look left to se a chunnin standing there. The chunnin was sporting the normal shinobi attire of Konoha's chunnin, a green vest atop of a black flank jacket, a pair of Anbu style pants, sleeveless armour-plated gloves, heelless boots/sandals and a Konoha hi-ate on his forehead. Holding a set of senbons in one hand and a kunai in his other, his eyes beaming of hatred towards the boy in front of him. The blond almost tripped over by the amount of KI (killing intent, Sue me if you must).

"Its time you die you demon-scum" the chunnin said running towards the blond while he threw the needles at him. Naruto barley dodges the three first and got hit by the fourth and fifth that stuck in his upper right arm. The blond understood that he had no chance against this chunnin and started to run.

Hoping that he had enough energy he made a dash for the roofs and his many hideouts he had to hurry even though he had an insane stamina even he could get winded by running from a chunnin. He pulled the senbon needles out of his arm to wait for the wounds to heal while he was running.

He never understood why, but he could heal most damages to his body within minutes, if it wasn't larger then a scratch, so the senbon needle holes healed pretty fast. He put the needles in a pocket to save for later use. He then quickly jump to his side to dodge a pair of kunai that landed were he stood earlier. Not wanting to waste time he began to run in the direction towards the mountain. The shinobi were quick to follow him as he ran. They knew were he was heading and snickered at the trap he was heading into…

Unannounced to any party of the chase a man had been watching the entire ordeal. He was 6'3, had a black cloak that covered him from his shoulder to his ankles on with was the kanji for 'Nomad'. (I will explain later), a hood over his head that covered his face and a large sword on his back. Not the type of sword that just anyone could carry but a gigantic double edged zanpakto longer than himself strapped from his left shoulder down to his right side. The blade hade wave formed edges. Along the blade were three holes along the blades centre (Think Kuroi Kumo's sword from FFU), though no one could se it as it was obscured from view by a powerful genjutsu. Next to the sword was a long barrelled rifle. On top of it there was a scope attached. On his sides were what look like small metal orbs with pins through the top. Under his arms hang two holsters for something very peculiar. Two L shaped objects that no one in the 'current world' could understand. The sights he saw as he studied the blond boys escape from death only gave birth to a line of words many wouldn't nor ever heard in this village hear.

"Idiots, morons, assholes, why does everything and everyone that wants to harm that kid have to exist in this village", the shadowy figure said to himself. He saw that the blond got hit by the senbon needles.

'Damn that's got to hurt, but I can't help him yet, I just hope that he will get close enough to 'that' place. At least he's good at running, but I guess it's easy to understand with what he has to go through.' he thought as stared towards the mountain. 'I wish you were still alive, Yondaime-sama' he then blurred out of sight as he disappeared into the shadows. When he did a squad of Anbu landed close to were he stood previously.

"Weird, i thought i felt a chakrasignature here, but there is not a trace of anyone here" the leader said out loud. He had a dogmask over his face, and gravity defying silvery hair. He had the full Anbu armour, that included armour plates for his legs and arms and a reinforced Anbu vest with a black sleeveless tank, and black Anbu pants. As he look around he noticed the chase that was going on further up ahead. 'WHAT! They are still out after him' he mentally cried. "Team, follow, me we got to help Naruto", he ordered, as they disappeared from sight, the stranger emerge again from the shadows with one thought in mind.

'It seems like there is at least someone that cares'.

Naruto was running along the roofs of the village towards the Hokage Mountain. There he at least had somewhere to hide. But half a mile away from the mountain he suddenly fell. He felt a sharp pain in his leg that now sported a foot long needle through it. He had no possibility to land on his feet but was able to grab onto a rain pipe that ran along the building. Sadly it didn't support the sudden increase in weight and just mildly slowed his decent where he landed with a huge crash. The chasing shinobi saw this from the rooftops and just snickered over the 'demons' that had landed in on of the villages parks, his upcoming demise and there coming promotion.

When the shinobi landed in the park that the blonde had landed in they were met by a most weird scene.

When they thought that the 'demon brat' had died in the landing all they saw was a pool of blood from the wounds that he had received but the boy was nowhere to be found. They knew though that he hadn't made it far and scoured the park. They were hell bent on killing the demon tonight. They had planed everything since they heard that the hokage was going to by the brat ninja gear. The one who heard the conversation, the leader of the group was getting impatient.

"Hurry up and find that demon, if the hokage find out he will try to defend him and well lose our chance" he yelled. He was upset that an almost fatally injured kid could escape a group of chunnin and 2 Jonin. That's when they heard what they were waiting for. "I found Him" that turned to "Time To Die Demo...AAAAHHHHHHHHH…" The shinobi were running towards were the screams came from, only to be greeted by a gruesome scene.

The shinobi that had been screaming was split in two, from his head to groin. Blood sprayed as they were met by the assailant. A tall man in a night black robe that made him almost disappear in the black background of the night. He was holding a gigantic double-edged sword with one hand with the sword against his shoulder. His eyes were obscured by the hood and making it impossible to say who it was. The shinobi stared at the stranger, trying to se who it was. The leader of the mob was the first to break the now dead silence.

"Who are you?" was the question he gave. No answer was given by the robed man. "Answer me now, who are you?" Still no answer. Getting agitated three of the shinobi pulled a couple kunai's out of there holster, and threw it at the stranger. As the kunai's race towards him, the stranger moved slightly, and the kunai was in better words obliterated. The shinobi that saw this couldn't believe that it happened. The stranger had destroyed a bunch of flying kunais without even moving or at such speed that it was impossible to see movement.

Civilians that had started to gather to see the demon kid die, saw the whole thing happen and could not believe that someone was protecting the demon. "Why are you protecting him, he must die cause he is putting the memory of the Yondaime at shame by his very existence" one of the many civilians yelled. "Yeah, he is not worth to be let alive, let alone free to walk on our streets" another shouted.

The man still stood still. Just when the shinobi and civilians were getting ready to charge he spoke and to everyone's surprise he had a sad, yet determined voice as he spoke. "Why, why do you hate him, what has he done to earn such hate from you. I have watch this boy for 2 months now, and everything you have ever done to him has been of no justice to him" the people were about to scream at him but he raised his voice.

"Don't give me the talk about how he has 'killed your loved ones'. How can a boy that was born just as 'he' was defeated. He was born after 'he' was killing your loved ones. The Yondaime sacrificed his life to save this village and said that this boy should be seen as a hero. He's been keeping the beast at bay for 5 long years of torture that you put him through." He said looked around and continued.

"He could if he had been different, have killed everyone of you, but he isn't like that. He has never gone against anyone, even you who cut him, stabbed him, kicked him, poisoned him or just general verbal abuse. He doesn't even have a single friend that he can talk to because of your ungrounded fear for the unknown facts that you refuse to see." He stared at the people then released a large portion of KI then…

"HE IS A FRICKEN JAILOR, NOT THE PRISONER." He screamed out the last part. But somehow it didn't have the effect that it should have.

"Yeah right like i should believe someone that defends the demon, bet your as afraid of him as anyone else, because no one can…" the leader of the mob that had gathered was not able to finish. Why? Well he kind of lost his head at the moment everyone saw the stranger twitch his wrist. Screams were heard from the mob but the strangers voice cause chills to run down everyone's spines.

"He just broke the thirds law of secret. Anyone of Konoha's shinobi are allowed to punish anyone who breaks that rule without a chance of pleading. And the sentence will always be death". He said coldly as he continued. "What people don't know is that i have the right to sentence anyone whom attack this boy". This caused people to twitch and start to scream. "Liar, anyone should be aloud to kill that monster" "Yeah, he should have been killed at birth" then the chunnin and his group yelled.

"You aren't even a Konoha shinobi anyways so you have no right to do anything, i bet it was just a fluke that you did those things" he yelled and attacked together with his group consisting of 2 Jonin, 5 Chunnin and a large group of civilians that sported things like bats and bricks, to knives to swords. What they didn't know was that the man between them and the boy was beyond anything they could possibly even understand.

He just held up his hand and did a one-handed sequence of seals. "Secret technique: Black world of demons" he whispered and everything went black as the environment disappeared together with everyone around… and the only thing that remained was the screams of death and its smell…

As the dog masked Anbu and his squad arrived at the scene they were met by a most gruesome scene.

Bodies littered the ground, some missing body-parts, a group missing there heads, other were cut in half in both directions, some burnt beyond recognition, but almost everyone had large wounds that were at least deep enough to split the person it struck. The environment was littered with weapons, blood, scourge marks and… that's when he saw the boy leaning against a tree. He was griping onto a sword that the dog masked Anbu recognised as a weird Zanpakto. As he walked towards the boy, as he heard his team-mates land on the ground.

"Did the boy… do this?" he asked his taicho. "No, i didn't feel any youki, nor do i believe that he could do this and not have any larger injuries on his body. My guess is that someone defended him against the mob. I guess they didn't back down by account of the bodies." He said reluctant as he walk up to the boy. He heard snores, with indicated that he was sleeping. 'I guess that even you must sleep sometimes, Naruto.' He thought as he picked up the boy and then tried to lift the sword.

But he couldn't. 'This sword can't weight this much, is there a gravity seal on it or what is…' he thought. Suddenly, Naruto reached out to the handle in his sleep and lifted it without problem. The dog masked ninja was stunned. 'How? I could barley lift it and he just picked it like it was a feather'. He was not the only one stunned. "how can a mere boy lift something as large as that, whiles asleep, its just not normal" the teammate with the eagle mask almost yelled. But the last teammate was in other thoughts. 'that is like nothing I've ever seen. He will help me prove my limits. One day Naruto, you will become a steppingstone towards measuring my limits' the weasel masked Anbu thought. (guess who it is and win a cookie, I'm not paying thou)

The hokage had not taken a liking in the turn of events that had happened the night before. Just before he was about to go home, a dog masked Anbu Nin had shunshined into his office with Naruto in his arms, who was holding a gigantic and beautiful sword in his arms. His eyes bulged at what he saw as he recognised the sword that Naruto was holding, but filed it form later. "Kakashi, what has happened".

The Hokage was sure of what was to come as he knew how people were treating Naruto, thou he couldn't help him more than with small thing as the council always cause a bunch of problems as fast as they heard of him helping Naruto. One rumour was that was that you would be promoted if you killed the boy, by order of the council or more precise, danzo, the old warmonger. This was an unconfirmed rumour but it didn't help his situation as people believed in what they wanted to hear and nothing else. He wanted to arrest the entire council for treason but he had no evidence of such a act and could only try to help Naruto as much as he could.

"We found him in one of the parks. It would seem like someone had organised an attack on him and several Jonin, chunnin and civilians are now dead because of this." When the hokage heard this his eyes shot open in surprise. "What, how could something like that happen?" he asked. "well it would seem like someone stood on Naruto's side, because i sensed no youki, and not even some chakra, plus Naruto didn't have much bigger wounds then senbon needles on his body. Though not on any life threatening areas." He reported with a tone of surprise that still was pretty monotone.

"I see at least someone has seen past the views of hatred against hi…" the hokage wasn't able to finish as a council member broke through the door. "Hokage, now there is no excuse. He slaughtered over 60 people without reason tonight. I demand that he is to be executed here and now!" the council member practically screamed. Behind him stood Danzo in the doorway with a smirk on his face that he never had except when things were going his way.

"Sarutobi-sama, you can no longer justify what this demon ahs done. All of the councilmember's have decided that he is to be eliminated on the spot, here and now" he said with a mocking yet sturdy tone.

"The council has no authority to order an execution without my agreement and i decline such an action. You have only watch one side of the stage and only heard what you liked to hear. The boy was attacked first, after witch he tried to escape from the very same mob that you claim he attacked." He said with a very hateful tone ton danzo.

"Tell me danzo, your a strategist in war, how does someone attack someone to kill, when your trying your best to just escape from people that are trying to kill you for no reason" Sarutobi said in a weakly mocking tone. He didn't want him to find a reason to try and have him removed from his office. "Easy, you lay traps as you go, with bombs and lethal traps you kill them as you run" danzo said triumphant.

"What if i tell you that he barley could buy a decent kunai and never stole anything from anyone, how would he be able to acquire explosive notes or any gear to make traps at all." Sarutobi countered

"If im correct, you were the one whom made it impossible for him to even own any gear at all". Now danzo was starting to fall back on the defensive.

"Whatever, but if he does anything, and i mean anything that breaks any law, no matter how small, he will be executed". He said as he left with the rest of the council and closed the door.

When he left Naruto winched in Kakashi's arms an quietly whispered. "hmmm… please…nii-san don't go…". Both men heard this and there only thoughts were 'Brother… is he talking about the guy that helped him? But why would he call him brother?' was the question running through in both men's heads that moment.

Cliff-hanger. Who is it Naruto is calling brother? Is it the same man that saved him? Why did he save him? Was there a purpose behind it? Find out later in the next chapter.

Quotes from the writer.

Hi this is my first fan fiction, and my first step into the world of fan fiction. Im going to say that im sorry for the lack of detail in some parts of the FF, it's my first time and it isn't easy. And im going to spill that i will use alot of inspiration come from all sorts of corners, so don't get mad at me for the crossovers into many different regions of genre and ideas.

Im going to base it on Naruto but add a few things from different things like game ideas, concepts, weapons, suits, names, and other stuff. So if you think im leeching of good stories, then think again. I will try to make it all work plus i will never, EVER, use anything that i haven't made and say that i did. I will always add in the quotes were i got borrowed ideas, and also techniques from other writers. I don't want to be seen as a leech. I respect everything that others have made with there blood, sweat, and tears (well at least sweat and tears, hopefully).

"Respect isn't earned through words, but through action. Your actions determine who you are, and how people see you, good or bad" quote writer unknown

"Fate isn't decided at birth, destiny isn't carved in stone, but we are whom we make ourselves"

FF user story quote, unknown story. Not Mine by a longshot