I don't own Naruto or any of the right to the characters

I don't own Naruto or any of the right to the characters.




'Demon head whisper'

Uzumaki Naruto morning started with the usual pound on the alarm clock. As he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, he wondered why he set his alarm for so early. The memory of yesterday answered it for him. To Naruto the whole thing seemed off. Why tell someone that they will most likely not be genin before they take their sensei's test? His answers would come later. He then thought about why his sensei said not to eat breakfast it made almost no sense to do it if they were doing a survival exercise. You would always want as much energy to start that way you don't start off half died. Maybe it was also an attempt to make then desperate.

Once Naruto got up and going he noticed that his muscles where stiff and slightly burning. Scratching his temple he tries to understand why his body feels this way. The only thing he had done was ball rolling the day before so why did it leave him feeling this way. Then it hit him if he was moving the ball around the surface of his body then he had to send chakra to each of the chakra coils to stretch the size of them. By proxy he had to stretch the coils that lead to his muscles. His muscles could now take that much more chakra but they were no stronger. He wasn't sure how this would effect him latter on was not concerned with it now.

He begins doing some light stretching to work the kinks out. During the exercise, the thought that his teammates may have the same problem he does. If he was this stiff then what about those two? Sasuke would most likely be fine he was a clan ninja so that would help. Sakura was a seed ninja (what I call a first in their family ninja) so she may be the worst of the three.

Still a little unsure about his sensei's test Naruto decided to eat breakfast. When he did arrive at the training field he found Sasuke and Sakura waiting. Well more like Sakura was trying to talk to Sasuke and Sasuke brooding. When she saw Naruto she thought about to ask him about the problem she had this morning.

"Hey Naruto, I have to ask you did you find this morning you were stiff? I don't know if I just sleep wrong or what but my body was really sore when I got up," said Sakura.

Sasuke turned his head to listen in on the conversation. He too had had some problems this morning but he had chalked it up to training. When he heard Sakura say some thing he began to wonder if was just his training.

"I was going to ask you about that too. I figure it is a side effect of the ball rolling. The pathways are rooted heavily in the body in bones nerves and muscles. The bones and nerves are not something that changes too much except for growth. The muscles on the other hand are allowed to strengthen or get weaker. So when we ran so much chakra through them they had to adjust to the strain that caused them," stated Naruto.

Unknown to any of them, Kakashi was in the tree behind them. The more he listened the more things that were said about Naruto were being proved untrue. I was like some one had turned a dial in brain to genius. So Kakashi continued to listen at his own leisure.

At the three hour mark, Kakashi made his grand appearance. "Yo sorry I am late but I had to fight an insomniac for the last alarm clock in the store," he said. One of the main reasons he did this was so he could see the faces of people when they see him say it. Sakura looked on in shock at how unreal his excuse was. Sasuke was just looked on in disbelief. Finally was Naruto, he was unable to tell because the hood was up on Naruto's poncho.

Taking the alarm clock out of the packaging, Kakashi began the set the alarm. "Okay now I have set the alarm for noon. The objective of this exercise is to get one of these bells. Anyone who doesn't get a bell will be sent back to the academy and gets tied to one of the posts. While the other two get eat in front of him or her," stated Kakashi as he heard two of their stomachs growl. For some reason Naruto's didn't so Kakashi could only surmise that he ate breakfast. 'I will have to keep an eye on him so doesn't do something sneaky,' thought Kakashi

Sakura couldn't help but say "Kakashi sensei there are only two bells."

"Well then I guess that one of you will be tied to the post and go back to the academy," replied Kakashi.

Naruto couldn't help but think something was wrong with the situation. The math didn't add up right he said the day before that of the Twenty-nine students only nine would become genin. If each of the Jounin gave two bells then the math didn't work at all. If the bells were not important then the only way that the test made sense was if it was for them to work together. Then only three teams pass by understanding they have to work as a team. But the other six would most likely quit or wait for the next test and Naruto knew that most of the classes were whittled from much higher numbers.

"Alright let's get this started," said Kakashi.

Naruto know the only way that he could get them to go along with him was if they knew that Kakashi was too powerful for them to take on alone. He had to show them that Kakashi out ranked them in all the ways that counted. The only way that could be done was to have them see it first hand. Naruto had to do what was best for even if his own safety was a stake. He reaches up for his right Wakizashi with only a slight click to make his action known. Kakashi's years of training told him what that sound was.

Naruto unsheathed his blade but keep it close to the sheath so to try to hide it. Naruto dashed forward but was soon stopped by Kakashi. Kakashi had dashed from infront of Naruto to behind him. Kakshi had Naruto's right arm held to force the blade into his spine while the other arm was around his neck. To some extent Naruto was happy that Kakashi really was that good.

Sasuke and Sakura were surprised that Kakashi was able to move faster then they could see. Sasuke was thrilled that this person was going to be his sensei. Sakura was unsure how to feel. If he could get Naruto that easy then what about her chances for a bell. It was true that Naruto was the dead last but there were some things like reflex speed that he trumped her at.

"Now I didn't say go yet now did I?" asked Kakashi. Then Kakashi releases Naruto, and says, "GO!"

The three of them dashed for the trees. Kakashi waited ten minutes before he started to look for their chakra signatures. The first one he found was Sasuke, he was hiding in a tree about seven meters away. Next was Sakura, she was under a bush about eight meters away. Lastly was Naruto, about nine meters away not even bothering to hide.

There Naruto stood with his feet evenly apart and holding his blades to where they pointed to his elbows. Kakashi did like that he chose a defensive stance and not some flashy unbalanced pose.

"You know that you are a little off compared to the others," said Kakashi.

"No, I just wanted first crack at you," replied Naruto.

Kakashi takes his own stance with a kunai in one hand and a little orange book in the other. "Let me see what you got," said Kakshi.

"Hey why do you have that?" demanded Naruto.

"Because I want to see what happens in the end," answered Kakashi to enrage Naruto.

Naruto dashed forward and tried a cross cut with he's left wakizashi. Kakashi dodged to his right. Naruto tried an upward cut with his right. Again Kakashi dodged to his right. Naruto then brought his right foot out for round house kick. Kakashi blocked it and forced it up, so Naruto fell on his back. Naruto shifted his weight to jump up to his feet and continued with the momentum for a twin downward slash. Kakash then jumped back to evade.

"Not bad but you are going to have to try harder if you want a bell," said Kakashi.

"Alright then try this," stated Naruto as he form a hand sign with wakazashi still in hand. "Kage Bushin Jutsu" Four clones of Naruto appeared from some smoke. Kakashi knew the Jutsu and was very surprised that Naruto knew it, let alone was able to perform it at all.

Three of them rushed forward with the other two just behind. The one on the Kakashi right came for a stab but Kakashi grabbed his wrist and flipped him to the on coming in on his left. The impact of the clones broke the jutsu for the two. The one come for Kakashi front tried to cross cut him from the right. Kakashi ducked to evade and drove an uppercut to the clones jaw and dispersed it too.

The two Narutos remaining closed again on his right and left but slashed at the same time. Kakashi blocked the attack at his forearms. With the opposing hands Naruto tried to stab Kakashi in the thighs only for him do disappear in a puff of smoke. Kakashi had used Kawamii to get away.

The two stood back to back to look for Kakashi. One of them had spotted a bell at the base of a tree. Naruto closed in and was about to grab the bell when a rope tightened around his ankle. As Naruto began to rise from the trap the clone on the ground was destroyed by a kunai that Kakashi had thrown.

"Well I think you learned some thing today, 'don't fall for an obvious trap'," Stated Kakashi. Before he could say anything else a line of shuriken popped out as just after he Kawamii away again.

He waited upside down for ten minutes. 'I don't think they are coming for me,' thought Naruto. 'I see Kakashi has left the bentous by the stone over there. I am not going for it like an idiot.

"I wouldn't either it is too obvious of a trap," stated the Kyuubi. "Are you going to try again or are you going to ask for their help?"

'If I could get a bell for my self just as a way of saying yes I have some skills then yes. But if I do then what do they learn.'

"What if you could in the last few minutes as a way to say that you are not useless?"

'I am listening' thought Naruto.

Over with Kakashi

' I think there is only a few minutes left I wonder if anyone is going to make a last ditch effort,' thought Kakashi.

A scream broke Kakashi from his thoughts. "Was that Naruto just now?" inquired Kakashi as he started for where the scream started from.

"Oh shit," was all Kakshi said when he saw what had happen to Naruto. Naruto still had the rope tied to his leg but was now just barely touching the ground. Some one had tied some wire to the rope and had a kunai tied to it as well. The kunai was in the tree so he swing into the tree before he would stop above the ground. Just before he hit the tree he must have screamed. Kakashi cut him down so to look him over and brought him down on his lap.

Looking over Naruto's body Kakashi saw blood streaming down his left arm. Closer inspection showed that Naruto had a broken arm and the bone was sticking out of it. The more important problem now was the fact that Naruto was starting to shake. That meant that he was going into shock. Panic and rage filled Kakashi's mind. 'I don't think too many people know about the test so it is unlikely that some 'demon hater' did this. So this leaves Sakura and Sasuke. I know that Sakura is a fangirl but this is really extreme. Sasuke does seem to have a mind set to do something like this but he would rather have gotten a bell then just eliminate one of his teammates. This is the first time something like this has happened what am I going to do?'

As Kakashi mind wondered Naruto's right arm crept closer to a bell. As Naruto grabbed a hold on it he used his left hand to push off from Kakashi. As soon as he was clear of Kakashi's range Naruto dashed off in to the tree line. This left a very confused Kakashi to figure out what just happened. As he brushed him self off him noticed that one of the bells was now missing. Kakashi realized he had just been made a fool of by Naruto. Kakashi could not help but be proud that Naruto had made one hell of a good deception.

As the alarm sounded the three of them gathered. Kakashi then tied Sakura to the post. "Okay how do you think that went?" ask Kakashi. There was two sounds of grumbling coming form Sasuke and Sakura, and Naruto was just quite. "I have some good news only one of you is going back to the academy and that is Naruto," stated Kakashi. Sakura let out a loud happy yell about unneeded dobes getting in the way of love, and Sasuked 'Hmm'ed with a small look of satisfaction on his face. "Sasuke and Sakura you both should be dropped from the ninja program. At least Naruto has the skills to be a good ninja."

"What do you mean the dope didn't even touch the bell so why should he be a ninja?" ask Sasuke.

Naruto just held up the string with the bell attached.

"Naruto was able to make a good deception and caught me off guard. But as a whole you all have failed the test and can anyone tell me why?" said Kakashi.

"Because we didn't work as a team each of us did our own thing and didn't accomplish the goal," said Naruto.

"Really when did you figure it out and how?" asked Kakashi

"When you said that any one who gets a bell passes and becomes a genin, but the numbers don't add up with what you said yesterday. If things went with what you said today then there could be eighteen genin and then what would happen. A fight between the remaining to find out who would be genin that makes little to no sense because then just the higher students would pass. There inlays the problem what if one of those said people where to plateau just after graduation. One of the opposite could be true too, I am a good example I don't have the control to do a Bushin Jutsu but I have more chakra then the rest of the class.

"But I am getting off topic. No matter how you looked at it this should have been done as group and not as individuals. We were put on a team for a reason then did this exercise," stated Naruto.

"Very good Naruto, a ninja should always work with their teammates regardless of their opinion. There are missions where you will have to work with complete strangers. They can have skills that are unusual and unorthodox but still be very effective. Now I am going to give you one more chance after lunch… "said Kakashi. He hands over the two bentous to Sasuke and Naruto. "Now you two can eat but you will not give any to Sakura because she didn't even make the attempt at getting a bell. Now if you excuse me I will get my lunch."

Sasuke began eating as Kakashi left. Naruto was still unsure that they were not testing. If Kakashi had wanted them to work as a team then he would have untied Sakura and then had them eat. 'What do you think about all this? I don't feel right about not giving Sakura some if we have to work with her later. It would be more of a problem then anything,' thought Naruto.

"I agree if he wanted you to work as a team then you should pool your resources. It is never a good idea to let one of your teammates go hungry if you can avoid it," stated Kyuubi.

Naruto walks over to down Sakura. "Open up if you are going to be of any use to use later then you will need food now."

"But Kakashi sensei said not to give me any. I don't want to be the one who losses it for us," Said Sakura.

"And that is why I am giving it to you now besides he isn't here right now. If we do this fast enough he won't know that we did this," replied Naruto.

After Sasuke heard what then were saying, he knew that Naruto was right. If he was to get any use out of her then he would have to give some food. Sasuke walked over Sakura and handed some of the food over to Naruto to feed to her.

As Sakura took a bite the Sky darkened and lighting crackled. "You two disobeyed me. What do you have to say for your selfs?" demanded Kakashi as he came into veiw.

"We are a team and as a team we must stand as one and share what we have on a mission," stated Naruto.

"Do you two agree with him?" ask Kakashi.

Sasuke nodded. Sakura was unsure for a moment, but steeled her nerves and nodded too.

"Then I have no other choice then I have to…"said Kakashi. Then the lightning stopped and it cleared up. "pass you. We will start mission tomorrow morning at eight o'clock."

As they began to leave Kakashi spoke again, "Oh Naruto would stay behind I would like to have a word with you for a moment."

Well that is finally done. The next chapter will have some things that will really change from the norm.

Someone made the comment that the Kekkai Genkai book was too under detailed. The reason it was it is a book made for the world not just the leaf village. Too many clan my have gotten angry if there was too much info.