HeLlo! This story ended up More chapters than I thought haha... Well Enjoy!


Shikamaru sighed as he laid on his bed. His thoughts went back to the time when he was having the talk to his parents about his 16th birthday. Yes 16th birthday alright. And all he wanted to do for that day was go out and stare at the clouds and think of all the random moments that pops into his head. But no, his parents had to have something in mind...

"No, Dad! A party? In our house? Is it the end of the world or something?!"

"Apparently to you, it is" Shikaku replied staring at his son with a lazy smile on his face.

"Mom, tell Dad not to organise a party for my birthday!" Shikamaru looked at his mother helplessly and to his horror, she shook her head wearing that teasing smile of hers. He merely grunted and sank down to his chair.

"Shikamaru dear, we can't cancel it anymore. We've already invited some people" and at that, Shikamaru sprang up from his seat.

"NANI?!" Now there's a side of Nara Shikamaru that you've never seen before.

So now, after compulsory waiting for 4 days, the night he dreaded finally came. He stood outside his front door whilst his parents prepared the snacks. Well at least Shikaku tried to help but he ended up sleeping 5 minutes of the way through. Of course he received some beatings but lets not go to that. The sound of feet pounding on the ground caught Shikamaru's attention. He whipped his head around and raised an eyebrow as he saw who it was. Uchiha Sasuke.

"Yo" Sasuke greeted and tossed a small wrapped up gift in which Shikamaru easily caught.



Then Shikamaru realised... why is Sasuke invited? Not that he minded but the Uchiha clan weren't really close to the Nara clan. And why was he first to arrive? Then it hit him... Uchihas are 'always' first. Same as always and always will.

"Go in and make yourself comfortable" Shikamaru said and Sasuke nodded and walked in. He was suddenly greeted by Shikamaru's parents and only nodded at them in return. Shikamaru listened as a loud voice came nearer and nearer until he could see the spiky blond hair with the old fashioned orange suit that everyone had grown to know and a pink haired woman. It was no other than Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura.

"Happy birthday, Shikamaru!" Naruto shouted giving the raven haired boy a tight hug before handing him his birthday present. "I hope You like it!!!" Naruto added.

"Itai... Naruto I'm right next to you. Geez, so troublesome" Shikamaru scolded him whilst rubbing his ears from the shouts that he had received.

"Hehe... sorry" Sakura laughed and gave Shikamaru a gentle hug before handing him her gift.

"Happy birthday, Shika"


"So, were we the first one to get here?" Naruto asked cheerfuly.

"No, Sasuke was"

"Eh?!! Teme!" Naruto yelled again and went into the house followed by Sakura who started lecturing the Kyuubi. Shikamaru sighed and sat down on the stairs outside.

"This is going to be a long night" he murmured. Then 4 people came into view and he smiled as his team mates ran up to hug him.

"Shikamaru!" both Ino and Chouji beamed before pinning him on the floor.

"Happy birthday!" They both said again. Their father, Inoichi and Chouza laughed seeing the three bicker at each other.

"Those two were really excited to do that" Inoichi said talking about the fact that Ino and Chouji had just pinned Shikamaru on the floor.

"I appreciate the kindness but please... I don't want to die just yet" Ino and Chouji smiled and both helped him up. They handed him his presents as he smiled and thanked them.

The beginning of the night went by just like that. Shikamaru didn't except so many of his friends to come by but he didn't mind. The parents of his friends were invited too and they had their own separate room as the group of teenagers. Kiba, Akamaru, Shino, Hinata as well as Kurenai arrived after his team mates and Neji, Lee, Tenten and Might Guy followed after. Next was Asuma, Anko, Tsunade, Shizune and Jiraiya. Now, that he was very shocked. Some people may not feel the same way as he did. but he felt very honoured to have two Legendary Sannin in his home. Shame the other one was bad and gay...

And the party was all wrapped up. Everyone had arrived, the food was well prepared, until the doorbell rang. Questioning himself as to who else might be invited, he walked over to the door and slowly opened it. His eyes widened seeing the three Sand shinobi siblings.

"Er..." Shikamaru didn't know what to say. One because he really didn't expect them, and two Temari had her hair down for the first time.

"Welcome to our humble home, please come in" a voice spoke behind Shikamaru. The four turned their attention at the older version of Shikamaru and nodded, bowed and greeted him.

Gaara, Kankuro and Temari walked in and was greeted by everyone. Shikamaru closed the door and glared at his dad,

"Why did you invite them too?!" Sure, Shikamaru had some kind of fondness for Suna's rose but...

"Relax. It's not like anytings going to happen" Shikaku said cryptically and Shikamaru narrowed his eyes and folded his arms.

"Dad, I'm a Nara. I know exactly what you're thinking"

"Do you now?" Shikaku said teasingly.

"This is so troublesome... It's too troublesome having a fight with the person who I got my smart-ass troublesome brain from"

"Glad to know you think of me like that"

"Whatever, Dad. You need some attention you attention seeker" Shikamaru smirked and walked away to the living room. "Go join the adult club"

As soon as he came in, everyone was there talking. Gaara and Naruto were talking, probably of their past experiences with their tailed beasts. Gaara, as everyone knew him had learnt to talk more and became more civilised with the people he knew but... if anyone pissed him off, oh they have really screwed lives.

Ino, Hinata, Tenten and Sakura were happily chatting, most probably about boys. But why isn't Temari there?

"Hey stranger" he looked beside him and saw her. She had that usual cocky smile of hers except now... It was something he couldn't explain. A strange emotion was building up inside him but quickly shook it off.

"Hiya back" he greeted with a smile.

"Happy birthday"

"I've been getting that a lot"

"Except, I have no present to hand over" Temari giggled as she definitely saw, a second flicker of disappoinment in his eyes.

"Just joking. I'll give you my present later ok?" she asked almost hopefully and she had never pleaded anyone apart from the moment when Gaara was trying to control Shukaku from inside of him.

"Sure" he answered. "Though, I didn't expect you three to be here"

"What can I say" Temari began. "One of your messenger birds arrived and there was a letter of invitation from your parents. Kankuro was the one who got it first and he told Gaara about it. I didn't even know about it until my brothers were getting ready for the journey to Konoha"

"So, I guess you're tired"

"A little bit, but I have enough strength to enjoy this party of yours" Temari smirked. "Speaking of party, you are not the type to host one for your 16th birthday"

"If you knew me like that, you should very well know that it was my parents who organised this. Just like you, I found out about it last and when everything was set up" Temari laughed. Shikamaru couldn't help but comment in his head of how beautiful she was when she laughed. Especially now that her hair was down. There really was a first time for everthing.

"Hey, Temari!" Ino called over to them waving her hand.

"The girls need me. Talk to you later" Temari said.

"Ah" Shikamaru replied. He was about to go out when he was grabbed by the wrist and pinned to the ground by the boys.

"Admit it, Nara. You like my sister!" Kankuro mused making Shikamaru blushed and that went unnoticed by the boys.

"Yup, definitely" Chouji added, nodding his head. Of all the girls, he had fallen for the blond, feisty, wind controller and Suna's rose.

"That's something I could tease you about forever" Kiba said and Naruto agreed.

"The youth of love is finally spreading in this small community" Lee added and everyone sweatdropped. Everyone kept teasing Shikamaru to the limit, even Shino would comment about his methods of falling in love now and again. Of course with no laughing. Neji stayed quiet and was the only wise one until they got to the subject of talking about the girls. Now that got the boys attention and the 'Temari teasing' was forgotten. For now.

"So... whose the sexiest female?" came Kankuro's question. In this kind of topic, he was the best to talk to.

"Sakura!" Lee answered.

"..." came Neji's answer.

"..." came Sasuke's answer.

"..." came Kiba's answer.

"..." came Naruto's answer.

"..." came Shikamaru's answer.

"Oh come on! Lee here is the only one brave enough to say his true feelings!"

"Well unlike you, we're not the ones who are about to lose our pride" said Sasuke.

"Yeah but that pride of yours is too much to consider as a reason" Kankuro scoffed.

"I believe you just insulted the Uchihas"

"Yeah, I believe I just did"

"Stop it, you two. We don't want this room to be in a huge mess" Gaara warned them and they managed to calm down slightly. Shikamaru breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do it in the garden instead"

"That's not the point!" Shikamaru retorted.

"What was that I just saw?" Sakura asked in a sweet tone that was far too sweet for her. Unbelievable as it seems.

"Nothing" Temari replied and sat down on the ground forming a circle.

"There certainly was some kind of chemistry there was it not?" Tenten asked nudging her. Their fight in the Chuunin exams was well and forgotten over the 3 years and both are exceptionally equal now.

"Tenten, just cos you can't get any chemisty between you and Neji, don't take it out on me" Tenten glared at her whilst trying not to blush. So they were friends, but they are times when they just like to bite each others heads off. Not literally of course.

"G-Guys, Let's stop t-this" Hinata interrupted, a blush creeping out to her cheeks. Never forget, Hinata will always be Hinata. The shy, loving, caring, stuttering girl will always stay the same.

"Same goes for you, Hinata. You've always liked Naruto, so why don't you just talk to him and try to act normal?" Temari turned her attention to the pearl eyed girl who suddenly wished she was not the centre of attention.

"Hey, don't bring Hinata into this!" Ino said with a smile.

"Oh I see. Let's talk about Kiba than Naruto. Ino will like this conversation very much"

"Temari... " Temari could sense the anger from the sound of Sakura's voice but she only smirked in response.

"Hmmmm, let's see. You like the Uchiha right? Take my advice, act normal. Don't act flirty"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Sakura roared and every single head turned to look at her. "Oops" she murmured embarrassingly and sat down again, shooting icy glares at Temari on the way.

"That was not my fault, Haruno. If that's what you're thinking" Temari said with a bright smile.

"Grr" the pink haired woman grunted and 'hmphed'. The doorbell rang again and Shikamaru was about to answer it when Anko opened the door. Kakashi was there in his usual attire and cleared his throat,

"Sorry I'm late. There was a pregnant woman who needed help so--"

"Just go in, Kakashi" Anko said plainly and led him to the adults room as Shikamaru claimed.

"But I'm actually telling the truth"

"Shut up"

"That man will never change" Naruto commented and the boys all nodded. "But seriously this is very boring. Anyone got a game in mind?"

"It's not that boring, Naruto, but if you're up for a game, I'm in" Chouji said pointing at himself with his thumb

"Same here" Neji said.

"Ditto" came Sasuke and Shikamaru's reply.

"But, first. I need to eat!" Chouji said enthusiastically and everyone fell over anime style.

"I will go and get the group some drinks" Lee said and followed Chouji but suddenly stopped. "I need someone to help me carry the drinks you know" he declared childishly.

"I will help" Shino offered and stood up. The three left with no further ado.

"Let's call the girls over and they can think of a game too" Kiba said and whistled to grab the girls attention. He waved them to come over and they did almost hesitantly.

"Wanna play a game?" Kankuro asked rubbing his palms together. The girls raised an eyebrow and sat down next to the boys that they... like.

"Whatever Naruto, Kiba and Kankuro agree on are always troublesome" Shikamaru said.

"That is not true!" Naruto remarked.

"Wanna bet, dobe?" Sasuke asked and smirked seeing Naruto fume by the second.

"Alright, guys let's just play truth and dare with spin the bottle" Ino said. It was silent for a while.

"How the hell can you play them both at the same time?!" it was Kiba who asked as he was the one that heard it loudest.

"Simple. You spin the bottle and whoever the top end points to gets the option of truth or dare" Sakura explained, expertly. "So whose up for it?" Naruto, Kiba, Lee, Chouji who was still eating, Neji, Sasuke, Kankuro, Shikamaru and the rest of the girls raised their hands up. Gaara and Shino didn't play as they weren't the type of people to play this game. Besides, they were already getting the feeling that this was going to be too much for them to handle.

Chouji gave his empty bottle of orange juice and Sakura placed it in the middle of the big circle of friends. She smirked and twisted it waiting for it to stop. And it did.

to Hyuuga Hinata.

Well Reviews are Much Loved and Appreciated

Rei Uni x