Kagome Higurashi was 17 when she had a baby, the father was Hojo, but he bailed on her right after the birth. Kagome was able to stay with her mother who still loved her, but she stayed till she could take care of her self. Kagome thought she could never find love again, but when she meets Inuyasha can she learn again or will she feel even worse about finding love again.
Chapter one- At work with Mayu, and meeting Inuyasha
Kagome works and mange's her own coffee shop. She has a 3 year old Daughter who is very Independent and very nice. Kagome and Mayu have a small apartment right near the shop, but Kagome is mostly in the shop working to help pay off everything she needs.
Now Inuyasha is different. Inuyasha was also a very rich man, who recently broke up with the famous Kikyo. Inuyasha also has a temper and can be a jerk sometimes, but he still is a big huge softy under neigh.
"Mayu can you get some cups from the back please" Kagome asked her daughter.
"Sure thing mommy" she said skipping off to the storage room, on her way she bumped into someone. "Excuse me sir" she said politely.
"No problem kid" The man said "Who are you anyways?" he asked
"Mayu sir, my mommy owns the shop, she's right over there" Mayu pointed to her mother.
"Thanks kid" The man walked over to Kagome. Kagome stayed on her work, not looking up.
"Can I help you" she asked kind of irritated
"Yes, I will have a black coffee" he said "So Kagome is it?" he asked
"Yeah, what's it to you" she asked getting pissed
"Oh nothing, but there is one thing" he said
"And that would be?" she asked handing the cup to him.
"We were meant for each other" he said, then took a pen and wrote down his name and number.
"What?" she asked shocked, and pissed, and pulling her hand away.
"Bye now, oh and nice kid" he walked off in to busy Japan. Kagome watched him walk away. She then looked at her hand. Inuyasha, 123-88 (random number). The rest of the numbers were smeared and she couldn't read it. She tried to forget about it for now.
(Kagome at a bar with her friend Sango while Mayu is with a babysitter.)
Kagome had forgotten all about her arm until Sango noticed it.
"Oh Kagome, what is this, looks like a boy has his eye on you!" she giggled
"Just like the prev" Kagome shot back.
"Oh moody are we?" she asked with a smile
"NO" she yelled
Kagome was still mad that a guy had the nerve to do that. She hated men, all of them, at least after what happened with Hojo.
"Hojo, Hojo!" Kagome said running up to him excited, she had just found out she was pregnant with his child, the one she loved so much.
"What is it my dearest" Hojo said looking like he was trying to hide something in his car.
"I'm pregnant Hojo" she said excited.
"What, I can't become a father" he said worried
"But it's our child" she said losing the excitement
"I'm sorry Kagome…" he was cut off when a girl named Kikyo came out of his car.
"What is taking so long baby?" Kikyo asked
"What the?" Kagome burst into tears. "Hojo how could you? You're a jerk" she screamed and ran off.
The band that was playing stopped. Kagome turned around, she heard a familiar voice. It was…Inuyasha, and he was now walking towards her…
That's the end of this chapter, tell me how it was! Please review!