Hey everybody, it's yours truly Amethyst speaking. I hope you enjoy this new fanfic of mine called "Autocon." Please bear in mind that this will be the first Transformers fic that I have ever typed. If you know of any websites that could help to better understand the Transformers characters then please notify me. And without further adeu:

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers, although my OCs do belong to me. You'll know who they are.

----------Chapter One: Birth----------

The femme's blue optics glared defiantly at Megatron as he cradled a small, sleeping newborn femme in his arms. 'Our newborn femme…' she thought sadly. Where had this all gone wrong? Here she was sitting in a prison cell, chained to the wall at a Decepticon base. Right now she wanted nothing more than to seize the young sparkling from Megatron and take her away from this place. Lucky for him, the chains on her wrists prevented her from doing so.

Megatron looked up from the little bundle in his arms to examine his soon-to-be ex-sparkmate. In his opinion, she had certainly seen better days. She was a black seeker whose faded metal looked as though it was in need of a good polish. Her right leg had been severely damaged during the struggle to bring her here for Megatron's 'plans'.

The silver tyrant smirked. "Take a good long look at our sparkling, Nightengale. She will be the future of the Decepticons!" he proclaimed.

Nightengale narrowed her optics at her ex-sparkmate. "What makes you think she'll willingly go through with it?! How do you know the Autobots won't stop you beforehand, Megatron?!" she growled.

A devious chuckle escaped the tyrant's mouth. "My dear, you are so much like your ridiculous brother Ironhide; so noble, so strong, so foolish."

The female seeker was so tempted to blast the grin off of Megatron's face.

Megatron opened the door to the cell and summoned Shockwave. He gave his child over to the purple cyclops and closed the cell door once again. The Decepticon leader slowly advanced on the helpless femme.

"What do you want, you pit-" Nightengale was silenced when the tyrant's lips came crashing down on hers. Centuries ago when they had kissed it meant something to her. Back then, he was warmer and kinder, but now he had become cold and cruel tyrant. Nothing would ever be the same between them ever again.

After a few seconds, their kiss was broken and Megatron backed away from his prey. He raised his blaster to the helpless femme. "Good-bye my dear." He fired once and that was all it took to send her to the Matrix.

With his horrible job complete, he exited the prison cell and saw Shockwave standing there and holding his daughter. The little femme was finally awake.

Megatron once again held her in his arms and examined her small body closely. Some qualities she inherited from her mother. The femme's body was definitely that of a seeker's; and like all other flying transformers, she didn't like having her wings touched. Blue optics looked innocently back at him. However, like her father, her body was silver in color, with just a little black lining on her wings.

Shockwave looked at her optics with surprise. "Her optics are blue sir. Doesn't that mean she'll-"

"No," the tyrant cut him off. "Not if I can help it. Shockwave go fetch me a visor and tell no one of her optics or else."

"At once my lord," the cyclops bowed and left to fulfill his errand.

Megatron held the baby at arm's length and thought for a couple of minutes. "I think I'll call you, Silverstar." The little femme giggled at her new name. "We have much preparing to do for your future little one."

Well that's it for the first chapter. Please read and review!