Ok guys like I promised here's the epilogue so here we go

Lyanne had ended up staying with Tyler in Ipswich instead of going back to Arkansas after learning that during the day before Lyanne ran her parents had died in a 'car crash'. Lyanne went back only for a little while for the funeral and making sure the house and her animals were all ok. She still owned the house not being able to sell her childhood home.

She did though move her animals up to Ipswich where Mrs. Simms was kind enough to let them stay in the house. She slept with her dogs Hershey, Snickers, and Moose every night just like she did when she lived back at home.

Tyler made fun of the fact all of her dogs were named after chocolate when they were chocolate Labradors, especially after Lyanne explained that moose used to be Mousse before he got so big. But Tyler soon also fell in love the wise and calm Hershey; normally calm Snickers who could get angry if you messed with his stuff and the slightly stupid interjected Moose.

Fun thing was Hershey even though she was a girl reminded Tyler of Caleb, Snicker of Pogue and Moose of Reid. When he told Lyanne about this she smiled and said they had reminded her of that long ago before Chase came back into their lived.

It was a hot Monday afternoon in July and Lyanne was sitting in a tree in the backyard reading when Tyler walked under her. "Hey" Tyler smiled up at her,

"Hey" Lyanne called back.

"You know it's too bad you're not wearing a skirt cause I would have a great view right now." Tyler snickered. Lyanne just shook her head and jumped down out of the tree.

"You need to stop hanging out with Reid so much you're sounding a lot like him right now." Lyanne said as she smirked at him.

"Well I've got a surprise for you but you just hurt my feelings I don't think I wanna give it to you know" Tyler said looking completely serious.

"Surprise?" Lyanne asked. She loved surprises. Tyler just nodded, "Oh please give it too me I'll never compare you to Reid again unless I'm making you sound better." She said giving him her puppy dog look that Tyler could never say no too.

"Well ok, Come with me" Tyler said as he grabbed her hand and they walked towards the small lake in the back of the Simms property.

Once they got there Lyanne saw a small picnic basket and a blanket just for the two of them. Lyanne looked at Tyler before sitting down on the blanket and looking in basket. There was a pumpkin pie, some potato salad, baked carrots, bbq ribs, and some Hershey's kisses. She looked at Tyler who was sitting next to her. "It's all my favorite foods."

"I know we said you didn't want to do anything on our sixth month anniversary cause it was also your parents but I just couldn't help it. Are you mad?" Tyler asked.

"Mad? How could I be mad this is one of the sweetest things you've ever done." Lyanne said "I just feel bad that I didn't do anything for you know." Lyanne said looking at him.

"Didn't do anything? You're here with me living with me in my house, though sadly not in my room." Tyler said as Lyanne interpret him,
"I'm sorry but my parents told me that I should never live with a boy before marriage so the separate room thing is gunna stay sorry." Lyanne smiled at him.

"It's cool I understand. All that matters is that you are here with me now and I love you" Lyanne leaned over a kissed him softly. "I'm glad I'm here with you. Now let's eat I'm hungry." She said as Tyler laughed. They sat and talked as they ate and now they were just sitting watching the sun set behind the trees and the lake. When the sky was filled with oranges, pinks, and purples Tyler turned to Lyanne. "Lyanne I know it's only been 6 months but it feels like a life time and I know I love you and I will never love anyone as much as you so… Will you Cassandra Lyanne Craft marry me?" Tyler asked as he held out a beautiful ring. Lyanne gasped at it. "It looks almost like my mother's."

"That's because it is but I had them add a little blue and brown for our eyes, I hope you don't mind." Tyler said quietly.

Lyanne looked at the ring and then at Tyler with a smile, "How could I say no. Tyler Anthony Simms of course I will marry you." She said as she leaned forward to capture his lips with hers.

One Year Later

Lyanne was so nervous. She was only nineteen and getting married. She was freaking out here. She was already dressed in her white gown because though to Tyler's dismay at first and Reid's teasing she was raised to wait until marriage. It was beautiful It was off the shoulder's and snug around her chest with a flowing bottom that look more like it come from a fairy tell.

Lyanne was freaking out. "What am I doing? I can't get married. There are statistics that show that anyone between ages 18 and 22 who get married normally have failed marriages after just a year. I don't want that to happen." Lyanne said as she pasted the room.

Kate and Sarah walked over to her and stopped her. She had Lyanne look her in the eye. "You can do this Lyanne you love each other" Sarah said

"Yes and you are Tyler are not normal none of us are you will be fine." Kate commented

"No. No. No!" Lyanne said as she broke from two of her three brides maids. "No He'll take on look at me today and think he's making the biggest mistake of his life." Lyanne said as she started to walk around muttering things again.

Regen then walked into the room. "Is she freaking out again?" Regen asked. Both Sarah and Kate nodded. Regen then rolled her eyes and walked over to Lyanne and turned her to face her. With that Regen brought a hand up and slapped Lyanne across the face. Not hard but enough to wake her up. "Better now?" Regen asked.

"Thank you I need that." Lyanne said as she held her cheek and smiled at Regen.

"And that's why I'm the maid of honor." She said as he turned to the others and took a little curtsey.

Just then a man about the age of 20 came into the room. "Hey," He said, "Wow Lyanne you look so wonderful." Lyanne smiled.

"Andrew, I'm so glad you agreed to this. You're like the big brother I wish I had growing up." Lyanne said.

"Well we should go cause it's time for you to marry the man of your dreams." Andrew said as he offered his arm to Lyanne.

With that they walked into the same church that Lyanne's parents had gotten married in and on the same day, July 21st.

"Happily ever afters really did come true." Lyanne whispered to Andrew as the doors opened and she saw Tyler standing at the front with the others

"Of course they do. Just for you CL. Just for you" Andrew whispered.

So I hope y'all like it I loved the thought of Tyler getting married first. Come on if you were with that guy you'd want to snatch him up fast too

God I mean Chance Crawford hello who wouldn't want that. Lol

And just to clear things up. Andrew and Lyanne are just friends more like brother and sister. They were next-door neighbors until Lyanne when to Ipswich. Since her dad is dead and she doesn't have any relative's really I had a good friend walk her down. He likes Tyler just FYI.

Don't forget my other Regen and Reid story coming soon it's called A little R and R

