A/N: Hello all. This is my first attempt at a Draco/Hermione story. I've had lots of problems and issues with this story so I'm in the process of fixing them all. Here is the new and revised Chapter 1 and I am doing the same with the entire story. I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing in this story. All characters, places, objects, and everything Harry Potter related belongs to Rowling.

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Chapter 1

Rain poured down upon the people attending the funeral. Draco stood over the grave looking down at it. His mother stood beside him dressed completely in black with tear stained cheeks. Draco placed his arm around her shoulder to offer her some comfort; he hated to see her sad for any reason. But he felt no remorse for the man that was now lay in the ground. It was his father, or in his eyes, the man who just provided the necessary sperm to make him. He had made everyday of his life a living hell as he tried to mold him into his clone. Lucius Jr., that's what he looked like. Draco was now free, in a way. He could do as he pleased, but how? He didn't know how to be different. How can he act one way, and go against everything he was taught? He didn't know how to act outside what his father had drilled into him. He didn't know how to be civil with people outside of the Slytherin house, or not degrade someone for their heritage or even know how to love. That was something new to him. Draco loved his mother with his entire heart yes, but what about another human being?

Now with his father out of the way, Draco could live his life as he pleased and explore new things. But he knew it wasn't going to be easy.


Hermione was curled up in a ball on her bed crying. She felt terrible. It had been the best and worst summer ever. She and Ron had finally gotten together. What more could she ask for. It was something she dreamed about for years. Everyone was so happy for them. The two of them went on double dates with Harry and Ginny on several occasions. Hermione practically spent her entire summer at the Burrow. But when it all seemed to be going to well, things took a turn for the worst. Ron was a little to eager with their relationship. He forced Hermione into some things, she wasn't happy but she didn't want to say anything either. Ron eventually pushed her too far and ended up raping her. It was over right after that. Hermione didn't want his parents to know so only Harry and Ginny knew the real reason they broke up. Ron felt so guilty and bad for what he did to Hermione, he never meant for that to happen. Hermione couldn't deal with it or stand to be around Ron anymore so their friendship was gone. Things had changed so much in just that one summer. As Hermione laid there she wondered if things would ever be the same again.


"So everything is ready then Albus?" Severus asked as he paced around Dumbledore's office.

"Yes, all we need now are our two individuals", Albus said smiling at Snape.

Snape sighed, "I just don't think this will work Albus. I mean, look who we are talking about!"

"I agree with Severus." Minerva said, "It's a wonderful idea and all but I'm not sure they can pull it off."

"With assistance, they will be able to pull it off. I told you, I have thought everything through. Don't you trust this old man?"

Snape and McGonagall looked act each other with uneasy faces while Dumbledore just beamed.

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A/N: I still left it as a short chapter because I really didn't want to change too much of it. I hope you find it to be better than before and if it's your first time reading I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think.