Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling is the owner of the stage and actors but this script is the sole property of my shattered heart. The dialogue is courtesy of the ex bastard, correction I mean the ex boyfriend.

The Breakup

"We need to talk." He whispered somberly as he cast aside the evening edition of the Daily Prophet.

"Alright." Famous last words she thought. Upon closing the door behind her, she braced herself for an explanation to match the gravity of his furrowed expression.

"I can't be with you." Those amber eyes of his widened with profound remorse. His stark revelation was devastating... a monsoon of shock, so ferocious and engulfing. Each syllable resounded thunderously in the disbelieving corridors of her mind. She was still processing its meaning, the finality of the uttered phrase when he stepped closer to her. Taking her delicate hand firmly into his, he awaited her response. Eons of silence passed before she could rediscover speech.

"But I love you." Her proclamation blurted itself out as if it was a charm against the breaking of a heart. However this was not a fairytale. There would be no knight in shining armor on a pristine white steed riding gallantly to rescue the fair maiden. Instead he was abandoning her to the dragons of loss and loneliness. There would be no happily everafter to their story.

"I'm sorry, truly I am for not loving you the way you need to be loved. We need to end this. It will be better for the both of us." He reasoned calmly. Even though he was looking right at her, it seemed as if she were transparent. And although their hands were clasped together she could no longer feel him there. There was an aching hollowness in her chest, a void of anguish collapsing inwards. If a soul could implode, hers would be infinite particles dissipating in the universe's ether.

"Please give us another chance. Things will improve I swear. Don't leave me. I need you… please…" Stripped of any semblance of pride, she pled with him, her desperate arms clutching futilely in search of embrace.

"You know that I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just that I can't do this anymore." Gently he extricated himself from her grasp. Without the contact of his skin, the coldness encroached. She was becoming less solid by the minute.

"Didn't mean to hurt me?" She asked bitterly. Sadness stung unshed in her turbulent eyes. Squeezing them shut she spun around unable to face him, unable to stare directly in the fiery suns of his gaze. Her insides were dissected viciously by his words..

"I thought we could try, that my feelings would change but they have not. There is no future for us and you deserve someone who can give you everything that I can not. Forgive me. I never meant to lead you on." Apology fell from eloquent lips both capable of a wry smile and kisses that could leave a woman senseless with need… intoxicated by want. Now they were destroying her. His sweet and even tone was eviscerating. No future. Too old… too poor… too dangerous. No dreams. Excuses and apologies were all he could offer.

"Why? We can make this work. I will do anything if you stay. Say it and I will do it. Have faith in me. Have faith in us." Her weeping sounded raw, ugly and incoherent. It was difficult to breathe without gasping. If she swallowed any more air she would surely surrender to the welcoming unconsciousness.

"My heart is not in it anymore. I care about you but it is not enough. All we do is pretend that nothing is wrong. We have nothing in common except our cause. One day you will find someone who is whole and…" He tried to console her but she pushed him away dismissively. Her face was flushed and puffy from tears. She wanted to cling to him but refrained. To be held by him would be a torment that she knew would be her undoing.

"You are the only one I love! There is no one else! You and I were meant to be! I don't exist without you!" Screaming at him, she kept her fists clenched at her side.

"You're not in love with me. You're in love with an idea." Sadly he turned away from her. Causing her pain was unbearable to him. He had to leave her. He had to make her understand. She was young, beautiful and sweet. Being together would end tragically for the both of them.

"No! I love you. Why don't you get it? Remus, you're everything and I am nothing without your smile, your kiss… your love. Don't turn away from me damn you!" She gripped his unshaven jaw and stared into the misting depths of his soul. Then she kissed him like it was the first and probably the last kiss they would share. It was steeped in unrequited passion and the poignancy of goodbye. He broke away abruptly as if scalded.

"I won't pretend with you any more. Nymph, I'm sorry but there is nothing left between us."

Brutally she flung herself at him nearly knocking them both over. One last time. Startled, he cradled her awkwardly, stroking her head as she burrowed into his chest. If she were any closer she would be beneath his skin, beneath his flesh, beneath his bones and in his heart. Her sobs soaked his worn out excuse for a jumper. Deeply she inhaled in a mixture of chocolate and lush forest. His fingers smoothed through fading fuschia spikes while she latched on tightly not wanting to let go. For hours she wept, unaware of the moment when he laid her tenderly on the couch. After covering her with an afghan, he was gone. All that remained was the comfort of a squashy embroidered cushion and a deepening sorrow.

A/N: This is what I was listening to as I packed up my things before I left our apartment for the last time:

"Over Now" by Submersed - "Don't Turn Away" by Ra - "Better than Me" by Hinder

"Gunnin" by Hedley - "I Don't Love You" by My Chemical Romance

"Say it Ain't So" by Weezer - "Believe Me" by Moist

"Razorblades and Bandaides" by Econoline Crush - "Strange Currencies" by R.E.M.

"Desperate Now" by Stabbing Westward - "With or Without you" by U2

"Release" by Tea Party - "Something I Can Never Have" by Nine Inch Nails

"Where Do We Go From Here" by Filter - "Wonderful" by Stone Temple Pilots

"You Know You're Right" by Nirvana