Hidden in the dark

Sasuke ran through the forest towards the Akatsuki's hideout, he had found it some months ago. Suddenly he felt a tug on his arm and saw a snake biting onto him, his eyes then adverted to the pet's master.

"Why?" He glared at the sannin and felt the urge to drive his sword through him, yet again.

'It'll have to wait until he has done his part.' Sasuke thought to him self as the snake man hissed in his ear.

"But Sassssuke-kun…he's just getting eager with you." Sasuke felt like throwing up, just the way the sannin talked.

They neared the hideout to Akatsuki and Orochimaru set of to his part of the work as Sasuke got ready to enter. What he didn't know was that he wasn't the only with plans for afterwards.

As he followed the dark hallways he heard footsteps and stopped, looking around, his eyes a crimson colour. He had to kill those; Orochimaru would soon come with some other sound ninjas and enter from the other side, which would end it, Sasuke needed to find Itachi before that.

He strolled the halls hoping to find his brother as fast as possible. As he heard shouting and the sound of metal clinging together further down the hallway he stopped to listen for voices, as none came he rushed to the scene. He froze as he saw it. They were there, team 7, and his replacement. He gritted his teeth as he saw Sai helping Naruto. That was his place, the spot he was supposed to be in. His eyes flared over to sharingan, and then he saw it. Itachi's dead body was resting at the feet of his replacement.

Sasuke growled as he advanced forwards towards him, Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto turning towards him at once. Sai seemed to smile.

"I finally get to do my mission then." The root ANBU said, smiling. Sasuke spread his wings flapping them lazily as he neared the middle of the big cave the battle had been in. Kakashi and Sakura watched in fear, afraid of what Sasuke had become. Naruto closed his eyes; he knew what would come, not how, but what Sasuke would want to do.

Sasuke growled out in anger and frustration as he advanced on Sai.

After some moments Naruto opened his eyes to see Sai with Sasuke's fangs deep into his neck. Kakashi ran forwards to stop him but as Sasuke saw it his crimson eyes concentrated on Kakashi and he flapped his wings, lifting Sai up into the air.

"If I let him fall head first he'll die!" He uttered, holding Sai's body so everyone could se how much was left of his consciousness.

"He won't stand himself…which means he will be crushed." Sasuke smirked, and then suddenly felt pain erupt from his side, as he looked down the rot ANBU had a kunai cowered in poison which he had pushed into Sasuke's side. He hissed at the pain, the poison spreading fast in his body and in anger he grabbed Sai's neck.

"What kind of poison?!" He hissed into Sai's ear, but as Sai didn't answer he dropped him, Kakashi managing to grab him.

Sasuke landed some feet away stumbling as his vision became blurry and he leaned against the wall before sliding down against it.

Hearing people coming closer, not able to defend himself or make out who it is that is coming up to him he closed his eyes, giving up to move.

He heard faint whispers as he woke up, something covering his eyes.

"Did Sai really try to kill him?" some girl seemed to talk about the fight.

'Wait…' He tried to sit up; something tightening around his wrists as he did then it hit him. They had probably brought him back to Konoha.

And he was blindfolded because of his eyes, and chained to something.

He sighed which obviously got the girls attention.

"He's awake?" but due to the poison he shouldn't be awake for yet some more hours." One of them said and rushed to his side while pouring something in a glass.

"He shouldn't be awake yet, we don't know what he can do!" She said and tried to make him drink it.

Sasuke wrinkled his nose at the small and refused to even let it touch his lips.

If it was one thing he had learned from living with Orochimaru and Kabuto, it was that you shouldn't drink whatever people try to give you.

When she put the glass away he tried to pull at the restrains again.

"What are you gona do to me… Kill me? Let me go…" He made his voice pleading, almost hurt. Then he felt a familiar emptiness, like when everyone left the room before a familiar chakra was all around him.

"N-Naruto?" He whispered, more like a statement than a question.

Naruto growled against his ear.

"He's dead now, that's what you wanted, isn't it?" He sat at the edge of the bed. "And he may have taken your vision away too." Sasuke's breath hitched.

"What?!" he tried to get the blindfold off.

"I was joking." the blond said, in a sad manner. "Does the stupid sharingan mean that much to you?" Sasuke turned over on the side, away from Naruto.

"No, I just….wanted to…nothing." He turned over towards Naruto, hands over his head.

"Why do they chain me up and blindfold me then?" Sasuke was a bit desperate by now. And he heard Naruto sigh and shift on the bed, lying down on top of him as his breath started to even out Sasuke thought he had fallen asleep.

He whispered to himself.

"That's what they do; they're hiding me in the dark, so I'll be unable to do anything against them…" He sighed.

"Because you are a traitor, Sasuke…" Naruto whispered as he fell asleep. Sasuke growled slightly. He pulled at the chains again, trying to get free to hold around Naruto.

"I wouldn't betray you, Naru-chan…" He whispered to himself, finally falling asleep.