-Title: Punishment.
-Chapter: Three; I'm Sorry To Inform You.
-Rating: Mature, for all sorts of reasons!
-One-shot Or Series?: Supposed to be a series of ten chapters, possibly more now...
-Pairings: Read the first Chapter to find out.
-Disclaimer: The day I own Death Note will be the day I own a Matt and Mello Plushie...and that isn't going to happen any time soon.
Note: Bold is Matt's thoughts for this chapter, and Bold Italic is just some people talking around Matt while Mello isn't around.
'Tick Tock…Tick Tock…' Mello had about enough of that infernal clock that kept ticking away, almost as if it knew Matt still hadn't gotten back since he left…two hours ago.
"How the hell long does it take somebody to get freaking chocolate?" Mello questioned out loud, tapping his nimble fingers across the plain black table that was beside the old chair he had been sitting in.
Honestly he was worried, and though he would never admit this because of that damn pride of his he was starting to think something was wrong. Telling himself nothing was wouldn't work anymore, It hadn't worked for the last hour.
"Damn it Matt your such a dumbass…" Mello sighed out, sliding out of the chair, pulling his hands away from the table. "Only you can make me this way…" Mello spoke again, walking over to the couch and picking up his black fur trimmed coat, placing it on his skinny but killer body.
Mello's hand slid down by his pants making sure he had his gun on him, and he did…he always did.
"Matt you better hope for your dumbass sake your safe." With that word spoken to himself Mello, left the apartment closing the door on his way out before dashing down the stairs.
"Quick call 911, there's been a car crash!"
Mello wasn't sure were to look first, the store up the street would be good place to start, because Matt was going to go there, it was too cold to walk so he had taken the car…then again driving always caused Matt to calm down, and Matt did seemed to be in a pissy mood when he left in Mello's opinion. So Matt could have taken longer because he driving around to calm down…but.
"I don't think this guys going to make it!"
"Hey did your hear there's been like some big wreak, one guys dead and some other guy is probably going to die soon enough."
"Yeah it like just happened not to long ago…oh well that's what they get for speeding, better them then us." Mello raised an eyebrow at the two talking females that walked by, and the first thing that crossed his mind had been Matt, he had to find out he just had to. He ran over to the two girls and they seemed quite shocked at first.
"Were was the wreak?!" Mello asked them, no more so he dared them to not tell him. Like hell if he cared they were of the female kind, that never stopped him from killing before.
One of them gulped, the other one started to shiver by the glare that she was now earning from Mello.
"Over t-that way…" The shivering girl spoke her friend point back the way they had came.
Mello gave nothing but a simple nod of his head before running off towards the way of the wreak…he was so close he could smell the burning asphalt.
'I never thought I would die alone…'
"Is that, Matt's car?" Mello's voice seemed to drop to a small squeak as he looked at what seemed to be Matt's now totaled car. Small sparks were coming from under it, and people were considering this and moving quite a ways away. But Mello didn't move in fact he got closer, once he noticed Matt's orange goggles though he stopped dead in his tracks… "Matt was…" Mello didn't say anymore he now knew Matt was in the car crash, those damaged retarded goggles Mello had came to dislike told him this, as did Matt's car. That now couldn't be considered a car.
'I never thought it would hurt this much…'
Mello looked down at the ground, this couldn't be happening this couldn't be real, Matt he wasn't hurt was he? Oh god with the way this wreak looked most would have to say yes…most would have to say "Give up hope now Mello…turn back, it doesn't matter you have Near just go back now…you don't have to see him this way…" Just like Mello was trying to tell himself
'I just want to hear Mello's voice one last time…'
"Oh god…Matt what happened to you…." Mello couldn't help muttering this out, his face turning pale as he looked over from what crowd was still left at Matt who was now being pulled up on a stretcher and into the emergency ambulance. Mello could barely see the other from here, but Matt still looked pretty damn beat up from what he could tell. Mello ran up to the Ambulance, truly worried now still he would most likely not admit this, admitting something like that would be a weakness and Mello was as cold and harsh as they came…he couldn't have a weakness in his line of duty to the mafia that he was still in, and leader of. Most of the members were now gone but still Mello had to always make up for what lacked.
A tall woman decked in a police uniform stopped him dead in his tracks, she seemed kind but one could only tell.
"Let me threw damn it!" Mello fumed at the other, she didn't seemed fazed.
"And who might you be?" Mello quickly thought, he couldn't let his emotions get the best of him this time, no that would prove bad. If this woman found out him and Matt were in the mafia they would be surely screwed. "I'm his…lover that's who…" Mello had his voice somewhat low, he didn't want any unwanted attention, the lady seemed shocked just a bit but understood. Mello hadn't lied it was true they were lovers, though they were more then that truly Mello wasn't going to cue this woman on anymore of his and Matt's lifestyle.
'It's like an angels voice sometimes…I think I can hear it now…oh well I doubt he would care about me, when he has Near. I hope he's sorry when I'm gone though…he's an ass to fuck with my heart like that, it's not like I'm some video game character that has infinite hearts after a cheat.'
"Sir please meet us at the hospital, at the moment he is in serious condition, so you will have to wait in the waiting room anyway..." Mello glared at the woman who had spoke, but he understood, and he wasn't sure if he could handle seeing Matt like this anyway. So taking a deep breath he stepped back, he didn't want to leave Matt…because what if the other died, he would be alone, Matt didn't deserve to die alone. Nobody did, but none the less Mello had to think positive, because if Matt didn't live then what would Mello have to live for…Being better then Near was a thing of the past now.
'I guess I can't use a bonus life this time…no more regenerating for me this time...'