The lanscape rolls under him, and his heart beats like thunder across the plains. It would be so simple just to keep running like this forever in this deserted place. Sometimes it seems to stretch on forever, going into dark and deep forests with green everywhere around him with the faint sounds of crickets and birds, to out in the open plains with doves and sometimes a hawk he can't help but race. Sometimes though that stretch into forever can be unforgiving, like in the hot dessert with the bright sun in his eyes, but he has to find shade or water in those times.
He can feel the weight of his master on his back, silent but calm. His skin is blistering and raw from all the fighting and riding they have done. It seems that he fares worse sometimes, coming back to him with bruises or scars. Together they fight to bring her back and when he hears the strain in his masters voice calling to him it seems as if this is one of the little things that he can do for him.
Master's skin is getting paler, and that doesn't seem to be possible with all the sun they've both been getting. They've been eating well too, more than when they were at home, so it feels odd to him that his master is more thin than he used to be. He is strong though, more so than these giants of the earth. It feels odd to be part of destroying something that is part of the land, but it feels as if something is going back too. Everytime his master falls after defeating one of them he takes him back to her. It doesn't seem so strange to see his master so ill when he sees her. She is rosy and lifelike, unlike when he first looked upon her. It is unsettling and odd, but he knows that his master will not give up.
There is sharp pain in his hind leg. Almost like a cramp, but the pain is like fire spreading throught him. Master hasn't been easy on him today and he has hit the side of a canyon pretty hard. He knows that there is blood, but that doesn't matter at all. He'll be fine, he'll heal, it's master he is worried about. His hair is darker than he has ever seen it and his eyes almost glow. The kind glow is dull to the point of harshness.
Then something inside of master snaps back and he is sane for a moment. They look at a bridge seperating them from their last challenge. His master looks at him, sweat in his eyes and dirt and grime covering him, but there is the stubborn win it all expression he has had all his life up to know. The look says to him, you can do this, and together we'll make it.
He slowly backs up, and gathers his speed approaching the bridge. His leg aches with the motions, but he puts it in the back of his mind. He is thrilled at the thought of another battle together, and resting afterwards. He doesn't know if master will ever be the same, but this stuggle will be over. This pain in his soul, aching for his master to accomplish his goal. He can feel the bridge underneath him cracking and tumbling down. He feels himself slipping down into the rush of water below.
This he knows for sure, his master must make it. He must. He throws with all of his strength and watches as his master reaches out for him. His eyes as clear as the sky and falls towards the water. Faintly he can hear his own name. He braces for impact, stiffens at the thought of falling into that water, but his master will make it. He is sure of it.