Title: Limericks, Poems and Songs, Oh My!

Summary: This is how our tale starts, With a B-Ball jock and a girl with smarts…A series of HSM inspired limericks, songs and poems.

Rating: K

Disclaimer: High School Musical and all its characters belong to Disney. I'm just borrowing them for a while.

A/N: Ever wondered what HSM would be like if it was a poem? Then read on…

This is how our tale starts

With a B-Ball jock and a girl with smarts

Singing karaoke on New Year's Eve,

They began to really believe

That they'd found the other half of their hearts

But, alas, they parted ways

With a shy smile and a wave

But that is not the end you see,

For the girl moved to Albuquerque

So they met again in just seven days!

This predicament they did not mind,

Because in each other they did find

The courage to sing,

(Even to a basketball ring)

And for the school musical they did sign!

Talent they did not lack

As they sang out into the black

Ms Darbus heard all,

So out she did call

Bolton! Montez! A callback!

Then, from the hallways of East High

Came an ear-splitting cry

'How dare they do this!'

The ice queen did hiss

'We must stop them, my dear brother Ry'

But it was not the twins who did tear

Apart our sweet pair

But her friend and his mate

With their misguided hate

Made the girl think the jock didn't care

This did not last long

As the friends realised their wrong

They climbed up to the roof

Told the jock the whole truth

And he won back the girl with a song

But, as our pair's voices did blend

There was one last twist, one little bend

The twins made a change

The dates they did rearrange

So that everything was at Friday's end

The game, the competition, the callback too!

What in the world were they going to do?

But, never fear for our clan

Came up with a plan

With a laptop, a signal and goo

The girl, she did write, the guy, he did play,

Then they sang 'Breaking Free' in their own way

The crowd did applause

Clapped their hands, stomped on floors

As our couple beat out Ryan and Sharpay

So, you ask 'How did it end, Ellie?'

'Quite happily', you see

Our couple with a grin

Pulled off the triple win

And that's the tale of Troy and his Gabi!