Hello all. Alright, I'm sorry for all of you guys who wanted this to continue. It just seemed best if I just stopped it where it was, and I'd like to thank you all who have reviewed! It meant a lot honestly. However, I decided to write this little author's note because there are still those who are putting this story on alert, when it is clearly under 'Complete', and so I didn't want you people to be all excited for something and waiting for it when it was going to happen. But whenever I start a new story, I will alert this story and you will be the first ones to know.
I'd also like to encourage you all who haven't read my other story to go check that one out, especially if you like 'other characters' added into the mix of the Cullen's lives. And this one doesn't even have someone taking Bella away from Edward, or Edward away from Bella. :) Anyway, Sorry for you who thought that this was an update in the story. I might start one again, just going off from this one, maybe before and after, but we'll see what you all say about that. If you'd like me to write another one in Bella's point of view and it's just a continuation of Eclipse, like this one here, tell me and I will do so! Thanks all!
Wrtier in the Meadow :)