AN: I know its been ages and I'm sorry, actually I'm not I've been busy, I've rewritten the first chapter and made improvement and pretty much doubled the length. I'll be swapping them over with in the next couple of weeks when I've done the rest of the chapters. Shadow warrior will also be updated soon. Thanks for the reviews it's funny really that haven't updated in so long and yet the reviews keep coming. Im not really sure where I was going with this story anymore, I had the whole thing planned out but I've lost the file. Don't worry I'll work it out J Enjoy.

The Christmas holidays began tomorrow. The months before were boring and very typical of Hogwarts, Harry had begun teaching Nym some of the magic he had learned with the founders. He had tried teaching her some of Merlin's magic but she didn't have the raw power needed to pull it off. Although the founders were clever they were basically slightly above average power levels but very clever with a specialty, (Gryffindor with swords, Hufflepuff with animals, Ravenclaw with mind, Slytherin with potions and parstle magic)

Harry's power far surpassed each of the founders and he was probably on par with Merlin if not a bit more powerful but less experienced with his power.

"O.K. I want you to fire a stunner at me and I'll show you a very powerful shield"

"Auror stunner or a regular stunner?"

"Regular will do"

"stupefy" a blast of red light went hurtling at Harry who waved his hand and Nym watched as a ice blue shield materialised her eye's widened as the shield turned the same colour as the stunner and pulsed towards her knocking her unconscious

Harry enervated her and began teaching her the wand movements.


Since waking up Ron could be spotted wandering the castle on his own, He had tried to talk to Harry a few times but was stunned and woke up later in his bed before he could even get a word out. Living through the beatings Harry had taken as a child and felt the loneliness of a little boy with nothing and no-one in the world had been a real eye opener for Ron and what was worse was that Hermione wouldn't talk to him either, she spent most of her time in the library or with Harry and Tonks.


Ginny was a mess she couldn't understand why Harry didn't love her. Every girl whose been rescued gets her knight in shining armour why couldn't Harry see that as her hero he had a duty to fall in love with and marry her?


The last day of term and Nym had asked Harry to help out in her defence class as it was the last one she would teach before old toad face came back and she wanted something special.

The class of 5th year students were led out into the school playing fields were the were met with and assault course, not your typical assault course with thing to jump over and crawl through but a magical assault course, designed to drain you to your reserve magic and the a little bit further.

Harry had spent the entire morning setting up this assault course and he was quite proud of it, actually he doubted anyone would get to the end of it, one by one the students ran though the course having to knock out golems and dummies dodge spell fire and work out how to break some very basic wards at the end they had to duel a dummy that was highly restricted and controlled by Harry, only 2 students made it through to the duel and only one came close to beating the dummy, he was awarded with 50 house points, a huge bar of honey dukes chocolate and a trip to the hospital wing for some restorative potion and rest


Harry and Nym had planned to spend Christmas with Sirius and Remus in Grimmould place, Nym spent most of the night looking for misplaced items to pack into her trunk, as clumsy as she was it took twice as long as it should have and Harry felt no reason to tell her she could just summon all of her belongs but watching her trip over herself and grumble about it.

"you could help rather than just sit there and laugh" she moaned after an hour

"why I packed my stuff in two seconds, im just waiting for you to catch on" he said with a cheeky smile

"what's that supposed to mean"

"are you a witch or not?"

"yes but that makes…. Ohhhh"

He laughed again and got a sock in the face for his trouble


Walking toward Hogsmead station Harry and Nym were stopped by Dumbledore.

"Harry I was wondering if I might have a minute of your time please"



"No, you can tell Nym as well"

"Its fine Harry I'll go get us a good compartment"

"I have received information on a planned attack on the Hogwarts express as the students return home for Christmas"

"And you want me to make sure no one gets hurt?"

"Actually I am going to be riding along this time to make sure any attempt to attack is thwarted I was hoping you would assist"

"sure, how many?"

"I was informed it would be up to 12"

"Will the be any other staff or order on the train?"

"yes but they have been instructed to take up strategic points on the train and defend, Nymphadora has been asked the same…."

"she never mentioned anything?" he cut the headmaster off

"Ahh yes I asked her not to before I had this conversation with you, as this is the first time I will have asked for your active help I did not know how you would take it"

"fair enough, which staff is on board?"

"Remus, Sirius, Adorna, Minerva and Philius will take a carriage each and you and I will actively engage the death eaters"

"Oh so that's where Sirius disappeared to, ok, send your patronus when they arrive, I'll be ready"

Harry walked towards the station intent on finding Nym and preparing for battle


Harry arrived in the compartment gave Nym a quick kiss and told to careful, she smiled slightly and rolled her eyes

Harry began pulling his trunk to pieces and pulling this out and leaving them on the seat ready to be put on. He pulled a set of feminine looking dragon hide armour out and handed into Nym.

"when did you get that?"

"ohh it was part of your practical Christmas present"

"my 'practical' present?"

"well I have other things for you but I wanted you protected too"

she pulled him into a tight hug

"you don't have to worry about my safety I'll be fine"

"no amount of protection or training makes you invincible I just want to make sure you have the best protection I can find and this is it"

"Thank you"

Harry turn and began taking his clothes off changing into a pair of baggy jeans and tight fitting t-shirt, just as he finished pulling on the jeans the compartment door slid open and revealed Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Lavender who had been hang around Ron a lot lately each with various looks of shock on there face.

Ron just stood there no bothered in the least, Hermione turned bright red at seeing Harry with no shirt and quickly apologised and spun round so she couldn't see him any more Ginny was giving Harry a lust filled look and Lavender was just staring with her mouth open.

"Can I help you?"

"no we'll comeback" Hermione squeaked as she took off down the corridor

The rest of them still stood

"Look Harry I really want to apologise and I know you aren't going to take it so I thought I would apologise to Tonks, if you still don't want to talk to me fair enough but I really am sorry"

"Tonks I don't know why I get these jealous feelings of Harry and I really don't know why it flares my anger like that because Harry really has had a crappy life and by comparison mine has been brilliant, anyway even when I get angry there is absolutely no reason I should be taking it out on you. Normally, you know when I'm not being a jealous arse I don't think of you like that, I'm sorry"

"Don't worry about it Ron, I accept your apology"

"Thank you"

Ron turned to leave when Harry put his hand on his shoulder, "you can stay"

Ron smiled and took a seat and lavender announced that she would go and see Pavarti to give Harry and Ron some time before she took off down the corridor, Ginny began to say something when Harry cut her off,

"Don't want to hear it"

With a huff she stormed off away, Harry had just got his shirt on when Hermione came back and sat next to Ron, Harry put his armour on next and began strapping weapons on.

"Harry whats going on why are you getting ready for battle?" Hermione asked

"Death eaters have planned an attack"

"We can help" Hermione and Ron both said instantly

"No, there are people on the train to deal with it you will stay here where its safe"

"We never have before" Hermione said defiantly

"But you will this time"

"You can't make us" she replied

"Would you bet your life on that? Don't make me do it but if I have to I will stun you"

"Fine, who's protecting the students?"

"Remus, Nym, Sirius, Adorna, professor McGonagall and professor Flitwick will all guard a carriage each, Dumbledore and myself will be actively engaging them"

"Harry you can't.."

"yes I can and I will, this is what I was trained for and this is what I will do"

he said before strapping a potion belt on, the potion belt held five vials on each side, whilst still attached to the belt the vials had an unbreakable charm on them but the second the were unclipped the charm broke. One side of the belt held 1 of his watered down elixir of life 2 blood replenishing potions and 2 energy restorers, the other side held 1 potion that conjured a cloud of smoke, 1 filled to the brim with basilisk venom 2 exploding potions and a flash bang potion.

The belt its self was a port key back to Hogwarts and held the sheath for his sword and dagger, the armour vest he put on had pockets for throwing knives that he quickly filled, with each item he added he looked more and more lethal. He finished off his armoury with his wand which fit into the holster on his wrist.

"Bloody hell Harry, you planning a slaughter?" Ron asked

"yes" was the simple reply


Its wasn't until a mile before they arrived at the station that Dumbledore's phoenix patronus came streaking into the compartment opening its beak Dumbledore's voice sounded

"15 death eaters at front of train" then the patronus vanished

"Its go time"


Harry took off out of the back compartment they were seated in and locked each door as he made his way to the front of the train, he met the security in the first carriage and listened while Dumbledore gave orders.

"All of you in the front carriage and make sure one makes it to the students, Harry and I will deal with the most of them before they get through"

"That's stupid" Harry butted in, he watched McGonagall's lips thin as he contradicted the headmaster.

"Your thoughts then Harry?"

"They need to be spread across the train, the need to make sure the students don't get out of the compartments and make sure the death eaters don't try to flank us"

"Very well"

The others departed and Harry and Dumbledore put there heads together to plan the assault


The others departed and the train slowed to a halt as the death eaters approached the train, black robes with there hoods raised and porcelain white masks on look every bit terrifying.

The death eaters facing the Hogwarts express just watching almost evaluating it.

"Ready Harry?"

"On three"


"Two……" replied Dumbledore

"THREE" they both chorused as they blew of a door at either side of the scarlet engine and launched themselves out in a hail of hexes and curses

The death eaters began hurling bludgeoning, cutting and killing curses there way Dumbledore throwing up shield after shield, while Harry simple dodged every cure while throwing his own back.

Just after a killing curse flew over Harry's head he began to get mad and threw his flash bang into the middle of the death eaters

A blinding white light and deafening bang caused most of the death eaters to dive to the floor not understanding the concept. Harry began throw his own cutting curses back catching one in the shoulder and taking his arm off.

The screams from the injured death eater where blood curdling but he would find no sympathy from Harry, Dumbledore or his comrades.

Harry continued his assault as the death eaters began to stand back up.

"Come on Potter is that the best you have boy" the remark came from a familiar silky voice, a voice belonging to Lucius Malfoy

"Ohh look, Its daddy Malfoy, here to join your son?"

"You will pay for my boy potter"

"I don't think so" he said as he blasted off a vicious string of curses, the string was florescent greenish-purple colour with a hint of yellow, this was a string of Harry's own design designed to kill Voldemort, he was happy however to allow other death eaters to be guinea pigs

The string was based on a military heat seeking missile, though not confined by technology Harry could make it seek what ever he wanted, only problem he could find with his string was that he had to be pretty close for it to work but considering how complex the magic involve was.

The seeking part of the string was a blast of almost pure magic which took on the signature of the closest source of magic, meaning it had to be cast into another spell in order to pick up the targets magical signature. Following the pure magic was a shields breaking curse, not many people could cast a shields breaker (hence why there are so few curse breakers) and the one Harry attached to his spell string was developed by the roman mages and was the main reason behind the success of the roman empire. Closely followed by a Gaelic killing curse (much like the regular killing curse in the sense that it killed the target except instead of no signs of injury from the avada, the Gaelic killing curse explodes the heart).

Malfoy took the hit in the chest, grasping his wand he hit the floor as the light of his eyes faded.


It didn't take long for Harry and Dumbledoor to finish off what was left of the death eaters stunning the few who weren't dead and leaving them in the drivers carriage with adorna and Sirius to watch over them.

Harry and Nym went to find the carriage with Ron and Hermione Harry quickly took all hof his armour and weapons away and spent the rest of the journey chatting with his best friends