
Chapter 1

Yeah, to anyone else, Danny Fenton seemed like the typical, shy, fifteen-year-old. He was unpopular, seemingly weak, and he wasn't someone you would think twice about. Which was just the way he liked it. Of course, no one would associate the aforementioned character traits with one Danny Phantom. Fenton and Phantom were what anyone would consider polar opposites. Phantom was popular, able-bodied, and was the talk of the town. Yes, it seemed Danny Fenton had them all fooled. But nothing stays hidden forever, and with Danny's luck, it was a real miracle that the whole town of Amity Park wasn't trying to hunt him down. Things were going to change, whether Danny was ready, or not.

Danny's..extra-curriculars had a way of showing themselves in his daily life. Unavoidable little hints to his identity, most of them easily hidden. His "unexplained" strength could be hidden by baggy clothes and purposeful failing of one's gym class. His many scars--a result of a few unexpected upgrades on Skulker's part, and other unfortunately messy battles--were also relatively well-hidden by his clothes, or he could even throw in the odd explanation. But the things he couldn't hide--his reflexes, his apparent need to do good everywhere and help anyone and everyone in need--were slowly but surely beginning to display themselves in his day-to-day life.

It all started one Tuesday morning, as Danny, Sam, and Tucker were making their way out of their third period class and towards the only thing standing between the trio and lunch--Gym class. As Tucker and Sam chatted aimlessly as they waited for Danny to put his History books away, Danny heard the unmistakeably loud and cocky steps coming towards him. He sighed and shut his locker, knowing it better not to press his luck when it came to leaving locker doors opened when Dash was near. Sam and Tucker noticed as well soon and the three sent each other knowing looks before Danny began to wonder why he had to put up with this nearly every day. Dash, noticing his 'opponent' was caught off-guard in a state of day-dreaming, thrust Danny up off his feet and pressed him with his front to the locker doors. Or attempted to.

Big mistake.

Danny's shocking reflexes instantly took over, and in a few quick and smooth twisting movements, Dash was spun away from Danny and thrown forcefully into the lockers across the hall--just as Mr. Lancer arrived at the scene to see the look of shock, fear, and was that, self-loathing on the student's face? Regardless, the balding teacher decided he should diffuse the sutuation before it got out of hand--until he realized there was nothing left to diffuse. A crowd stood in awe as they regarded one more-panicky-by-the-second Danny Fenton look around as if to say "Nobody saw that, right?" and one Dash Baxter remain nearly unconcious across the hall. It was a surprise, to say the very least.

"Mr. Fenton!" Mr. Lancer's voice roared over the silence that had ensued.

The panicking student's gaze finally rested on the furious teacher. He gulped audibly, his only thoughts along the lines of "Oh, crap.."

A/N: Well, there ya have it. The first chapter of my first story. Feedback is greatly appreciated, but just knowing someone has read it would be fine!