As many of you will have guessed this is the long awaited last chapter. I won't give you excuses but will say i have had writers block for my stories already up.

With out further a due except to say i don't own Alex Ride the chapter:

The next morning came as a surprise to everyone, especially some special guests who you will meet later on in this adorable chapter.

The mess tent was unusually quite and it took half an hour to realise that the old K unit plus Kat and Alex where missing. Lynx was calmly eating at the table with so high ranking guests. Some one was sent to find them and returned 5 minutes later holding his stomach with his face down shaking.

"You Ok?" Another person asked putting his hand on there shoulder only for them to roll on the ground. It took five seconds for everyone to process that he was laughing.

He had just managed to regain his posture when the doors opened and in came Eagle crouched down humming the theme turn to Mission Impossible. He had his hands clasped together mimicking a gun. Eyebrows where raised and a few people looked like today wasn't their day.

Next came Alex and Kat, they walked in like everything was normal, which it was, some place else. Wolf whistles where heard till they spotted Wolf by the door sending death glares to everyone. (For people who have forgotten the last chapter Kat's wearing a skirt and Alex is wearing a shirt saying 'pretty Princess')

Snake and Fox calmly walked in and the group made there way to the food before sitting at the table with Lynx and the esteemed guests.

"Alex? Would you like to explain?" One of the quests asked.

Alex studiously ignored them.

"Alex, do we have to bring Miss Starbright into this?" The other asked.

"NO!" Alex yelled, "We were playing truth or dare last night."

"So Flower,"Looking at one of the guests, turning to the next she continued. "Not the Sharpest Tool in the Shed, how are you to this fine sunny morning?" Kat asked the. Earning more then a few people to leave in order to hide their laughter.

"Miss Toon." Was the only reply she got.

"What do you two want?"Alex asked.

"We are here to make sure that you haven't been dramatically scared by this ... ... ... ... ..."

Mrs Jones started but stopped as she looked for the right word to describe Kat.

"Adorable. Sweet. Innoc... never mind carrying on. Brilliant. Absolutely Amazing. Wonderful person!" Kat supplied.

"Special." Mrs Jones settle on.

"That too." Kat agreed.

Glancing around they discovered everyone was gone and decided that it was best to leave taking Alex and Fox with them. As promised when they where outside the hut saying goodbye, except for Kat who said she needed a shower, A barbie fell out of Fox's bag before being mashed into the mud.

"Good bye Wolf!" Alex said as he slid into the car. A howl could be heard, but was promptly ignored by the higher ups who where thinking of how to get Kat to another country, maybe as a gift to some enemies and see how long it was before came begging them to take her back.

As the two cars rolled out of the place Kat was suddenly there waving it off.

"Kat, I thought you where taking a shower!" Wolf asked.

"I will be! Later on today, but it was too big a chance to miss." Kat replied.

"Double oh Kat what did you do?"Eagle sighed.

"Oh you'll soon find out, now if you gentlemen will excuse me I will start be going on a small vacation." Kat continued before disappearing.

5 minutes later a phone call was received and a few cars came with security personnel in, looking for a Miss Kat Toon.

Else where Alex was one the ground laughing as Mrs Jones and Mr Blunt had been covered in pink sparkly paint. Alex had been in a different car with Fox.

That evening in Chelsea, Kat and Alex toasted to the success with Lemonade. While Jack was in the background grinning drinking coffee.