"Where the hell are some bobby-pins?!" Sharpay yelled, walking around her and Zeke's large Beverly Hills home. Considering, she was six months pregnant she couldn't really run.

"Shar, I have some. Relax." Taylor said, walking up the stairs in front of the blonde.

Sharpay sighed. "Okay. It's just today is one of my best friend's wedding and we can't do anything without bobby-pins." she said.

Taylor laughed and guided her back up the stairs. "Are you sure it's just not hormones?"

Sharpay glared at her and walked into the guest room where the bride, Gabriella was getting ready.

"Did you find some?" Gabriella asked. She wore a silk white robe that had "Bride" on the back and her hair was pulled back with curling rolls.

"Yes, now sit down and get your make-up done." Taylor said.


Alot had happened over the last 2 and a half years. Sharpay and Zeke had gotten married and she was now six months pregnant with their first daughter. Zeke was drafted to the LA Lakers, as was Chad and Troy.

Jason on the other hand decided not to go into basketball, yet he became a realtor and was now a high priced one in Los Angeles. He and Kelsi had gotten married a little over a year ago.

Chad was currently single but he was just mingling.

Taylor was in a serious relationship with a guy named John. Everyone liked him. He was really down to earth and just a nice guy. Chad knew he couldn't hate, after what he did to Taylor.

Ryan had moved to New York and became a broadway director. He regularly visited them all in LA as much as he could.

Troy and Gabriella moved to California. They bought a house right across the street from Sharpay and Zeke after Troy was drafted. He was known as the Brad Pitt of basketball. Kayla, now five was in kindergarten and was still just as bubbly and sweet as she was two years ago.


"Please don't be nervous, dude." Zeke said as he saw Troy pacing around the hotel room.

Gabriella and Troy were getting married at Good Shepard Catholic Church in Beverly Hills. The reception would be at the Le Grand Trianon. A large ball room in the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. Gabriella always wanted and dreamed of a big and beautiful wedding and Troy was going to give it to her. "I'm not nervous. It's just is it a little hot in here?" Troy said messing with his white button up shirt. He and the groomsmen would all be wearing original and classy black tuxedos. The tuxedo vest were an apple red color with a matching red tie behind the vest. They had yet to put on.

Chad got up from a chair and put a hand on Troy's shoulder. "Let's go take a walk." he said. "Ok, what's really up?" he asked as he and Troy began to walk around the hotel.

"I'm totally freaking out. I mean, I'm getting married today. Today. Today is the last day I will ever be known as a single guy. Gabriella will soon be known as Mrs. Gabriella Bolton. More kids are gonna pop out. I'm gonna grow old, have 18 cats..." Troy blabbed on.

Chad shook his head and laughed. "Dude, you're just nervous. All guy's do. Remember Zeke? He was sitting by the toilet for like an hour. The point is, you love Gabriella so much. You're gonna marry her today, dude. You're going to make her your's. Don't get nervous. How can you possibly get nervous when you're about to embark on something, so amazing?"

Troy smiled weakly. "I don't know. I keep having thoughts that she's gonna pull a runaway bride on me." he said.

"What?" Chad laughed. "Gabriella may be mean sometimes, but she'd never do that. Now, pull it together man. You're getting married!"

"You're right." Troy smiled. "Thanks."

"What can I say? I just roll like that."


"Your make-up looks amazing." Taylor said, as she inspected everyone's looks.

Gabriella smiled. "Thanks." She had decided for a simple look, nothing outrageous. Bronze colors covered her eyes and a nude beige color lip stick was on her lips.

"Ms. Montez, would you like a clear lip-gloss over your lipstick to give it some pop?" Anthony, Gabriella's make-up artist asked.


"Can you tell that I'm pregnant?" Sharpay asked, inspecting herself in the mirror.

All the bridesmaids were done. They all wore an apple strapless satin ball gown type of dress. They all had the same shoes, and hairstyle; a curly and slightly messy ponytail, that layed on the shoulder.

"Yes, there's a bump you know." Kelsi laughed.

"Ugh, sorry I'm late." Emma said walking into the inconsiderably smushed room. "But I have my make-up done, I just need my hair and dress done." She was now in a serious relationship, with a guy named Roger. She moved to Los Angeles to be with him and everything was going great. She loved him and he loved her.

"It's ok. Angel, after your done with Kayla's hair can you do Emma's?" Angel, the hairstylist nodded.

"Ow!" Kayla yelled in pain as her hair was being done. It'd be down and curly in a half ponytail with flower clips in it.

"Kayla beauty is pain." Sharpay said as she sat on the couch in the room.

"It hurts." Kayla said.

"Well your hair is already so curly, I have to slick it in the front, sweetie." Angel said.

Kayla sat there and continued frowning.

"Gabs, do you have your guarder on?" Kelsi asked.

Gabriella nodded and lifted her robe slightly.

"I envy you Gabs. Zeke at our wedding refused to do anything with the guarder." Sharpay said, shaking her head.

Kelsi laughed. "That's because Zeke is a girl."

"Finally." Kayla said when her hair was finished. She was growing to look more of a mixture of Gabriella and Troy, instead of looking just like Troy, as she did when she was little. Her hair darken to a dark brown, her blue eyes were still a piercing blue and her normally pale skin naturally tanned. Nonetheless, she was still as beautiful, as ever.

"No. Taylor can you go help her put her dress on?" Gabriella asked.

Taylor nodded and grabbed the little girl's hand.

"Is there gonna be beer?" Emma asked.

Gabriella laughed. "Yes, considering Troy was in charge of the drinks."

"Thank god."

"Gabs your dress is here. Are you ready?" Ana asked walking in.

"Yeppers." Gabriella stood up and took the dress. "Sharpay, come help me put it on."

"Ok." Sharpay said, following Gabriella into the bathroom.


"Finally, we're here." Chad said as they arrived at the church. They all stepped out of the limo quickly.

"God, they're here?" Troy muttered as a large group of paparazzi were outside. They started yelling and asking a whole bunch of questions.

Troy peeked his head through the church doors as he walked in, to see over 200 guest sitting and chatting quietly. You had Troy and Gabriella's family, Troy's teammates and their wifes and kids and both Troy and Gabriella's friends. There overall were just alot of people there.

"Oh my, hello Mr. Bolton." Antonio, the wedding planner said.

Troy smiled. "Hey, what's up?"

Antonio sighed. "Coordinating a wedding. I talked to the people at the Beverly Wilshire and they said everything is up and ready. The church is ready and your bride should be arriving any minute. So, I'm gonna need you to go into your room until the wedding starts in 45 minutes. So chop, chop."

Troy nodded and followed his groomsmen into a back room.


"Oh my god, Gabriella you look beautiful." Anna cried as Gabriella walked downstairs.

Everyone was now ready.

Gabriella smiled. "Thank you." Her dress was a white satin corset down with a pick up skirt. Her hair was curly and pulled into a half ponytail with a diamond clip. A 3-tier Cathedral Veil was set in her hair. And her make-up was soft and natural. She really did look beautiful.

"Ms. Montez, may I get a picture of you and your daughter?" the photographer, Jill asked.

Gabriella nodded and held her hands out to her daughter, who had a spaghetti strap lace gown with a pickup skirt. "You look very pretty Kay." Gabriella said as she set her daughter on her hip.

Kayla smiled. "You do too." The two smiled for the camera quickly.

"God, I can't wait to get this baby out." Sharpay groaned as she tried to get off the couch.

Gabriella laughed and helped her up. "You look beautiful, Shar."

Sharpay smiled. "Thanks. You look amazing. I can't believe you and Troy are getting married." she said, in wonder.

"I know. It's weird to think about it." They began to follow everyone out to the limo that was waiting for them.

"Well, the wedding is going to be beautiful and you deserve Gabs. Now, lets go get you married."


"Troy Bolton shots and scores!" Troy said as he threw a crumbled piece of paper into trash can.

"Yo, Troy the ring bearer is here." Mickey said, bringing his 3 and a half year-old son Kevin into the room.

Troy laughed. "Hey, Kev." he said.

Kevin waved and laughed.

"Man, I can't believe your getting married." Mickey, a groomsmen said.

"Yep." Troy said.

"Well, all you have to do is get through this part and then at night tonight she's all yours." Mickey laughed.

Troy smiled. "Dude, thats the best part."

"Daddy!" Kayla laughed walking into the room.

Troy smiled and picked her up. "Hey, Kayla. You look very pretty."

She giggled and layed her head on his shoulder.

"Kayla, the wedding is going to start in like 5 minutes. Come on." Sharpay said walking in.

"Hello wife." Zeke smiled.

She smiled and waved. "Let's go Kayla. Oh, and we need the ring bearer." she said. She grabbed both the kids hands and walked out.

"This is it. You ready?" Chad asked.

Troy nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be."


Gabriella sucked in a breath as the bridesmaids began to walk down the aisle. Butterflies ran through her stomach as she noticed the large number of people that were there. She gripped her bouquet of red roses and closed her eyes for a moment.

"You ready Gabs?" Ana asked.

Gabriella smiled weakly. "Yes." She sighed as the large doors opened and everyone stood up. She began to walk down the aisle. She looked at Troy and noticed how handsome he looked. She smiled as she reached, him finally. She let go of her mom's arm and took Troy's hands into hers.

"You look beautiful." he whispered.

She smiled and winked at him.

"Dearly beloved, we gather here today to celebrate the union of Troy Michael Bolton and Gabriella Marie Montez. And I'm sure we all want to get this started, does anyone object of forever hold your peace." Priest Ashton said.

The whole room erupted into laughter as Chad began to sit up, until Sharpay kicked him the leg.

Priest Ashton smiled and shook his head. "Alright then, Troy please repeat after me."

Troy nodded and began to say his vows.

Gabriella soon followed him. The two smiled as they slipped the rings on each other's fingers.

Priest Ashton noticed the passionate look in the two's eyes and shook his head. "Before you guy's go at it." The room erupted into laughter once again. "I may, now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Troy Michael Bolton."

Gabriella laughed and brought Troy's lips to hers.

He smiled through the kiss and dipped her down and continued to kiss her passionately.

"I love you." she said, as he brought her back up.

He smiled. "I love you too. Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth."

"Thank you for making me the happiest woman on the earth." she smiled.

He rested his forehead against hers and kissed her softly once again, before walking down the aisle.


"I've known Troy and Gabriella for a very long time and never have I seen people more in love than them. We all know their relationship has had high notes and just down right bad ones." Chad said as he stood up holding his glass of champagne. "But they're fighters and look at them now. After 11 years of knowing each other, I know from the love I see in their eyes that there will be hundreds of other 11 years to come. To Troy and Gabriella." he said, raising his glass.

"To Troy and Gabriella." the ballroom said in usion.

"Hi, my name is Sharpay. I'm one of Troy and Gabriella's best friends. I've known these two for so long. I feel like I can call them my brother and sister. I've never met two outrageously beautiful people both inside and out. I wish you both a long life of happiness and I hope you guy's pop out more gorgeous kids. To Troy and Gabriella."

"To Troy and Gabriella." the room laughed.

Sharpay sat back down next to Gabriella and hugged her. "I love you, Gabs."

"I love you too Shar." Gabriella said. She brought her friend closer. "There will be more babies soon, by the way." she whispered into her ear.

Sharpay gasped and squealed. "Oh my god!"

"Is there something wrong?" Troy asked.

The two shook their heads. "Nothing." Gabriella smirked.

Sharpay pulled her friend to the side and hugged her again. "How many months?" she asked.

Gabriella held out 4 fingers. "But you have to keep it quiet for just a little bit longer. Ok?"

"Ok and oh my god, our babies are gonna be the same age and best friends." Sharpay giggled.

"Mommy, can I go outside and play?" Kayla asked coming over by the two. She had taken off her shoes and the clips in her hair, being the playful and wild girl she was.

Gabriella nodded. "Yeah, but don't get your dress dirty."

"Alright." The little girl ran outside, following her cousins.

Just as Gabriella and Sharpay were about to walk away Troy grabbed Gabriella's arm and led her outside to the balcony where white and red lights had been layed out along with flowers. The stars were shown perfectly and the lights of the city glistened. "So Mrs. Bolton, how do you feel?" he asked.

She giggled. "Wonderful, Mr. Bolton. Might I say, you look very handsome?"

He arched a brown. "Thank you. You look beautiful, as always. Now, may I ask what you and Sharpay were spazzing about just a second ago?" he asked.

"You really wanna know? Right now?"

He nodded. "Yep."

She sighed and held his hands tightly. "I..I'm pregnant. Four months."

His mouth dropped and shock washed over his face. "Are you serious?" he asked.

She nodded. "I found out two days ago. I was gonna tell you over the honeymoon, but-" she was cut off by a pair of soft lips. "Are you happy?" she asked, as she broke apart.

He smiled. "How can I not be? Another baby, Gabs? That's awesome."

She kissed him once again. "I love you."

"I love you too, Gabs. Always and forever."

A/N: There you have it. Gabriella's dress, bridesmaid dresses and Kayla's dress are on my profile. The story is sadly, over. I want to say thank you soo much for all the support during this story. It means alot. I never expected this story to get over 400 reviews. Wow! You guys are awesome. There will be a one-shot sequel. I have other stories in the works and a long story sequel would be a little hard.

Again though, thanks so much! and peace:)