The story that you will find written on these pages... the story that I am about to tell you... might seem a bit strange in nature, and somehow... typical. However, I assure you that disappointment will not grasp you in its dark clutches. Most of this story... the story of Midorikawa Retasu, is told mostly in a place known as Okumora
Junior High School, in the city of Tokyo Japan. Life seemed to be going well for Retasu. She had a job, she had acquired a few friends, and had even begun to fall in love. Yes... things were working out just fine for our heroine...
Until she drowned in the school pool. After strange findings in her corpse, undercover research begun, and a certain bit of information that would normally be top secret, was given to an outsider. Kurogawa Pai, an upperclassman of Retasu's from the High School branch. He began to spend more and more time around the pool that was said to be haunted, and there... He found most... mysterious things. The players in this tale of woe are as follows... Kurogawa, Pai. At the age of 17, he entered his third year of education at Okumora Daifuzoku High School, and became slightly acquainted with Midorikawa Retasu. Midorikawa, Retasu. Drowned at the age of 14. Mysterious articles of evidence were found in her body. Before her corpse was found, she began to fall in love with Kurogawa Pai. Please, sit back, grab a cup of tea, and read what has been written on these pages. I do hope that you enjoy it.