I don't own Pokémon, I won't own Pokémon. But I do own this story line and everything that isn't from the series.

I honor of the holidays, I thought I'd make a little holiday fic and have some fun. So go ahead and read! Have fun ya'll!

" " - talking; Italics – thinking; ' ' - speaking telepathically

Xxxxxx - break in day or event; Xxxxxxxxxxxx - change of days


Chase woke up as the sun rose over the horizon. He looked around and remembered where he was after a few minutes. He was in the guest room, with Leta's room on the left and Adam's room on the right. He looked over to the clock and saw that the time was 7:07 am. I wonder what time everyone wakes up around here, Chase thought, as he got ready for the day to begin.

Chase eased his door open and looked up and down the hallway. Coast seems clear, he thought, as he stepped out and headed for the stairs. When he got downstairs, he saw something weird. "You're up?"

Leta merely just mumbled while sleeping on the couch. She then opened her eyes and saw Chase standing before her. She sat up as she said,"Morning Chase. How did you sleep?"

"Like a log," Chase laughed as he sat down beside Leta. They had had fun the night before, and when they returned to Leta's house, both of them were really tired. They talked about all of the songs that played while they danced. And about how Ryan kept on trying to cut in.

"You know, I would have come with you guys when you left," Chase said. "But, I had to go get your gift. And I couldn't have you there when I went and got it."

"Oh really?" Leta asked. "What did you go get me?!"

"Shouldn't we wait for everyone to wake up first?" Chase asked.

"We could," Leta sighed. "Or we could exchange our gifts now. Either way, I got what I wanted already." Leta leaned on Chase and rested her head on his shoulder. Chase put his arm around her, and they both dozed off on the couch.

It wasn't too long after that that everyone else started to wake up. Adam, Megan, and the parents all snuck downstairs and whispered quietly to one another after seeing Chase and Leta together on the couch.

"I've got an idea," Adam said, pulling out his camera. The others caught on and started to laugh a little. Adam positioned the camera and snapped a shot. Both of their eyes snapped open and they looked around the room. "And now, one more with everyone," Adam said, setting the camera on its tripod. Chase and Leta didn't move, since everyone was gathering on the couch, and keeping them in the middle.

Since no one knew that Chase was coming, Chase excused himself to the couch again as everyone went to exchange gifts. That is, except for Leta, since she did have something for Chase. "Merry Christmas Chase," she said as she held a box out for him.

"Thank you Leta," Chase said, taking the box. "And Merry Christmas to you too Leta," he said, holding two pokéballs out for Leta.

"I thought you said that you captured me something, not some things," Leta said looking at the second pokéball.

"Well, let's go outside and you'll see," Chase said, walking to the door.

Leta 'released' what was in the first pokéball. But instead of a pokémon, she looked in the ball. Inside of the ball was a necklace that had a crystal dragon's fang. Chase picked it up and put it around her neck, hooking it together behind her back. In doing so, it brought them together closely. "It's beautiful," Leta whispered. Chase smiled softly as he leaned in and kissed Leta.

When he pulled away, Chase said, "I'm glad you like it. Now, the other pokéball." He held the other one up. Leta took the second pokéball and 'released' what was inside.

Out of the pokéball came a Dratini. But there was something odd about it. Instead of the usual blue colored Dratini's that are seen, this one was a pinkish color. "Dratini," it said.

Leta jumped up and down. "A DRATINI! I LOVE IT!" she yelled as she hugged it. "Is this why you were almost late?"

Chase laughed nervously. "Yeah, kind of. I saw plenty of regular Dratinis. But Clair said that she had seen a pink one. So I knew that was the one that I wanted to get you." After a few minutes, he said, "Shall we go back inside and show everyone what you got?"

"Yes, we should," Leta said excitedly. But before they got to the door, they heard someone running from the street.

Leta turned around to see Ryan running up to her. Chase watched him carefully as Leta rolled her eyes to herself. "Look," Ryan started, "I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm here to apologize for last night. And to give you this also." Leta took the box and opened it up. Inside was a book on dragon pokémon. "I thought that you could use that." Then Ryan turned to leave.

"Ryan, wait," Leta said. Ryan stopped and turned back. "Wait here, I'll be right back." Leta went back inside and reappeared within a few minutes. "I know you want to be an Eevee trainer. So here. This'll help you."

Ryan opened the box and saw three evolutionary stones. "I thought you hated me."

"Your not so bad when your not being weenie about things," Leta said. "And now, if you'll excuse us, we have to get back inside," as Leta grabbed Chase and led him inside.

Ryan left the house and went back to his house. You may have one our first battle. But we'll see who the stronger one in time is

"So what was so special that you had to go outside and not share with us," Adam asked teasingly.

"Well, number one, this," Leta said, pointing to the crystal dragon fang necklace.

"That is so pretty," Megan said, eyeing it closely. "This had to cost a fortune," she said looking at Chase. Chase laughed nervously.

"And also this," Leta said, releasing the Dratini.

"A PINK ONE?! I'VE NEVER SEEN A PINK ONE!" Adam said, staring at the Dratini.

"Wait a sec, you never opened your yet Chase," Leta said, turning to face Chase.

"I guess you're right, I should, shouldn't I?" Chase asked, picking up the box that Leta had given him earlier. He pulled the top of, and saw what lay at the bottom. It was a pendant that had a small piece of a fire stone, a water stone, a thunder stone, an ever stone, a sun stone, and a moon stone. "I guess each one resembles an Eeveelution?" Leta shook her head. "I like it," he said as he put it one. "Thank you," he said as he hugged Leta again.


Later that evening, the entire family had sat down to watch the fire before they went to bed. Mrs. Masters had suggested that the smaller pokémon be let out of their pokéballs to stretch. All of Chase's eevees were curled up by the fire, but Sunny (Espeon) and Shadow (Umbreon) were curled up together. Adam had let his Absol out, along with Leta's Raichu, and her new Dratini to show it off.

Everyone else had decided to go to bed, but Chase and Leta stayed up and watched the fire on the couch. Somehow, they had turned their attention to the window, and watched the snow fall outside the window. Chase got up and went over the window. "It's been a while since I've seen snow. It was right before my parents disappeared."

Leta got up and went over to Chase. She stared at him as he stared out the window. "We'll find them. We will find your true parents Chase."

"I know we will," Chase said turning to Leta. "And thank you. This has been the best Christmas I've had in a long time."

"And you know what?" Leta asked quietly.

"What?" Chase asked.

"There's still time for one more dance," she said, turning on the radio softly.

As they started to dance, they got closer, and closer, until they kissed again.

FLASH "HA! I knew if I waited long enough I'd get proof for Misty!" Adam said from the stairway.

"WHY YOU…" Leta said, starting to run off after Adam. But Chase held her back.

"It was bound to happen," he said, looking at her softly. Leta forgot the camera and smiled softly again. They started to dance again, and this time, nothing interrupted them, or their kiss.



That there is the final chapter of Christmas with the Masters!

Next up: The Return of Chase.

And at the same time, I want to try to work on Hoenn University as well.

But I'm going to take some time to relax the old brain.

I hope that everyone is having a Merry Christmas, or whatever you may be celebrating. So HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone.