I started this story a couple of years ago, but never quite managed to lift it off the ground. Recently, its potential has come to my attention and the motivation to write has returned. With the help of a friend, Phantom's Fairly Odd Similarities is about to take a step in a completely new direction and become more than an assortment of one-shots. The original chapters will remain as background information, with the story kicking off after the first few chapters.

I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave your thoughts in the reviews. Those are what keep the motivation to write flowing.

It's good to be back.


Disclaimer: I do not own the rights Danny Phantom or Fairly Odd Parents.

It wasn't until the day I got my braces off did I realize the full potential of who I was. The power I held within my hand. The immeasurable strength I had over others. And the key to controlling my destiny.

Not until the day my beautiful teeth proved to the world who I really was did the bullying end. Maybe it was because my teeth were the closest thing the wimps around me would get to Chip Skylark. Or maybe it was because mine were better that Skylark.

Whatever it was, that fateful day my braces were taken off, I became a free man. Compliments left and right, girls, a wider arrange of food choice, girls, lack of bullying, and the best part: girls. But the bullying is what I want to focus on.

Because hurt people hurt people. And the popular people hurt people.

That's just a rule.

My name is-was Chester McBadBat. I grew up in Dimmsdale, a quiet town in which my best friends, Timmy and AJ, and I were bullied every day. It took four years for the braces to come off because of how many times Francis sent me to the orthodontist after his beatings.

After they were removed, my dad realized that the only way to keep my teeth beautiful was to move out of Dimmsdale and away from all of the bullies. Although I knew I would miss Timmy (Not AJ as much, he keeps mentioning the schools that are begging him to send them an application), I wouldn't mind moving to any place in the U.S. that didn't have bullies or a banjo.

I hate banjos.

Dad and I moved a week later. But instead of a "McBadBat" moving into the new town, Dad changed our names. It would ensure that no one would trash our mailbox due to my dad's reputation. And it gave me a chance to change mine.

Everyone loves the new kid. Everyone wants to know the person and find out where the new meat will stand in the popularity status. And, in realizing this, I was able to worm my way to the top of the ladder.

I discovered I could play football and win. I found out I could get girls, and if I worked out enough, I could frighten geeks into doing my homework. Sure, I used to be one of those geeks, but who cares? If they wanted to be popular, they might have managed to make it like I did. But that was then. Now, I'm here and I'm not letting anyone get above me.

I may not be the smartest guy on the block, but I'm the most popular. And now that Dad's remarried, no one will ever know my past of troubles with Timmy or AJ or braces. I reign king over my school, and no one will ever bully me again.

I will bully them, and they will know their place in my world. Yeah, that's right punk. MY world.

Chester McBadBat may not have had the best of luck in life, but Dash Baxter is going to the top