Me: Yes, I racked up over 30 reviews! Thank you readers!

Starscream: Why do I have to look like the bad guy?!

Me: Uh, 'Screamer that question makes no sense, you're pure evil!

S.S.: That's not the point you made me look terrible!

Me: Hmm... I think I captured your treacherous side really well.

S.S.(glares): You would!

Me (glares): And you make no sense!

Thundercracker (shakes head): Before this turns into a fight I'll do the disclaimer. Amethyst Authoress does not own Transformers.

Chapter 5:

Academy Days Part 3:

Our Mission

Breem: 8.3 minutes

Astrosecond: 0.498 seconds


After spending eons at the academy, the class had finally progressed to first level students or seniors (about a 17 year old person). The class had become separated into smaller groups, such as the seekers and ground units.

The seven fliers were assembled in a classroom waiting for their new instructor to come.

"What do you know about this new guy, TC?" Skywarp asked in a bored tone.

"All I heard is that he's called Blitzkrieg," the blue jet replied.

Before another question could be asked, the door opened and in stepped a new mech. He was a large black mech with yellow stripes trailing the sides of his wings. A grey faceplate masked the lower half of his face from view. His cold maroon optics bore into the classroom, instantly silencing the seven Decepticon younglings.

"So this is the new crop of seekers, huh?" His optics rested on three mechs with cone-shaped helms. 'Some models get weirder and weirder.' "Alright seekers line up!"

The seekers did as they were told while their instructor's maroon optics examined them, with momentary glances at his data pad. "You all seem functional enough. It's time to run some drills. Afterwards, you'll be briefed on a mission. Now get moving."

The seven seekers headed off to the battlefield.

"Not even a breem into our first class and already we're running drills, just great," Skywarp moaned.

"Come on 'Warp, how bad could it be," Silverstar questioned as she followed behind him.


The group of seekers limped back into their classroom. Dents and cracks adorned their armored bodies. An assortment of groans resounded from them.

Skywarp glanced at Silverstar. "You were saying?"

"Nevermind," the silver femme replied.

Blitzkrieg walked into the room looking over a data pad. "Suck it up troops. War is one hundred times worse. Fall in line."

"The reason for this exercise is to train you all for an important assignment. It's just a simple information gathering assignment. The target will be an Autobot academy. After you've completed the training courses, the other instructors and I will decide when to begin this mission. For now, you're dismissed."

The seekers walked and in some cases limped off to their own quarters.


Today was the day of their first mission. The students, both air and ground units, stood in the hangar next to three identical spacecrafts. Each one was black with a sleek design, moderate in size, and brandished the Decepticon insignia.

For this mission, they would be infiltrating an Autobot Academy in order to obtain the location of a possible energy source on Cybertron. The ground units would provide a distraction, while Starscream led a group into the Academy's main computer room.

Blitzkreig moved in front of the group of students. "Alright troops, this will be the first of many missions to come for you cadets. If you're captured, do not expect me or any other instructor there to drop this mission to come rescue you. Have I made myself clear?"

"Sir, yes sir!" the younglings chorused.

"File into your assigned ships and prepare for take-off." The younglings did as they were told.


The Autobot Academy was located in another area of Cybertron, free from any Decepticon influence. It was the opposite of everything taught at the Decepticon Academy.

Quietly the Decepticon ships landed outside of the school's perimeter and the students began to file out of them. The ground units transformed and sped into the school's perimeter. The result was a wail of sirens from the security systems. Instantly, many Autobot cadets and instructors came pouring out of the buildings to meet their adversaries.


As the battle raged on, Blitzkrieg noticed that he had became one of the few remaining airborne seekers. He took that as his cue to act. The instructor unsubspaced a special type of blaster. Its purpose was not for inflicting injury, but for serving as a distraction.

He took aim and fired several times at the clusters of Autobots below. As soon as the shots hit the ground they released powerful flashes on all unsuspecting optics. When the flares had faded, the fighting had resumed. The Autobots did not suspect what had happened. 'Excellent,' he thought.

"Is that the best you got?!" a golden mech taunted with another youngling by his side.

The ebony seeker growled. 'Obnoxious brats!'


The plan had worked! Blitzkrieg's flares had caused the Autobots to become distracted and now they were inside the academy. Their instructor ordered them to stay out of most the fray, until given the signal.

The small squadron hurried through the deserted halls of the base, with no conflict. It was easy to make it to the control room.

"Who leaves a room like this unguarded?" Skywarp boasted as Thundercracker and Silverstar unlocked it doors.

"Don't underestimate them, 'Warp." Thundercracker chuckled. "That's how one of them shot down Starscream."

"Shut up!" the irate seeker snapped as he hurried over to the computer. Starscream pulled out a disk and placed it inside the computer, while he began typing away at it rapidly. Astroseconds later, the download was complete.

"It's done!" Starscream proclaimed as he pulled the disk out of the computer. A stray shot flew by and grazed Starscream's shoulder.

"That was just a warning shot," a voice replied. The seekers looked to back at the entrance to see an Autobot instructor holding a blaster. He was mostly red with a black helm. A red telescope was mounted on his shoulder. Based on his appearance, he didn't look like much of a warrior. "It is imperative that you cease and desist immediately." He stuck his hand out to Starscream. "Reliquish the data that you attempted to pilfer from that computer."

Starscream put his hands behind his back and glared at the Autobot. This could not be how it ended! His career would be over before it even began. As his optics darted around frantically, he noticed the other three seekers nodding slightly and moving behind the Autobot.

The red jet took a chance and charged at the older mech. As he prepared for Starscream's attack, he seemed to forget that there were three other seekers in the room. With his focus on Starscream, the others tackled him from behind. The Autobot hit the ground while the seekers escaped from the room.

The Autobot ran out of the building in hopes of finding them, but it appeared that the Decepticons had just fled the premises.

"Hey Perceptor, what's the matter?"

Perceptor looked to his side to see a dark green transformer with assorted injuries heading his way. "Hound, it is highly recommended that we contact Optimus Prime immediately. The Decepticons retreated with information from our main computer."

"Well, I'll get to work on contacting Optimus." The green transformer replied as headed towards the building.


The Decepticon ships landed in the hangar bay and were immediately emptied of their contents. Before they could exit the hangar, several of their instructors appeared on in front of the large mass of younglings.

Blitzkreig stepped forward and addressed the students. "For a first time mission you didn't do that bad. Thanks to Starscream's unit we were able to obtain an important piece of information. Lord Megatron will be pleased. Before this little victory goes to anyone's processor, I'd like to remind you all that training will still commence bright and early. Dismissed."

The students exited the hangar, grumbling about what tomorrow would bring.

Another chapter up, and the last of the Academy Days saga. Although I was thinking of making a spin-off story that lists some of the adventures that the seekers have at the Academy. Hmm, I'll see if I can find time for that. Also, in my mind their mission was kind of like a senior prank for their rival school. My own school was my inspiration for this chapter. As usual read and review please.