Disclaimer: Nope, no owning here! Sorry... XP

AN: 0.0 I'm in double didgets for this chapter... Awesome!! XD Lol Read and enjoy, ne? Review if you wish. :)


"Well, let's begin training, then, ne?" Sakura grinned at her fellow Prophecy members. "How 'bout it?"

Tenten, Ino, Temari, and Hinata laughed at their friends antics, while Karin, Kin, and Tayuya smirked. "Why not...?"

End Recap

Lightning, Earth, Wind, Water, And Fire

Ch.10 - Let the Training Begin! How ... Refreshing?

The girls split into three groups of two, with two girls sitting out, since there wasn't enough room for all of them at once to train efficiently. Hinata and Tenten sat out first and reffed.

Once they got the sparring partners sorted out, they spread out - not too far so that they couldn't be seen, but enough to not interfere with other fights.

"Are you ready to start, Leader?" Kin asked, sarcasm was evident in her mocking voice, but Sakura ignored it.

"When you are."

Ino smirked at her friend, then faced her own sparring partner, Tayuya. "How about you?"

"I'm fine." she spat.

Temari and Karin were last set. They seemed to only the ones that weren't at eachothers' throats.

"Alright!" Tenten shouted from the side lines, Hinata at her side. "Ready... Begin!"

With that, all six girls blurred into action. It had been decided that weapons were allowed, but it was mainly Taijutsu being used. This, of course, set Sakura at a great advantage with her strength (though, Kin doesn't know that ... yet.) and was probably the reason that Tenten was so excited. The weapon mistress had adrenaline racing through her veins, and hadn't quite wanted to sit at the edge, but was reassured that she'd get a chance.

Hinata sighed as she ducked a random kunai that had been dodged by whomever it was aimed for, to almost hit her shoulder. Hyuugas always had an advantage in Taijutsu, too, with their Byakugan, so she wasn't fairing all that well with her excitement, either. Of course, she didn't show it the way her hyper friend did, and just leaned against a tree, watching the fights in front of her.

"Got you cornered, Leader! What now, huh?"

The girls that knew Sakura, just sighed. Kin really couldn't have prepared for what was bound to come, but did she have to taunt her?


"... That was a pretty strong hit, even by Sakura's standards, huh?" Hinata asked Tenten, not even noticing that her stutters were completely gone.

The brunnette nodded slowly. "Yeah, I noticed that, too..."

"Maybe it's the elements showing through?"

"Maybe... Well, that's a good thing. We are, after all, trying to get them to start going again."

"True." Hinata smiled. "Let's just hope that no one gets hurt, ne?"

Tenten shrugged. "I hope that they do get hurt!"

"Tenten!" Hinata exclaimed.

She laughed. "Aw, come on! Think about it; if they get hurt, they might be a little more careful when sparring!"

"I guess..."

The two girls turned back to the fights, sighing in anticipation as weapons, punches, kicks, powerful gusts of wind and water flew through the ai- ... Water and strong winds? Now, that wasn't quite right...

"HOLD UP!" Tenten cried out, racing towards where Karin and Temari were fighting. "No using water and wind jutsus in these fights! There are no jutsus allowed in these spars!"

Karin looked up, confusion clear in her face. "Wha-?"

"We didn't... Did we?" Temari asked. Looking around, she noticed that they did in fact have water in mid-air, following Karin's arm movements and she had strong wind that was circling in some odd way around her outstretched fingertips. "Oh."

"Yeah... Maybe you guys should just not spar and instead focus on other things near by?" Tenten suggested. It was no secret that this got her more excited and if they practiced on inanimate objects, they could all train at once.

"Hai, hai, Tenten!" Temari laughed, beckoning the Weapon Mistress and Hyuuga heiress over as she . "I'll take the stone statue over there. If I can make my winds knock that down, we'll know that these powers of ours are really something!" She motioned to the large, sturdy art piece near the edge of where they were in the middle of a rather ancient looking ruins. They had noticed the area earlier, so the other seven nodded in agreement.

"Alright, I'll use the statue beside it, then, with my wind abilities." Hinata said, already walking to her space near the Sand kunoichi who was already there.

"Cool. Karin?" Sakura asked, turning to the redhead now beside her. "Let's head to the nearest water source. We can practice manipulating our water specialty before we start trying to actually create it."

After receiving a nod in response, the two head off to where Hinata told them that she had seen a lake from earlier. It wasn't too far, after all.

Tenten glanced at Kin and Tayuya. "Which one of you have the main earth ability?"

"How would we know?" Tayuya snarled.

The weapon fanatic smirked. "One of you is a medic and has the fire ability. The one that can't use healing jutsus has earth."

Kin sighed. "I'm defintely not a medic! I must be specializing in earth, then. Why?"

Tenten turned her attention to the long haired ex-Sound ninja. "Do you want to head to that mountain, then, to work on our abilities? It's easier with two..."

She smiled. "Sure."

With that, the two left the group, only Tayuya and Ino left.

"Fire?" the blonde asked, though it was really unnecessary.


"Let's go then." Ino stated, annoyed at having to go with the girl that she had just sparred with, but they both understood that they'd have to at least try to actually make this thing work out - whatever it was that they were working to; they still weren't entirely sure, but they had a feeling that the book was right. Teamwork would be needed before the were 'done'.

Tayuya just soundlessly complied. What was the point of arguing, anyway?

A couple hours later - With Temari and Hinata

"A-anything?" Hinata huffed out, barely able to even say that.'

Temari wasn't quite as bad, as she was older, more experienced in the wind category, and wasn't pushing herself quite as hard as the Hyuuga female in front of her. She shrugged. "A l-little. It's budged a c-couple times." she muttered, panting a little. "This is way harder than I th-thought. Oi... L-long sentences."

Of course, that didn't mean that she was energetic; she could just stand straighter. Who seriously knew that making wind knock over a thousand pound statue that had been there for about two hundred years (if not more) fall over while still wearing those blasted weights?!

...Okay, rhetorical question.

"Uh-huh." Hinata nodded, getting up from her knees, her sore limbs a little shaky. "Ugh. B-break?"

Temari took a deep breath, putting a lot of energy into not stuttering and panting out every syllable she made. "Definitely."

With that, the two immediately headed back to the clearing in which they had all been not five hours before.

... Only to find the group already there and happily drinking some cold water or resting contently under the shade of some tree.

'Heaven!' they both thought, simultaneously and joined the group, with barely so much as a grunt or nod in acknowledgement of the other members.

After about half an hour of relaxing, Hinata realized something. "Hey... Where's Sakura and Karin?"

Receiving silence and confused, as well as slightly worried looks, she concluded that no one else had noticed.\

"Great. Our leader was missing and not a single person noticed!" Kin muttered under her light jacket that was shielding her face from the hot afternoon sun.

Ino snorted. "She's probably just with Karin passed out on the ... beach..."

In quick realization, each girl sprung to their feet and ran as fast as they could to the water side, some already loosening their clothes.

Sure enough, there were the two missing members, sprawled about ten feet from one another, happily lying on the grass by the lake's bank, feet dangling loosely in the cool water. Wasting no time, all six other joined them, spread out comfortably after soaking their faces. They all needed that badly.

'Can't wait until I get to focus on water...'Hinata thought, half excited, and half absentmindedly, not knowing that every single one, except the lucky two, were thinking along the same lines, themselves. 'What interesting methods we have.'

With that last, random thought, the kunoichi stretched lazily, gave a light chuckle, and allowed herself to drift off to sleep.

Late, that evening

Ino yawned as she threw her arms above her carelessly, absently swishing her feet in the water in front of her. She smiled, slowly letting herself go back to her such relaxing sl- Wait? Water? Sleep??

'Oh, great. We all fell asleep! So much for training.'The blonde grinned as she glanced around at the other members. 'Ah, well. We deserve it.'

Nodding off slowly, she smiled softly. 'I think - whatever we need to do - we're doing it right. We may actually have a chance with teamwork. I just hope it ... lasts...'


AN: Woah. I just thought of something really cool... What if Kishimoto-sama read one of these stories? I think I'd die. Even just reading their review on someone else's story! Lol Well, since that's just my dream, how about you guys review instead, ne? Hope you enjoyed! Ja!

My awesome reviewers are as follows, because you guys help me so much:

Wolora, Luka1Sakura, PieciesHateScorpios, Lady V-chan, PR Sakura, Xxnarutofan101xX, and ... (anon)


- Cady :D