AN: Another peace offering. Thank you for all your lovely reviews! If it's not too much to ask, I'd love some more! D

Morning light skimmed over Sarah's face as the day dawned bright, crisp, and clear. Sarah softly turned onto her side to look out the window and nearly swallowed her heart when she realized that Jareth was sleeping a mere three or four feet away. Forgetting all thought of the window and the Labyrinth beyond, Sarah lost herself in the sight of Jareth, asleep. He was flat on his back with one arm up, tucked beneath his head of wild, golden hair. His other arm was by his side under the covers, and Sarah suppressed a sigh of frustration. Last night, she distinctly remembered the feel of his bare hands on hers, but as hidden as they were now, she couldn't see them. But there's plenty more to look at as it is, Sarah's mental voice told her, and for once, Sarah agreed.

Her eyes traced Jareth's tranquil face, his brow smooth and untroubled for once. With the dark blue coverlet pulled up almost to his chin, Sarah could only see the suggestion of his lean form, but with very little detail, all the way down to his feet. A small smile flickered on her lips as she saw that Jareth slept with one foot under the covers, and one foot above. Returning her eyes to his face, Sarah extended one hand and traced the skin of his brow and his cheek with her fingertips. I could wake up like this every day, Sarah realized. She was just about to see if his lips felt as soft as they looked, when the door to Jareth's chamber opened and Mrs. Chartha entered bearing a tray capped with a gleaming silver dome.

Sarah removed her hand immediately from Jareth's face and brought it to her own, raising a finger to her lips. Mrs. Chartha looked from Sarah's insistent face to Jareth, and comprehension dawned. She quietly deposited the tray on the table near the fireplace and collected their tray from the night before. Giving a small nod to Sarah, Mrs. Chartha left the room, shutting the door silently behind her. If she thought anything of Sarah sharing Jareth's bed, it was only betrayed by the barest hint of a grin that Sarah could have sworn she saw Mrs. Chartha give her as the exited the room.

Sarah turned back to Jareth, pleased to see that he was still sleeping as peacefully as before. She had half a mind to lie back down beside him, to mold herself to his side and never get up again, but she couldn't. Not right now. Not until she had a bath.

The truth was that Sarah hadn't bathed since the morning before her escapade into the darkness, and after all the excitement, exertion, and –quite frankly – sweat that had occurred since then…well, Sarah needed a bath. She was too grimy to continue sleeping in Jareth's clean bed. Slowly, Sarah slid her legs over the side of the bed and placed her feet firmly on the stone floor. No spinning sensation overcame her as she stood, and Sarah took that as a positive sign as she made her way to Jareth's bathroom. She could have used her own bathroom, she supposed, but one look over her shoulder at the still-sleeping Jareth made it nearly impossible for Sarah to stray so far from him. Besides, she wanted to see what his lavatory looked like.

Like hers, Sarah discovered. Jareth's bathroom was almost the mirror of hers, save that the cut of the stone was a bit more masculine, and the fact that her things weren't strewn about here and there. I can change that, Sarah said to herself, and began to undress, leaving her bra on the washstand near Jareth's sink. Making her way to the tub on the far side of the room, Sarah turned the silver taps and filled the porcelain, claw-footed tub with steaming water. Unable to wait for the tub to fill, Sarah divested herself of the rest of her clothes and sank into the water, letting its warmth rise and encircle her.

Back in the room, Jareth stretched, the aching in his arms causing him to bite back a long groan. He winced as the sun met his eyes and stumbled from the bed, noting that he was fully dressed but unable to remember why. A silver-domed tray on the table caught his attention momentarily. That's odd. Normally I'm awake by the time Mrs. Chartha comes. I must have slept right through her visit this morning; that's never happened before. I must have been more tired than I thought, though I can't remember why. Jareth yawned, and made his way over to the bathroom.

Once inside, he stood in front of his sink and splashed some cold water on his face. The cold water dripped from his face drop by drop as he stilled, his eyes fixed on his washstand. That isn't a towel, Jareth thought. Reaching out a hand, Jareth picked up the undergarment and raised it to eye-level. Definitely not a towel. There was the sound of a throat being cleared behind him, and Jareth turned to face its source, immediately dropping the bra as if it had scalded him.

On the far side of the room, Sarah sat in his tub, her knees drawn up to her chest and her hair cascading down her back in raven rivulets. She was naked. The sight of so much of Sarah temporarily stole Jareth's breath and all conscious thought, before her slightly-amused eyes brought him back to the present.

"I'm sorry," he managed to say. "I forgot myself; excuse me." He couldn't leave the room fast enough. Closing the door behind him, Jareth leaned back against the door, cursing himself silently. The memory of all that happened last night came back to him, and he berated himself. Idiot! How could you forget she was still here? Jareth shook his head and moved away from the door. What he wouldn't have given to wake up in bed with her next to him. But that was neither here nor there now. Sarah was here now, or rather, Sarah was there now, in his bathroom, which presented a slight problem as he needed to relieve himself. Seeking an alternative solution, Jareth magicked himself next door and used her facilities, before returning to his chamber and changing into a fresh set of clothing.

By the time Sarah emerged from his bathroom, wearing the same nightshirt she'd slept in, Jareth had moved the table outside onto his balcony and had set two place settings. Sarah set the towel down she'd been using to dry her hair, and made her way to the balcony. Jareth greeted her with a bright smile which she returned as she sat down at the table.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, pouring her a goblet of orange juice.

"Very well, thank you, Jareth. And you?"

"The same." Jareth sat down on the other side of the table and placed his napkin in his lap. He was trying his hardest not to look down the loose collar of her shirt, wanting at all costs not to remember what she looked like in his tub for fear that his thoughts might show on his face, or anywhere else for that matter. They made small talk as they tucked into their breakfast. As they neared the end of the meal, Sarah made up her mind to tell him what she had decided.

"I've made a decision about the Labyrinth," Sarah told him. Jareth stilled, noting how serious she had become, and prepared himself for the worst, although he was unsure which would be worse: her decision to go, or her decision to stay.

"Well, it's not much of a decision," Sarah conceded, fiddling with her napkin. "The Labyrinth is back to normal, but the darkness persists. I haven't finished what I set out to do by coming here, and there is no way I'm going to leave until that happens, until we get rid of the darkness. When that happens, I will decide whether or not to stay and rule the Labyrinth. Like I said, it's not much of a decision, but at least it gives me some time for you to teach me how to use the magic you gave me." Sarah attempted a small smile at her weak conclusion.

Jareth tried not to let his relief show too much. She was going to stay, for the time being, until the darkness was vanquished, and who knew how long that might take? She's going to stay, he repeated to himself. Up until now, he hadn't known how badly he wanted her to stay, but now that he knew she wasn't going anywhere for a while, he felt like he could fly. Sarah was waiting for him to say something, and he said the first thing he could think of: "Thank you. You've no idea how much that means to me."

Several emotions mingled on Sarah's face, and Jareth thought he saw confusion, and maybe something else, but he wasn't sure. Thinking he might have revealed too much of what he felt, Jareth moved their conversation into the safe realm of stately affairs. "I'd like to allow all the citizens currently residing in the great hall to return to their homes in the Labyrinth, following a brief expedition by able-bodied persons into the Labyrinth to ascertain whether or not conditions are safe enough for habitation. What do you think?"

Why does he sound like he's asking me permission, Sarah wondered. And then it came to her: I may not have decided to rule the Labyrinth yet, but the fact remains that I am the one person we know that the Labyrinth will obey. "That sounds perfectly logical to me," she told him. "I'm sure the dwarves downstairs are anxious to return home. Perhaps they might like a festival of sorts to celebrate the good news…?"

"That's a great idea. Now that most of the Labyrinth is safe once more, we have access to our crops and pastures. If I sent men out today, they could gather enough food for a feast at the end of the week." Jareth lapsed into thought for a moment before continuing. "Yes, that's a wonderful idea. Once I'm sure that the Labyrinth is indeed safe, I'll make the announcement. My people have had precious little to celebrate in the past months; this will be most welcome."

Sarah tried not to show how pleased she was that he'd taken so well to her suggestion, and asked, "Will you be a part of this expedition into the Labyrinth today?"

"Yes. I've made arrangements with my advisory council to do so as soon as possible. I'm sure that the Labyrinth is indeed safe, but I want to be absolutely certain. It shouldn't take us long, and when we return, I'll address everyone together."

"We? Who are you taking with you?" Did Jareth want Sarah to accompany him? Sarah wasn't sure if she was up to traipsing around the Labyrinth today, although she'd do her best if he asked her to.

"I thought I might ask your friends to accompany me. I would like for you to come, but as newly recovered as you are, I'm afraid you might overtax yourself."

"I can stay with Clara while you four are gone. I haven't spent much time with her lately."

And so it was that Sarah, attired in her own clothing for once, waved goodbye to an eager Sir Didymus, a friendly Ludo, and a disgruntled Hoggle. She waved goodbye to Jareth as well, gracing him with a warm smile as he left. Clara and Sarah talked over a pot of tea as Gerry went outside to play with the other children.

Something seemed different about Clara today, although Sarah couldn't figure out exactly what the difference was. She just seemed…happy. Incandescently happy. Well, she should be, Sarah told herself. After all, she is in love. That's why Hoggle looked so grumpy when he left – he didn't want to leave at all! After a few hours with Clara, her bright mood rubbed off on Sarah, and Sarah found herself laughing hysterically at Clara's anecdotes about Hoggle.

Suddenly, Sarah became aware of a shift in the giant room. There was a hush, and Sarah turned to see Jareth standing on a hastily-erected dais, preparing to address the crowds surrounding him. His announcement was brief and to the point. "It is my great pleasure to announce that the Northern, Western, and Southern sectors of the Labyrinth are now safe enough for habitation. You may return to you homes at your earliest convenience. In a sennight, there will be a grand feast in this great hall in celebration of this most welcome news."

Cheers met Jareth's announcement, and the crowds buzzed into activity. All around her, Sarah could see dwarves assembling their belongings, excitedly beginning to pack, their eagerness to return to their homes obvious. Clara, however, didn't move from her chair.

"Would you like me to help you pack," Sarah offered.

"Thank you, but no. I'm not going anywhere at present." Seeing Sarah's confused expression, Clara elaborated, with the air of one who has been bursting to tell a secret all day. "I'm staying with Hoggle," she said. Sarah continued to stare at Clara, comprehension just barely beginning to take root in her mind. With glowing eyes and a beaming smile, Clara told Sarah, "Hoggle asked me to marry him."