
Inner persons thought's



Before I begin this story there is some things I'd like you to know:

1: There have not been a massacre of the Uchiha clan

2: Itachi have not joined Akatsuki

3: Sakura haven't been trained by Tsunade yet, Sakura is16

4: Sakura's parents are dead

5: They are still genin's(Everyone except Shikamaru)

6: Sakura don't know Itachi more than just seeing him on the streets and knowing he's Sasuke's brother.

Me: well, that's that! And observe I didn't take one single breath until 'brother'!

Naruto: Me!

Me: What is it? ---gives Naruto a glare---

Naruto: Em… Say you don't own anything except the plot and certain characters!

Me: I don't need to you just said it! R&R!! (And sorry for OOCness!)

Chapter I

Not what it seems to be


You're weak…

Those words echoes in Sakura's head. The world around her seems to yell that word to her; weak. The water pores down the mountain side saying weak. The mountains themselves rumbles out weak. The wind and trees hustles weak. Everything, the grass, stones, animals… Everything says the word weak… But she won't cry. That's a show she haven't let anyone experience in a long time. She had cried to much over that matter.

Being called weak was something she was used to. Naruto had always been there to cheer her on. But not anymore…

Sakura and Naruto was sparring as training. They had been at it for five minutes when Sakura delivered a fist to his cheek. Even if she didn't put any of her real strength to it he flew a few feet. She was about to aid him when he sat up, not without an effort. When he looked at her he had a big grin at his face. "Sakura-chan! If you're this weak after 4 years as shinobi you should quit! Even I'm stronger than you!" he said and looked her in the eye, still grinning.

She couldn't believe what she had just heard and he was grinning as he said it. The one that had always encouraged her said she was weak. As her anger rose her head dropped, and she got a nervous look from all her team mates and sensei. Then she lifted up her head and a wicked smirk played on her lips. "So I'm weak you say?" she said, spiting every word like poison. Naruto who realised his position was about to stand up when Sakura crashed down on either side of his legs after jumping up in the air. The earth made a displeasing sound as a crater was done at her feats.

"Can I ask you if a weak person can do this?" she hissed and printed her right foot down on his ribcage. She could hear the cracking of his ribs, even if she didn't take all strength she had. He spitted up a small amount of blood and choked.

Then she stepped away from him and gave both him and the other's, Sasuke and Kakashi, a look that would have scared the devil himself to ice. She made a few hand seals and disappeared in a cascade of black sakura petals.

She had arrived here, the outskirts of Konoha. But still didn't escape from the word everyone called her; weak… Even Hinata, her last real female friend, had called her weak. Not literally but she meant it like that. She had said that 'you should train more, so you can do some missons' right in her face. Everyone thought they had helped her by saying that she was weak and needed to train. They had just ended up being hated by her. Hell, she was much stronger than that Ino but she never needed to suffer because of that. The blond bitch had a bloodline. Every single person she knew had a bloodline, had been trained by someone powerful or where just great at something. No one acknowledged her for having perfect chakra control or her genjutsu genius.

Sakura screamed out in range. She picked up a stone, heavier than her, and threw it on the mountain's foot. The stone hit its target and broke to mere pieces and made a crack in the mountain. She ran over to a tree and kicked it. The roots followed the trunk up in the air. "I'LL TORTURE YOU ONE DAY LIKE YOU HAVE TORTURED ME!!" she yelled and banged her fist into the ground.

She wasn't aware of the person in the shadows watching her every move. This person was hiding in the tree she was now lunging for. As her foot hit the brown bark from the side it cracked, forcing the man to jump out into the clearing. Sakura who was to busy hitting trees didn't notice him. After a while she turned around and jumped in surprise as she saw the man.

At first she thought it was Sasuke. But this man was older and had long hair tied in a ponytail. Lines in his face from lack of sleep made him look handsome, on any other it would have looked strange and weakening. He whore a ANBU uniform and held a mask in his hand, it was a wolf. His piercing scarlet eyes watched her in amusement and caution, he knew what an angry woman could do.

'MAN, HE'S HOT' Inner Sakura screamed.

'Yeah… Wait! Did I just agree with you?'

'Looks like it'

Sakura growled and turned her attention to the man before her

"Who are you?" she asked in demanding voice. He let out a small chuckle and smirked. "I am Uchiha Itachi, kunochi" he said and stepped towards her. "Oh, so your that fucking bastard's big brother" she said and sneered. "I guess that 'fucking bastard' is Sasuke, am I right?" his smirk grew. Sakura gave him a stiff nod. "Why aren't you with your team, training?" he asked and eyed her after any answers. "I would prefer not to work with people that call me weak" she hissed and laid extra pressure on the last word. "They calls you weak after doing this?" he more like stated than asked and looked around him.

True enough. The ground had small craters, the mountain was shattered at places, crushed stones laid all over, trees was on the ground and the water was flowing in different directions from before. A little blush came to her otherwise pale cheeks. "Yeah… I don't have a bloodline, haven't been trained by anyone special or something like that… Only Kakashi have been training me, ok giving orders to all of us but helped Naruto and Sasuke develop… Always being left behind, that's how you can describe mine shinobi career. Or my whole life if you want" she stated with a sigh.

She was about to turn around and leave when Itachi's dark voice called through the night, "I could train you." Sakura froze. She slowly turned around. "You barley know me and you want to train me?" she asked in disbelief. He gave a small nod. "And why would I accept?" now her hands squeezed to fists. "Do you have anything to lose? They call you weak, I call you filled with potential" he said and gave her a meaning gaze. She flinched under his look and bit her lip. "I… I accept" Sakura said and straightened her back.

He smirked again but she didn't notice. "Then we'll go to the Hokage now and report your request" he said and motioned her to follow him. She did and they jumped on the trees towards Konoha.


Sakura and Itachi entered the Hokages office. The blonde woman at the desk looked up and a bright smile spread across her face. "Good day Itachi, Sakura. What can I help you with?" Tsunade cheered. The two youngsters made a bow and then Itachi spoke; "I'd like to take on Sakura as my student." The Hokage seamed to be swallowing when the dark haired man had stated his request because she choked. "You what?" she said after getting her breath back.

Itachi remained silence as he knew the Hokage had heard him. Her eyes flicked to Sakura's face which had a pleading look. "You are aware that a genin must have a team" she stated and was looking in the pink haired girls face. "Yes, Tsunade-sama… But how am I supposed to work with a team that holds me back?" Sakura whispered and looked away. "How are they holding you back?" Tsunade asked and a look of sympathy came over her. "They… Everyone calls me weak. I can never do anything on missions because they always think I'll get in the way or get hurt. They never let's me try. Even my best friend calls me weak" the girl spoke louder this time. Now Tsunade's face was gentle, understanding and determined. "You will continue train with your team but Itachi will train you as his student. You will not go on missions under you training time, but meanwhile the missions are you will be trained by me. At your team's time of course" Tsunade explained. The kunochi with pink hair gulped and stared wide eyed at her Hokage and new teacher.

Itachi let a pleased smirk play his lips as he watched his little student's face. Then without warning she swung her arms around Itachi and then jumped over to Tsunade and embraced her too. The male was in shock, but hid it well. No one except his mother and Sasuke when he was little had embraced him like that. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" Sakura screamed and jumped around. Tsunade's smile grew back on her lips.

After a few minutes when the kunochi had stopped jumping around she made another request; that the whole thing would be a secret between the three of them. Tsunade and Itachi agreed. "You are dismissed" the old, young looking, lady said and waved her hand. "Oh, Hokage-sama… I think you'll have to send a medic team to training ground three. I think I broke Naruto's ribs" Sakura let out a small nervous laugh. Tsunade glared at her. It only took Sakura a second to run out of the door before the Hokage had thrown a very sharp pencil at her.

Itachi bowed and walked out after Sakura. He found her outside the door holding her hand over her mouth to stop her giggles. "We don't have time to laugh, we have to train" he said and walked past her. She followed him and walked beside him out of the Hokage building. "What will I train first?" she asked, curiosity taking the best of her. "I'll need weights" he simply answered without looking at her. "I have 10-200 kilograms weights at home" Sakura said thoughtfully. He nodded.

After five minutes they came to Sakura's house. It was pretty small, but two persons could surly live in there. The owner pulled out her key and inserted it in the key hole. She opened the door and stepped inside, Itachi did so too. It wasn't much decorations. Only some chairs and tables, of what he could see. The walls was pink. 'How typical' he thought.

"Here's my training room" Sakura said and opened another door to their right. Inside it there was weights, needles, kunais, shuriken and much more. She walked to the weight stand and eyed all weights, sorted by weight. "Which do we start with?" she asked and turned to Itachi. He walked forward and looked at the small but heavy weights. "These" he said and picked two 100 kilograms weights, he lifted them with ease. If Sakura hadn't seen the seal with '100 kg' she wouldn't believe it.

"Give me your hand" he motioned for her and reached for her wrist. She obeyed him confusedly. Then he pushed chakra into the metal. It cranked open to a flat piece instead of round. Then he placed it on Sakura's wrist. He formed it with his chakra again. Now it warped around her lower arm's lower part. "Lift your hand" he said emotionless. She did as he told her and lifted her hand, or at least tried to. It only lifted a few centimetres. She let it slung down to her side and frowned as she heard the bones in the arm snap. Then he did the same to her other wrist. Ones they where on he picked up two 150 kilograms weight and bent down to her ankles. He took of her sandals and moulded the metal again. When he was done he told Sakura to walk around.

Her legs where heavy as hell, so was her arms. She walked around a bit before letting out a little yelp when she was about too fall on her knees. But just as it was going to happen Itachi warped is arms around her little waist. "I am impressed that you can walk in such a short time" he whispered, or something between that and talking. "Thank you" she said and faced him with a smile. He could see her eyelids fought too remain open.

"You need too sleep. Where is your bedroom?" Itachi asked and locked gaze with her. "It's down the hall, last door to the left…" she answered sleepy. He nodded and helped her to stand. Then they began the slow journey to Sakura's bedroom.

As they stepped inside Sakura noticed that it was dark outside. "Can you make it home now?" she asked and looked up at Itachi. He made a short nod. She sighed and proceeded in walking to her bed, leaving Itachi by her door. She sat down on the soft madras and turned her face to the dark haired male again. "You can stay in the guestroom across if you want to" she offered a little smile on her delicate lips again. "I cannot do that. I'm about to head home" he answered, "but I will live here until your training's over starting tomorrow." Sakura looked at him in surprise. "And that is your decision to make?" she asked with irony. "Yes. It is" he growled and locked eye again. 'Her eyes are so beautiful… Wait, did I just say she was beautiful?'

'Why the HELL does he keep on making eye contact with me?'

'He wants to look in our beautiful green eyes and say; "I love you," CHA!' Inner Sakura joked, not knowing she had right at the first part.

'Yeah… sure…'

"I expect you at the bridge at 6 o'clock tomorrow" Itachi said and disappeared out of sight. A few seconds later the front door shut. Sakura sighed. "He don't like to talk much, I guess…" she rubbed her temples and bent down to take of her sandals. She noticed they where already gone and felt metal instead. Then she took of her long armed shirt and trailed over the cold iron on her wrist. If arms could fall of hers would do that. Next was her traditional ninja pants.

She walked to her drawer where she kept her clothes. In the highest drawer it was shirts. She pulled out a tight but soft night gown and pulled it over her head. It was a bit difficult to do everything she wanted, the weights was heavy as hell. Then she fell on her bed again. She pulled the sheets over her and just before sleep claimed her she could have swear someone was watching her.

- - -

Itachi stood in the tree outside Sakura's bedroom window. He had watched her ever since he had left her house. He had seen she had a good figure, none the less beautiful. 'Why do I keep on thinking that word?' he asked himself referring to what she was. He shook his head and speeded of to the Uchiha resident

- - - - - - - - - - - -----

Hello! The short chapter is up! I just writes this story because I wanted a ninja fic with Sakura and Itachi… Anyway, Read and Review!
