By: KellyCRocker59
Just a quick winter drabble; enjoy.
Miciah sighed, her breath showing in the winter air. Her thick robes kept her fairly warm, but there was still an edge of cold inside of her. However, she doubted that it was from the weather.
The young general thought about this war that she played such a large part in. What Pelleas was doing couldn't be right; could it? She heard the sound of snow crunching under foot and turned to see the Black Knight approaching.
"Sir Knight; how are you?" She asked.
He nodded.
"I am fine, my maiden. It is your feelings that trouble me."
"What?" Miciah asked, wondering if it was so obvious that she was troubled.
"The king's orders worry you, do they not?" He asked.
The light mage nodded.
"I just…don't know what to do. Part of me wants to follow his orders because I think that he knows best, but another part knows that Begnion is in the wrong, and we are in the wrong by aiding them. What do you think?"
The knight walked forward a few more steps until he was very close to Miciah, and pulled the girl against his black armor. She gasped, shocked at the move. The armor was cool, but not too cold. She relaxed against it, setting her head on the breastplate.
"I believe that you should do what you think is best, not what others think is best. Regardless of what you decide, I will always be here to protect you, my maiden."
Miciah sighed.
"Thank you, Sir Knight. I don't know what I would do without you."
The two stayed this way for quite some time, the cold wind whipping the air. But Miciah cared not, as long as her knight was always there to protect her.