Disclaimer: Don't own it, wish I did.

A/N: Well, this is it. End game. I hope you all let me know how you liked the finished product. Usually I write three times as much as I end up posting (I edit the crap out of it. So if anyone thinks my writing would improve by expanding on stuff, please let me know. I have about 14 different stories going now and I'm determined not to post until one is completely finished. Again, thank you all for your support and encouragement. It means a great deal to me. You guys roll (rock is overused)!

"I still don't see why I need to go. It's not like I'm essential or anything. They'll get along fine without me." Veronica practically begged her uncle as she paced the apartment floor and cast furtive glances at him to see if she was softening his disposition. He was a hard read. Of course, with Keith being a PI Veronica expected him to be a good at subterfuge and hiding his emotions.

Keith was close to giving in to his manipulative niece. He wanted to but the thought of his sister's anger, especially if it was directed toward him, stopped him.

"Veronica, you know that this is the only thing that your aunt has asked of you since you've moved here. It's shown remarkable restraint on her part, particularly since you chose to live with me. I would think that the least you could do is to go along with her wishes this time." Keith tried not to look at his niece for fear that he'd give in to the disappointment in her eyes. He was always a sucker for those eyes.

"But Uncle Keith, I'll be miserable. I know it. You don't know what it's like to have those people all around you. Staring at you, judging you. It's worse than school. While you know what they are dong, you have to smile and sit there like an idiot. It's humiliating," she finished dramatically throwing herself onto the couch and casting a peek at her uncle.

"Too bad. You almost had me but you went a little over the top on that last part. Overreacting isn't in your genes." "This from the man who broke down in tears because the video store did not have Slap Shot. What did you call it? 'A travesty, A sin against humans' that they 'deprived you of your inalienable right to watch the world's greatest sports movie.' Now that was overacting," Veronica huffed making her point.

"My feelings match the situation," Keith defended his actions and favorite movie. "Now enough with the procrastination, you need to get to your aunt's."

Veronica cursed under her breath. Leave it to her aunt and uncle to start with the demands as soon as they noticed the change in Veronica's attitude when she called them. Immediately following the call, there had been invitations to various events along with Veronica's aunt trying to coax her into "feminine" activities like shopping or spa days. Veronica loved her aunt and uncle; she really did but she wasn't sure if she was ready to go back to her old world even if it was in such a limited fashion. But it seemed like she had no choice. Her family was united in their decision and although Veronica was strong and stubborn, she got that from her family and they were experts. As the saying went, "Resistance is futile." With anxiety filling every part of her, Veronica left the relative safety of Neptune.

On the drive to LA, Veronica found herself singing alternative hits while reflecting on recent events. With school on winter break, Veronica had more time to spend with her friends. Christmas in California was to say the least unusual. Veronica was used to the crisp chill and winter whiteness of New England, not the partly sunny, moderate temperature of California. However, her group took advantage of that and showed her what fun Christmas could be by doing tons of outdoor activities. They had beach days, cookouts, went hiking, and played mini golf. Weevil had even taunted her until she went on a motorcycle ride up and down the coast. Although she would never admit it to his face, it was by far Veronica's favorite part of break.

One would think that Veronica's revenge on Lilly would have been her favorite part but Veronica did not take joy in her actions. Logically, she knew that something had to be done in order for Lilly to back down and not do anything back to her. However, Veronica could never stand to see someone hurt. She was a sucker for the underdog. After the initial reveal and the feeling of success, Veronica quickly reverted to her primary feeling of sympathy for Lilly. Not that Lilly would appreciate it if she found out that Veronica pitied her but Veronica couldn't help what she felt. She decided to be true to herself and that meant taking responsibility for her actions and emotions. The trouble with being true was that it made her vulnerable. Vulnerable to unintentional or intentional hurt from friends, family members, and acquaintances. However, without being vulnerable and thus true, she really didn't have any relationship just empty shells based on lies and half-truths. Veronica didn't want the empty shell any more. She wanted a fulfilled life. She owed that to her parents, Duncan, and most of all, herself. Veronica felt absolutely sure of her actions. She sent a silent "thank you" to Duncan and could have sworn she heard his voice whisper "you're welcome."

Her friends noticed the changes in her immediately. Overtures at friendship in the past were made as if forced. Now her interactions were characterized by genuineness and a certain ease. She expressed concern and care about their lives and opened up to sharing some of her "secrets" with them. They all responded positively to her revelations and even showed their support by cheering her on at a martial arts tournament. Mac gushed about her "girl power", Weevil wanted her in the gang, Wallace thought she was a "bad ass", and Dick was frankly a little scared of her which Veronica kinda liked.

Along with being truthful about almost all of her secrets, Veronica also discussed the Lilly revenge and the twinge of guilt she felt over it. She experienced even more guilt when she discovered that the elder Kanes were sending Lilly to a strict all girls boarding school after Christmas break. Weevil told Veronica that Lilly deserved worse but the basic consensus was that Lilly had crossed, no leaped over the line by physically endangering Veronica. Harsh though Veronica's revenge might have been, she never physically endangered Lilly. Some people even expressed the opinion that Veronica had helped Lilly by forcing Lilly's parents to see her for what she was and take steps to provide the structure and discipline she required. Maybe Lilly would become a decent person, who knew?

Surprising herself, Veronica also talked about Logan and her feelings for him. The boys tried to, and primarily successfully avoided this topic. Mac, not being the typical "girly girl" was new to discussing boys but she gave it her all for Veronica. In particular, Veronica wasn't sure how she felt about Logan's lack of response to her revenge and plot against Lilly. On the one hand, she was glad he acknowledged it in a quiet way but did not force any further interaction but on the other hand, she had to admit that she wanted some further type of contact with him. Veronica missed the Logan who had expressed his interest in such a flagrant manner. She thought she must be sick and perverse to want such attention but there you have it, Veronica craved it only from Logan. Now the question became, what would she do about it? After so many put downs and direct refusals, Logan wouldn't be open to her advances. Would he?

Sighing in frustration, Veronica turned up her car stereo to block out her thoughts. The station had changed and now an end-of-the-year countdown was on. Ugh! Top 40. Nope. As she went to change the station, the DJ started talking about New Year's resolutions. Veronica listened for awhile. Most people who called in wanted the usual to lose weight. What was her resolution? Instantly, she knew that her resolution would be to try her hardest to have some sort of relationship with Logan. Even if she failed, at least she would have tried. And wouldn't her trying blow Logan away? Giving a bright smile, Veronica thought again that Duncan and her parents would be proud of this new turn of events and how she was more and more like herself. She was so excited that she almost missed the exit for her aunt's house and the torture of a three hour getting reading process.

Meanwhile, in another part of town, Logan sulkily flopped on the overstuffed couch in his parents' suite. The suite was richly decorated in metals and bold colors indicative of an industrial design. It didn't help Logan's mood. The suite screamed of uptightness, control, and people who, in Logan's opinion, didn't have any taste. Enter his parents.

Logan sighed. Speak of no taste and they appear. He gave another sigh and sank deeper into the couch which was the only comfortable piece of furniture in the suite. His mother approached and asked worriedly, "Logan, sweetheart, what's wrong?"

Aaron Echolls, his father, interrupted, "Lynne, stop coddling the boy. How is he ever going to grow up and become a man if you keep insisting on treating him like a baby?"

"I'm not coddling him, Aaron. I'm just inquiring if something is wrong. That shows concern about his emotional well-being," Lynne insisted while putting her arm around Logan's shoulder in a half-hug.

Logan followed their conversation like he was following a tennis match, watching the ball bounce to and from each side of the court. His parents were masters at one-uping each other and the conversation or match as he liked to refer to it kept going. Before things had a chance to become too heated between his parents, Logan introjected, "Look I just don't understand why I'm being forced to attend this big shindig. It's not like my name was on the invite or that they'll miss me. Why can't I go back to Neptune and spend time with my friends on New Year's?"

"Son, this party is a big opportunity for this family to receive an invitation to such a prestigious party. Only a limited number of priviledged people receive them. My career could rise exponentially if this works out and the right connections are made. Since our hosts pride themselves on family values, we are going as a family. We will present ourselves as the embodiment of a typical, loving, unified family. Got it?" Aaron explained his voice rising with each word as the seriousness of his expectations became clear.

Inwardly, Logan blanched at his father's tone but he did not show any outward reaction other than a calm demeanor. "Sure. Got it. A perfect family. That's us," he replied sarcastically.

Aaron chose to ignore the sarcasm and broke into a smile. His glinting eyes passed from his stunning wife to his prodigal son. "Alright. Everyone's with the program. Let's saddle up and show them the charm of the Echolls clan."

"Yee haw!" Logan thought with his trademark sarcasm. Well, at least he wouldn't be missing much in Neptune. Dick informed him that Veronica was off to some sort of mysterious family weekend. Veronica Mars strikes again. He was curious to find out what kind of wonderful explanation laid at the bottom of this mystery but despite his never-ending questions to Dick, the blond gave no answer. Honestly, he didn't have the answers to give. Logan knew Dick well enough to know that Dick would have broken long before he ended his questioning. What Logan had learned was that Veronica's demeanor had steadily improved and that the others were really fond of this new Veronica. It was hard to believe that someone who at first put on airs of not caring about anyone or anything would be so integrated and involved in such a variety of other's lives. A surfer dude, a tech girl, a biker, and your average Joe. Veronica clicked with them all.

Logan believed Veronica's ultimate turning point came after Dick's party, otherwise known as Lilly's downfall. Logan couldn't help but smirk a little as he remembered that night and the consequences that followed. Lilly was becoming out of control and she needed to be stopped. Frankly, if Veronica hadn't done something, Logan had developed a tentative plan to stop Lilly. Thankfully, he did not have to enact that plan because really the plan was just too harsh.

Admittedly, Logan did not love Lilly, but she had a place in his heart and he didn't want to see her truly suffer. Logan hoped that the new boarding school the Kanes enrolled Lilly in would tame some of Lilly's self-destructive behavior. His thoughts and best wishes were with her. Before she left for he new home, Lilly called Logan to tell him goodbye. Through her sobs and apologies, Lilly asked Logan to apologize to Veronica for her as she finally realized that her actions could have caused Veronica serious harm if the carnie boys would have gone any further.

Logan felt a great deal of pride for the steps that Lilly had already taken toward a more mature outlook. When he hung up the phone, Logan knew that their friendship had come full circle. The former lovers were friends with a colorful history that only served to deepen and enhance their relationship.

As for the other main female in his life, although she didn't know it or wouldn't acknowledge it, Logan hoped that the New Year would bring about a change in their status quo of their mutual inactivity. He was almost positive that Dick's stories of Veronica's continued change could only bode well for him too.

The venue for the party was packed. Apparently here were a lot of exclusive people invited to this soirée. Bangles, beading, and baubles abounded on the trophy wives and practically every female in the room. Robin Hood would make a killing in this room thought Logan. The age range covered adolescents through what Logan estimated to be octogenarians. Already he caught several "ladies" shooting him interested looks. Not that he was interested. His interest was already firmly attached to someone else and there were no signs of it slipping.

Surveying other aspects of the room, Logan took in the various ice sculptures, floral designs, lighting, and culinary presentations. Swanky. The design of the room had circular tables to better encourage conversation surrounding a huge dance floor. At one end of the dance floor on a raised platform an orchestra, decked out in customary black, played old standards. Off to the side of the orchestra one table stood apart from the rest. For one it was a rectangle, for another there was a lectern for a speaker. It looked like there was going to be a presentation of some sort. A cover was placed over something that was sure to be unveiled. As of yet, the main table was unoccupied.

The Echolls were led to their table which was on the edge of the dance floor. It afforded them an unobstructed view of the main table. Aaron was noticeably pleased by their placement. He considered their seating a power position. One where he could easily be able to flaunt his status and prestige and further his own advancement. Lynne didn't mind their table as she knew from past experience that those closest to the dance floor were often the most sought after for dance partners. Potentially, she could be occupied and away form Aaron for the majority of the night. Lynne smiled as a rather dapper executive asked her permission to dance. And so the night began.

Logan drummed his fingers on the table. He didn't know how much more of this party he could take. While his mother had been trippin' the light fantastic for the last 45 minutes, his father busied himself schmoozing the bigwigs in the industry. Logan thought Aaron should wipe the drool from his face. His father was so obvious; kissing ass then asking about the head table. As if he would be singled out from the hundreds gathered.

Just when he thought he'd scream if Aaron told another person how fabulous they were, the lights dimmed and an attractive middle-aged couple took the stage. The couple began greeting their guests and wishing them happy holidays. They introduced themselves as Tom and Sabrina Leighton, heads of Trifecta Entertainment. Sabrina looked familiar to Logan but he couldn't place her. It wasn't so much her looks but she had a certain air about her that he felt he knew. Turning his attention back to the couple, he heard them mention that this year had been a difficult one for them personally. They went on to explain that two of the other heads of Trifecta were lost this year. Sabrina took center stage and through tear-filled eyes related how she lost her brother, best friend, and beloved nephew. She went on to tell about each one of those important, loved family members. Then she asked everyone to raise their glass in a toast to honor Sam, Vivian, and Duncan Mars.

Toward the end of her speech, Logan began chanting in his head, "No, please no." Tingles were running through his body and he felt slightly nauseous. Scanning the crowd, he searched for Veronica but now there were too many people crowding the head table and the lights were still dimmed. When Sabrina finally identified the people as Sam, Vivian, and Duncan Mars, Logan wanted to jump up, find Veronica, and provide all the comfort that he was able to give. He thought he might have made a move to do such a thing because he felt his mother's hand restraining him and pulling him back into his seat.

The cloth that covered the objects behind the main table was removed revealing a large piece of abstract art and three photographs; one of which Logan was intimately aware. Duncan. He had seen so many snapshots of Duncan in Veronica's room. This picture was no different. A wavy head of brown hair, vibrant blue eyes, and a smile that welcomed everyone were ever present. Logan looked at the other two pictures and gasped. There between the pictures of two males was a woman that looked like Veronica's double. An older double but the features were the same. Her strawberry blond hair was longer and styled in waves down her back but the face was exactly the same. The eyes, nose, lips, and cheekbones were all Veronica.

Lynne noticed this at the same time as Logan. Leaning over, she leaned over and whispered to him, "I knew your friend looked familiar. She looks exactly like Vivian."

Logan leaned in closer. "Vivian who?" he asked when he realized Lynne knew the person who appeared to be Veronica's mother.

"Vivian Christianson. You know, the Academy Award winning actress. We did Time is a Message together. I always loved her. She had such spirit. I know she dropped out of acting to get married and start a family but I didn't know that she was part of Trifecta. Did you have any idea?" She finished quickly as Aaron kept giving them glares.

"Not a clue." Veronica Mars had done it once again. Who would have guessed that she was an heiress to billions? Not him that's for sure.

Again, he focused on Sabrina talking. "Trifecta, as most of you know, started as a family business. Sam, Vivian, and my husband, Tom, started the business 25 years ago. We were blessed with dramatic growth which gave us the ability to not only provide the best products but also to be able to offer our employees, who we consider family, the means to better their lives. Now, with heavy hearts, we say goodbye to one era of Trifecta and greet the next. Tom, myself, and my niece, Veronica, welcome you and hope that this New Year affords you many blessings." With that, Sabrina smiled at the crowd then looked behind her in the shadows for her husband and ...Veronica. They each came forward to give Sabrina a hug and a kiss.

Logically, Logan realized that all the clues added up to this being Veronica's family. He didn't watch Scooby Doo for nothing. However, he was still shocked to have confirmation when she stepped out of the shadows and gave her aunt a hug. He gasped a little causing Lynne to smile conspiratorially at him and Aaron to send him a calculating look.

Veronica broke apart from her family and they all took their seats at the main table for dinner. How she wished she was in the back of the room where she wouldn't be everyone's focal point. At least now the crowd would be preoccupied with dinner and not taking in every detail about her family for gossip. She mentally thanked her aunt and uncle again for barring photographers from the party. With a sigh of resignation, Veronica started on her spinach and strawberry salad.

Between courses, Veronica began to scan the crowd to see if she knew anyone from the company. She was primarily familiar with the staff at the European and New York divisions of Trifecta, although she was introduced o some of the staff here via her Lilly Kane project. She had been looking around the room for several minutes when she felt a pair of eyes locked in on her. Turning to meet those eyes, she found Logan. How on earth did that boy manage to find out all of her secrets? She thought maybe her Uncle Keith should consider hiring Logan as excellent as he was at detecting what she had wanted to hide. Debating what she should do, Veronica remembered her New Year's resolution and suddenly smiled and gave Logan a little wave.

Logan couldn't believe it. She actually appeared friendly and glad that he was here. Logan had been apprehensive about what kind of reaction he would get from Veronica. After so many times were Logan managed to discover Veronica's secrets and Veronica's concerned, threatening, and distancing reactions, he didn't think any other emotion was possible on her part. But then she smiled and waved, giving indication that she was happy to see him and possibly glad that he was at the party. If that was the case, then Veronica had changed and Dick was right. God, the world must be coming to an end if Dick Casablancas was right.

For both Logan and Veronica, the rest of the meal was eaten mechanically. They were each preoccupied with thoughts of the other. Most of the thoughts were anxiety ridden. What happens next or who should make the first move. Both wanted to take the next step toward a relationship whether that be a friendship or coupledom but each was unsure if the other would be receptive.

The meal progressed and finished at a leisurely pace. With the end of supper, the music from the orchestra became louder and increased in tempo signaling the start of dancing. Several people moved onto the dance floor blocking Logan's view of Veronica. Lynne was immediately asked to dance and Aaron eyed his next victim to suck up. Gathering his courage while telling himself that he would not be shot down, Logan stood up to make his way to the head table. Before he could take a step, a voice, her voice snapped him out of his reverie.

"Fancy meeting you here," Veronica said warmly coming to a stop before him.

Logan was speechless. If he thought she looked beautiful from a distance, she was spectacular next to him. There were no words...apparently since he still hadn't said anything. She overwhelmed him. She was luminescent. Her lilac pearl dress skimmed over her body showing off her curves while her hair gleamed. Perfect. That's what she was but somehow not. Logan wasn't an idiot who thought perfection existed but what he was cognizant of was that with Veronica even her imperfections seemed to fit and be vital to her true picture.

"Logan?" Veronica tried again, her voice now indicating how unsure she was on whether coming over to Logan was a good idea. Maybe he didn't want anything to do with her anymore. Still he said nothing. "Well, I just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year." She began to turn away from him and walk into the crowd.

"Veronica" A hand grabbed her shoulder and turned her back around. "Sorry about that. I was momentarily struck stupid. You look great."

"Thanks. So do you."

The two stared at each other in silence, searching for the thing to say but coming up empty. Maybe they were both struck stupid.

Aaron, who observed the two, saved them when he got up from the table and suggested that they take a seat and talk. Logan looked at his father in disbelief. Never had his father done something that benefited someone else. Aaron excused himself from the couple. "Miss Mars, It's been a pleasure. I hope we'll see you and your family again."

"Ah, there's the rub" thought Logan. Daddy dearest wants more involved with Trifecta. I'm not going to help him. Logan turned his attention to Veronica.

"I think my father just fell in love with you."

"You mean he fell in love with what I could potentially do for him."

"Touche" Logan was impressed by her insightfulness.

"So what about his son? Does he want to get to know me or has he given up on me?" Veronica asked although she was scared to hear the answer.

"Give up on you? What makes you think that?" Logan was startled by the vulnerability that Veronica displayed.

"Well, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to be around me. I mean I haven't been the greatest to you or your friends." She looked downward not able to meet his eyes.

"Understatement much?" he provoked her wanting to see some fire back in her eyes.

"Okay, I've been awful to you but you haven't treated me that well." Veronica defended herself, crossing her arms around her chest and starting to glare at him.

"You painted my car pink," he pushed on.

"You stalked me," she shot back.

"You hit me," he prodded on enjoying the light in her eyes.

"You kissed me." Oh, weak Veronica told herself.

"You kissed me back." He smirked.

"You win." Veronica dropped her arms in defeat.

"Funny, I thought we both won." Logan got up from his chair and offered her his hand. "Dance?"

"It wouldn't be unheard of." Veronica accepted his hand and he led her out onto the dance floor. He gathered her in his arms in a protective embrace.

"Umm. I want to apologize for the car and hitting you." Veronica shrank back from his embrace as she made her apology.

"I'll accept only if you accept my apology for my annoying actions." Logan pulled her closer into him.

"I will but you have to understand that what you did, although bordering on illegal, really helped me face some things. Like how I was hiding from everyone including myself. I feel that I owe you my thanks. My family has certainly thanked you enough without knowing who brought about my change. Your pushiness is really endearing." Veronica looked up an smiled at him. She couldn't believe that she was dancing and talking with Logan.

"My pushiness is endearing?" Logan laughed and spun her around. Logan couldn't remember the last time he felt so happy.

"Yeah, it takes someone really strong to match up with me and well, win."

"I get a prize?" Logan's intense gaze clearly portrayed what he wanted his prize to be.

Veronica raised her eyebrow. "I hope you think so."

"Don't worry. I do." Logan whispered solemnly in her ear.

Veronica let out a deep breath. His whispered words sent electricity through her entire body. How could one person affect her on so many different levels. She needed to know more about how he felt. "So in the words of the immortal Bob Marley Is This Love?" Veronica boldly asked.

"I don't know. I think the possibility is up there for the future. Right now, I'm interested in knowing the real Veronica Mars."

"And I'm interested in introducing her to you."

With that, Logan leaned in to kiss her and this time Veronica did not pull away.

I hoped y'all liked it. If there's any confusion: Keith, Sabrina, and Sam are siblings; Vivian was Sabrina's best friend (I had a huge backstory for her); and Logan and Veronica lived happily ever after but with passion. Sorry about the formatting difficulties. I hope it worked this time!