I don't even quite know why I'm posting this. Maybe because it's been years and I guess I need to officially, and in writing, state that this story is on infinite hiatus. I do apologise to anyone who actually did enjoy it.
If I'm honest, it's one of the most cringe-worthy things to look back on. I was sixteen when I wrote, which means my syntax and style are just so awful. Five years later, and as a writer for another fandom where I have a couple thousand readers, I can assure you that I've grown and learned loads.
Now to what really triggered this response. Thank you oh so much to the lovely anons who felt the need to point out the sibling relationships. Yes, I know that Dominique and Louis are Victoire's siblings. Dominique is actually quite dear to my heart. I honestly don't know why I abandoned some of the family tree lines. I wish I had a proper answer, but I don't. It was ages ago. Sorry it annoyed quite a few of you?
And the most recent comment I received: "yeah dumb ar se. George marries angelina and Dominique and Louis are Victoire's siblings. Stupid c unt you aren't JK Rowling you can't change the f ucking family. Dumb b itch."
I'm deeply wounded. Really. My apologies for being a dumb arse. Oh, and you're so right…I'm not JK Rowling. Hence the disclaimer posted on chapters? Might I suggest before you call someone a dumb arse, you use proper grammar as well. It's also quite impolite to use vulgar language. You ought to be ashamed of yourself and I'm sure you feel oh-so-powerful behind the anon option.
Anyway, enough rambling. I once again do apologise greatly for just disappearing when there were quite a few interested readers. Though, my absence was entirely due to the fact that I had reached a point where some plot things made me cringe and it was painful to continue. This fic definitely will never be part of my finest work, but I do appreciate all of the lovely readers and the positive comments and feedback that I did receive. Cheers! XX