Title - Roses
Author – Darrrkkk…
Rating – PG-13
Pairing – GokuHaru
Warnings – My first time writing something without Tsuna.
Summary - They aren't the best couple ever.
Notes – for QuincyKyoko, on LJ, with a prompt of Roses.

start fic

They aren't the best couple ever (they're both in love with someone else who doesn't even notice).

And they're almost always at odds with each other (they're always fighting fighting fighting, but sometimes, in between the fighting, there's love).

He thinks she's stupid and she thinks he's crazy (but he's stupid for her and she's crazy for him).

If the one they love gave either of them even a speck of a chance, they both know they'd be gone without even a goodbye (but he never ever will, because there's someone else for him).

But when he gives her a rose for their anniversary, she doesn't question it and just hands him her present as well (so maybe, in the end, all is well).


There, I'm done. Enjoy it, even though it's a bit disjointed and strange.