Disclaimer: I unfortunatley do not own Tin Man or Wyatt Cain for that matter. It hurts me deep down inside but at least I get to play with them when I please.XD

Author's Note: Yes, this is a DG/Cain pairing.But I like the idea that some of the other shipper writers are doing with the ficlet series. So here is my series, strands of of events that connect over time in DG and Cain's lives after the last battle with the Witch and how they those strands bind them together.Enjoy.

The Connecting Strands: Protector

It was an unusually peaceful night in the house of Gale.One that hadn't been seen in many years now.

DG was working on Glitch's hair at the moment.The royal alchemist was going to put her misfiring friends brain back together next week after all the proper preparations could be made. So she'd offered to try and return his hair to it's original sleekness.But in the end it ended up being a lost cause and she was now secretly putting small braids in Glitch's gravity defying hair.It proved amusing to Az at least, who was trying not to giggle as Glitch spoke to her.

Ahamo and Lavender Eyes were seated on a satee together by the fire,watching their daughters with contented smiles.And Raw was practically purring with his back against the fireplace mantle, eyes closed. A well sated band of warriors enjoying the recovery stage after the good fight.

At least most of them were. If not for the man watching them all from under the brim of his hat,jaw set it would of been perfect.

DG was ignoring Cain.It didn't matter that they were sitting near each other. Or rather one sitting while the other was leaning against the wall behind her like a shadow.But there was a palpable tension between the two Ozians.

"Your Highness,can I have a word?"Cain finally said,breaking the calm silence.

At the same time Glitch yelped as DG pulled a little too hard on one of his locks.Her eyes glaring up at the tin man, which Cain ignored.

The Queen seemed suprised by the address but nodded."Of course,Mr.Cain.Please continue."

Cain stepped out of DG's shadow and squared his shoulders."I think your younger daughter needs a personal guard."

"No I don't,Cain."DG responded sourly."The last thing I want is more guards,I have enough as it is."Her nose wrinkled at the thought of any additions to the small platoon that her mother had already assigned.It was ridiculous enough to have them marching behind her when she simply wanted a peaceful walk in the gardens.

But Cain returned DG's earlier treatment and ignored her.Waiting for the Queen's response.

Her mother smiled at the grim looking man before her."DG does have a point,Mr.Cain.The palace has sufficient guard at all times.Why would she need a personal detail as well?"

"With all due respect, your highness.I think the guard she has now isn't in the princess's best interest."

The Queen raised an inquisitive eyebrow."Explain."

Cain nodded."Even though the Witch was defeated, there are still plenty of unaccounted for Longcoats who were loyal to her rule and not Princess Azkadelia.And since DG was the main cause of that, I think they may target her in the near future.It's in her best interest to have someone with her at all times, instead of a small militia who will get sloppy over time and let the enemy slip in when we least expect it."

The ex-cops words were a painful reminder that all was not well in the O.Z. yet.

"He has a point mother." Az said from her place on the floor with Glitch.

DG felt a little betrayed by that but Az as if she could sense her sister so keenly, turned and gave her younger sisters arm a gentle pat."Oh Deeg, you know he's right.There were horrible people under the witch's rule that wouldn't think twice of hurting you the first chance they get.They'll want revenge."

DG felt a stab of pain at the fresh guilt that still clouded her sisters eyes.She took Az's hand in hers and squeezed, giving her a reassuring smile."I'll be fine,Az.You guys hardly let me out of your sight as it is.What could happen?"She asked, throwing a good amount of optimism and teasing into her words.

"A lot." She looked up at Cain, his voice gentler then usual when he said it which put her off center for a moment."Look kid.If all goes well there won't be a problem for long.Jeb and his freedom fighters are rounding up more Longcoats every day.The guards just an extra precaution."

"Hey,"Glitch piped up quickly, tilting his head back to smile at her with liquid puppy dog eyes."I'll be your guard if you want, DG"

DG smiled back helplessly."Aww,that's sweet Glitch.But I think we should worry about your brain first,me second.Deal?"She asked, giving him a quick squeeze around the shoulders.

"Deal."Glitch agreed, returning the half hug,making DG hope that bringing Ambrose back didn't wipe her sweet, erratic friend from existence.

"Sweetheart,we're not going to force another guard on you."Ahamo said with a open smile, his arm gently wrapped around his wife's waist."But you can always see it as trading a ten man guard down to one.I'd call that an improvement."

DG smiled at her father,he had a good point.All the same things Cain had tried to get her to agree on earlier.But it all boiled down to the same problem.She already had a personal guard, a good one who rarely left her side even though it wasn't his job to be there.If she was assigned an official guard would Cain step aside?

She'd accidently overheard the offer Ahamo had made for Cain two days prior to head Central City's new order of Tin Men once they had recruited enough officers loyal to the Gale.Cain hadn't given the king an answer, but was this his way of making sure DG was taken care of so he could accept?Was he going to leave?

She looked up in time to see Cain staring at her strangely.As if his mind was somewhere else but still using her as a focal point to direct his thoughts.It made her heart clack against her breast bone rather painfully because of how soft those cerulean eyes looked for a moment.

"What?"DG asked suspiciously.

And Cain blinked.The look was gone, almost physically shaken to be replaced with his usual weariness."Just waiting for an answer."

DG looked around the room to see the eyes of her friends and family upon her.Making her feel a pressure in her chest that was more painful and less pleasant then what she felt when she'd met Cain's eyes.

Then a soft hand touched DG's and an arm wrapped around her shoulder.DG hadn't even seen Raw move.She felt the pressure lighten when she looked into his golden eyes.

"Cain no leave DG.Cain stay, protect DG."The Viewer said gently,smiling at her, then at Cain.

The Tin Man was the first to understand what Raw meant, what DG had thought.And the damn man smiled, honest to OZ smiled at the woman staring at him as if he'd just gone mad.

"C'mon,princess.Who else is gonna be able to deal with you twenty-four-seven?"He asked.

And the confusion melted away from DG's face and she was near beaming at him."Really?"

Cain simply smirked and touched the brim of his hat as an acknowledgement.And a moment later Cain had to hold onto that hat or risk losing it as the young woman tackled him in one of her infamous hugs.

"This better not be a short term position buddy, or I'm gonna be real dissapointed."DG said in warning against the collar of his coat, though it was obvious that she was happy.Cain chuckled.

"Won't be that easy to get rid of me,princess."He promised.

Next Story: Baller or Brawler?