Chapter 1- Reunited
It's been three years since the rebel forces were forced to stop their attacks on the world. Renton and Eureka were now the proud parents of a new son, Timothy Micheal Thurston. Maeter was now in middle school and Linck was just getting ready to graduate from elementary school. The family had returned to Bellforest after what had happened, but not really on good terms. The GekkoState ship had been destroyed in the last incident, used as a last resort to stop Ageha dead in its tracks once and for all, and it worked. Holland was doing well afterwards as the commander of Bellforest's new military base, as well as being a full time husband on the side. With two kids now, life definitely kept him busy. Anemone and Dominic were still living with them, with twin girls to take care of, they were busy themselves. Dominic was working full time with Holland at the base, Anemone was full time at the new military maintenance shop, and Talho was working with her while also watching the kids. Everyone else who was part of the GekkoState moved to Bellforest since there was no place for them to go anymore. They all kept in full contact though since they promised too, mainly because they were still all a family.
For the new hero's of the world, Maurice and Avriana, they were now thirteen years old, getting ready to go into high school together. Since they were old enough, they were finally able to date each other officially. When Avriana heard that news from her mom Nadia, she just threw her arms around Maurice like she would never let him go. He just returned the favor and they had been inseparable ever since. Hap was still cautious of his daughter, but didn't mind. He knew how good of a kid Maurice was. He and Nadia had married themselves a little while after the last battle of the war, and were almost inseparable themselves. Nadia was a full time doctor at the local Bellforest hospital while Hap became a professional computer analyst for the military. They had yet to have had a child of their own, but were planning on one soon since Nadia wanted them to have a child of their own.
One day while working at his desk on base, Holland got a call from an old friend that he hadn't heard from in the three years since the last incident.
"Commander Holland Novak speaking. How can I help you?"
"Holland, long time no hear."
"Jurgens? No way. It's been too long General."
"Tell me about it. How are things in Bellforest?"
"Just fine sir. Been keeping busy here on the base and at home with the new little one."
"Yeah I heard you had a daughter. Congratulations."
"Thank you. So, what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"
"Well, I wanted to ask you a question."
"Ok, shoot."
"How bad do you want to fly again?"
"With what? The Gekko was destroyed in order to stop Ageha. We've got nothing left."
"Just answer the question."
"Sorry. Pretty bad, why?"
"Good. Try to get most of your crew assembled there at the base by o nine hundred tomorrow. You'll see why then."
"Ahh, ok then. Will you be here?"
"Yes I will. See you tomorrow."
"You got it. Bye General."
"Bye Commander." After Holland hung up the phone, he started dialing every number he knew to try to get everyone on the base on time. By the end of the evening, he had everyone except for two people, and they were Stoner and Mischa. Stoner had gone out on his own as a freelancer and had done it quite successfully, so he wasn't available to take any calls let alone answer them. Mischa had went back to Tresor and reconciled her marriage to Dr. Gregory "Bear" Egan. They were now in charge of archetype recovery and restoration as well as research.
The next morning, everyone to Holland and Talho's surprise had showed up on the base. The reunion felt strange to them, but all in all it was wonderful seeing everyone again.
"Matthieu, Hilda!"
"Hey Talho!" said Hilda. "Long time no see."
"I know. How is married life going for you two?"
"Hey, it's Matthieu. Need I say more?"
"No, not really." Talho giggled. "Jobs, Woz, good seeing you again too."
"Same here Talho. So what's this big thing that's going on?"
"Not sure. Jurgens just wanted everyone to meet here."
"Hmm, I see."
"Gidget, Doggie!" said Eureka.
"Eureka!" Gidget yelled as they ran up to each other and gave each other hugs.
"How are things with Doggie?"
"They're great! Eureka, meet our daughter Jessica Mae."
"So cute. What do you think Renton?"
"She's wonderful dear. Doggie, good seeing you again."
"You too Renton. I heard you have your own business now."
"Yep. I run my own repair shop out of Grandpa's garage since he gave it to us."
"Yeah, I heard that too. So do you two know what's going on?"
"Nope, haven't the slightest clue."
"Weird. I wonder what's going on?"
"I wish I knew Doggie."
"So, is that your new son?"
"Yep. That's our boy Timothy. He's about six months now."
"Geez, that's five kids. How do you do it?"
"Patience and love Doggie. Knowing us, we'll probably have one or two more before we call it quits."
"I bet knowing you two." Doggie chuckled.
"Everyone, good to see you all here." said a familiar voice from the hangar where everyone was supposed to meet.
"Hello General Jurgens." Talho replied. "Long time no see."
"Same here, but now's not the time to play. The NRA, or New Rebel Alliance as some of you now know it as, is back at it again. I'd hate to say it, but we're back at square one again with them. We all know we got Ageha from the last time, but they have somehow reformed it, and are going for one last strike against all coralians. Holland, do you still have all of your LFO's stored here on base?"
"Yes we do. They're in hangar number three nicely tucked away."
"Good, because you're going to need them."
"But what are we going to haul them with? We've got nothing left."
"That's where this meeting comes in."
"What do you mean?" asked Hap.
"Look towards the sky to your west. It'll be coming in from there." As the group watched, a ship slowly began to come towards the airport runway from over the mountains to the left. As it got closer, the shape of it began to finally take shape. At first it looked like the GekkoState, but no one could be sure at all. It wasn't until it hit the runway that the familiar form of an old friend was recognized. "The Gekko!? No way!"
"I thought it was destroyed?" asked Gidget.
"It was. Jurgens, what's going on?" asked Holland.
"Holland, meet the Gekko spec two. Same size, but faster and more powerful than ever before. Same ship, totally different specs."
"But how?"
"The military has always had the blueprints for the ship, so we knew how to build it. It's just been enlarged in scale inside and more rooms added for your crew since you do have some new additions. So what do you say? Do you think you guys can re-band and do this one more time?"
"I'm not sure. That's quite an honor though. What do you think guys? Do you think the GekkoState can do it one more time?"
"YEAH!" everyone replied enthusiastically.
"Well, I guess it's anonymous then. Sir, the GekkoState awaits your orders."
"Good. Get your LFO's aboard and get ready to head out at o eight hundred tomorrow. Your first stop will be at Tresor to get supplied. After that you are to head to FAC51 to get your orders from Admiral Benson there. After that, everything is up to you."
"Roger that. Everyone load up!"
"Roger!" they all replied.
"Geez, it's like we never left." said Talho as the inspected the new ship. "It feels weird."
"Tell me about it. I never thought we'd see her again."
"Hey, Holland, this is our room."
"Wow, they even tagged the doors for us. That's nice."
"Shall we?"
"Sure." as the two walked into their room, it was like they had stepped back in time. The room was set up the completely same way as before. The memories almost brought tears to Talho's eyes.
"It's amazing. I never realized how much I missed this ship."
"I know. I feel the same way. We've even got our own bathroom and shower now.
"Now that I like. No more going half naked around the ship to take a shower or get dressed."
"What? I liked seeing you that way."
"Holland!" she said with an embarrassed look on her face. She quickly recovered though and said "Come on you. Let's go look at the rest of our ship."
"Man, it's a whole new operating system." said Woz while in the bridge. "It's going to take some time getting used to this thing."
"Looks like the flight controls are the same." said Doggie. "Engine monitoring systems look the same."
"Weapons controls are definitely more advanced." said Ken-Goh. "Looks like they're simpler to control though."
"That's because they are." said Jurgens. "Everything here is more advanced than anything you've ever seen before. But operating these systems should be a lot simpler to you guys. Only Woz will have the hardest time."
"Geez, thanks." Woz replied.
"Hey, don't worry. As good as you are with computer systems, you should have it figured out in no time."
"Communications seems to be the same." said Gidget.
"They are. But the range of them is almost doubled. You should have a lot easier time with long range communications now."
"Wow. Cool!"
"How are things going up here?" asked Holland as he and Talho entered the bridge.
"Everything's good." said Hap. "It's just like the old days."
"Yeah I know. Tell me about it. Jurgens, thanks. We owe you one for this."
"Don't mention it. But I have to get going. I have a lot of work ahead of me myself. You guys take off tomorrow for Tresor, so you don't have much time to get ready. So do what you can and get prepared to leave."
"Yes sir. It was good seeing you again."
"It won't be the last I'm sure. Take it easy now you here? This bird is new and hasn't really stretched her wings yet. So we have no idea of what she's capable of."
"I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. Bye Jurgens."
"Bye Holland."
"Look Avriana! We get to have our own room!" said Maeter. "Now we're room mates!"
"Awesome! Now we can talk about boys all we want!"
"Even about your boyfriend?"
"Well, ahh…"
"She had better not." said Maurice with a chuckle as he put his arms around her shoulder.
"Oh, hey Maurice. Did you get to see your room?"
"Yep. Me and Linck get to share a room as always, just like at home. Bunk beds as usual."
"Same here. I wonder how your parents are liking this ship?"
"I'm not sure. Let's go find out."
"Man, talk about old times." said Renton as they walked through the ship. "It was nice that they built a nursery for the babies. And it's right between our room and your parents room."
"Yes, it is nice. It's ok Timothy." said Eureka as she tried to calm their son down. "Anyways, it feels strange to be back on the Gekko. I thought this whole thing would've been over."
"Yeah well, all we did was stop them from destroying the world. We never really defeated them altogether. All it did was force them to do a worldwide retreat in order to regroup. I guess it took them this long to do it."
"Do you think we're up to it?"
"Well, now that I know we're in a safer position now, I think it should be fine."
"That's true. Come on. Let's go check out the bridge."
"Well Dominic, here we are again." said Anemone as they toured the ship. "Lots of memories here."
"Yeah I know. This is where Lisa Marie and Sara Jo were conceived."
"I'm not talking about that dear." she giggled. "I'm talking about the entire family. All the good times, the bad times, the battles, the laughs, the tears. It's all very precious to me."
"Yeah, me too. I'm glad we're back together again. It feels great."
"Yes it does. Hey Renton, Eureka!!"
"Hey sis!" Eureka replied. "How are you liking the ship?"
"It's great. We were just talking about all the memories we had aboard the last one."
"Well I'm sure we'll make many more on this one." said Renton. "Hopefully this'll be the last time we'll be active in the military."
"Well, we are all registered members of the NFA now, so you can't really say that."
"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that." Renton chuckled. "So, where are you guys heading?"
"Just wandering around." said Dominic. "Trying to take this whole thing in."
"Tell me about it. Hey, do you guys have a room for the girls?"
"Yeah, it's next to our room. Gidgets daughter is with them also."
"Wow, that's a roomful."
"Yeah I know. Where are you guys going?"
"We're heading to the bridge to check that out before we get the LFO's."
"Hey, we'll join you."
"Ok, let's go."
"Well, looks like we're all set to go here." said Holland after the initial checks of the ship were done. "Let's get the LFO's out and loaded."
"Ok. Gidget, page Hilda and Matthieu and have them get the 606 and 808."
"Ok Talho!"
"Holland, are you getting the 909?"
"Yep. Have Renton and Eureka get the Nirvash."
"Roger that. What about the Venturion and Newhope?"
"You should know the answer to that."
"Of course."
"Hey mom and dad!" said Eureka as she, Renton, Dominic, and Anemone walked into the bridge.
"Hey kids. Good timing. We were just about to page you to go get the LFO's out of the hangar."
"Oh, ok. Come on Renton! Let's go see Nirvash!"
"Ok hon!" Renton chuckled as Eureka grabbed his hand and pulled him along.
"You too Dominic and Anemone. Go get the Venturion."
"Ok. Come on Anemone. Let's go see an old friend."
"Ok Dominic."
"Gidget, page Maurice and Avriana. Let's get the Newhope going also."
Soon, all nine crew members were in front of hangar number three, home of the GekkoStates LFO's. Slowly Holland and Renton opened the doors to reveal several old friends, one unfortunately severely battered.
"Oh, Newhope, you poor thing." said Avriana as she and Maurice looked at it. "Don't worry, we'll have you fixed up in no time."
"Yes we will." Maurice replied as he put a hand on her right shoulder. Avriana just looked up at him with a warm caring smile. She knew in her heart that Maurice was right, he always was for some reason. That's why she knew she loved him. He always knew what to do no matter what the situation was, just like his father.
"The Nirvash looks good as new." said Renton as he and Eureka climbed in. "Let's just hope she fires up after sitting for so long."
"Let's try Renton. Come on!" Eureka replied. Renton then pulled out their compact drive with the amita drive still attached. As soon as he plugged it in, the Nirvash came to life once again for a whole new adventure. They then raced out of the hangar and into the skies, stretching out her legs after a long rest. "It's amazing Renton! Nirvash is happy we're back!"
"It's good to be back. Now come on, let's have some fun!"
"Don't forget us!" said Holland as he in the 909, Hilda in the 808, Matthieu in the 606, and Dominic and Anemone in the Venturion followed behind. "Let's see if we've still got what it takes!"
"Copy that Holland! Just try to catch us!" Renton laughed.
"I wish we were up there." said Avriana as she and Maurice watched the others practice in the skies above. "I feel so left out now."
"Don't be Avriana. It's not our fault that the Venturion is in this shape. We did what we had to the last time we were with him. He helped us save the world, now it's time we repaid him. I'm sure the people at Tresor can do that for us."
"Yeah, you're right. Thanks Maurice."
"You're welcome. Now come on. Let's see if we can get him home where he belongs."
"Alright. Hey Maurice, can I say something?"
"I know we're just dating, but I've known in my heart since the day I met you that there was something about you that connected me to you somehow. I've never wanted to leave your side since that day. Even when we were young and you guys were living at home while me and mom were on the ship, I was always lonely and sad. So I helped my mom with her work to keep myself occupied and to try to hide those feelings, but it never worked. Geez, I'm almost afraid to say what I'm trying to say."
"Well, if you can't, then don't. I can always wait Avriana. You don't have to force yourself."
"But I want to say it."
"Well, why don't you then?"
"Because I don't want to scare you away." Maurice just chuckled and said "Avriana, nothing you could say would ever scare me away. I care for you too much to let something like that happen."
"Yes really you goof. Now go ahead, tell me what you want to say."
"Well, ok. I know we may be way too young for this, but, I love you Maurice." Maurice just stood there frozen and wide eyed. He wasn't expecting this out of their relationship yet. He knew they were just dating and didn't want something like this to happen yet. He knew he loved her too, but didn't want to say it this early yet. He wanted to keep things simple and easy for them. Plus he didn't want Hap and Nadia to get mad at him. But as he looked at her and her soft lavender eyes, he knew he was hooked. There was no way of hiding his feelings for her. They had come a long way since that first accidental kiss, which still made him chuckle from time to time every time he thought of it. This girl, Avriana, was the girl he planned on spending the rest of his life with when they got older, and nothing was going to change that for him, no matter what the cost. His surprised look then went from surprised to a gentle calm one. As he continued to look at her, he finally said "You want to know something?"
"I love you too Avriana. I'll always be here by your side, I promise." Avriana's eyes just filled with tears of happiness as she said "Thank you Maurice. I was hoping you'd say that." As she continued to look at him, she knew herself that she too was hooked. There was no way she was leaving his side, even if it cost her life, she would always try to protect him. He then did something that surprised even her. Just like she remembered from the first time, he gave her a kiss, but this time it was for real. A nice, soft, gentle, caring kiss. It almost made her melt at the knees at the feeling. Maurice then stepped back and said "Now come on, let's get our friend aboard the Gekko."
"Ok Maurice. Thank you for loving me."
"No thanks needed. Now let's go. Since we're still in Bellforest, I'll take you out to lunch afterwards."
"Ok." After the two carefully got the battered Newhope onto the ship, they were surprised by the sound of a female voice. "Hey you two!"
"Ahh! Mom, don't scare us like that!" yelled Avriana.
"Sorry. By the way, I saw that kiss you two just shared. The camera system on this ship is something else."
"Ahh, sorry Nadia. I won't do it again!" said Maurice nervously.
"Don't worry about it." Nadia laughed. "I heard the conversation you two had also. This ship also has a pretty good sound system on it. It almost brought a tear to my eyes myself."
"Oh boy."
"Hey, don't be nervous Maurice. I'm happy for you two. Just the way you two talked let me know you're committed to each other, so it's alright. Just as long as you take care of my daughter, you're safe. Just don't go overboard on the kissing."
"Sorry dear!"
"Hey Nadia, is it ok if I take Avriana out to lunch?"
"Sure. I'll drive you two into town myself. I have to run an errand or two anyways."
"Ok. Thanks Nadia. I'll be right back Avriana. I have to go get my jacket"
"You're welcome. Come on Avriana, we'll meet him in the car."
"Ok mom. Hey, are you sure it was ok for Maurice to kiss me?"
"Yeah, it's ok. Just don't tell your dad. He'd probably flip."
"Knowing dad yes." Avriana giggled.
"So how was that kiss?"
"It almost made my knees melt mom. It was amazing."
"Wow, that's good for a first kiss. I felt the same way when I kissed your dad for the first time."
"Ok mom, I don't need to hear about your love life."
"Wow, getting smart now are we?" Nadia laughed.
"Well, I am the school's smartest student."
"Yeah yeah."
"Ok, I'm ready." said Maurice as he got into the car.
"Alright, let's go." Nadia then put the car into gear and the three headed into town for the afternoon.
"Ok everyone, that's enough practice for one day. Let's get these things loaded up and docked. I think we got all the dust knocked off of them."
"Roger that Holland." said Renton. "Well, that was fun eh hon?"
"Yes it was. Hey Renton, do you think we should?"
"What? The amita drive? I don't know. It's been a while."
"Come on! Anemone, this is Nirvash, do you copy?"
"This is Venturion, go ahead."
"Hey, want to have a little fun?"
"SURE! Let's see if these two can still talk to each other!"
"Alright! Amita drive activate!"
"Dammit, they're at it again!" yelled Holland as the two raced past him and Hilda. "Some kids just never learn."
"Oh, let them be." Hilda laughed as the two danced and maneuvered in the skies above them. "At least we know the amita drive is still working. Look at them go."
"Yeah I know. Nirvash, this is 909, how is it handling?"
"909, this is Nirvash. Everything's great. All systems operating normally."
"Copy that. Venturion, what's your status?"
"All systems normal. I think these two are happier than ever."
"Good to hear. Now knock it off and let's go home."
"Roger that."
"Ok you two, I should be back in an hour. Try to be here when I do."
"Ok mom. We will be. I think this is the slowest pizza place here." Avriana laughed.
"I know it is. Have fun!"
"We will. Thanks mom!"
"You're welcome. See you soon!" Nadia then drove off towards the center of town to take care of some shopping that she needed done.
"Well, what kind of pizza should we have?"
"I'm thinking supreme." Maurice replied.
"Maurice, you know I hate all that stuff on my pizza."
"I know, that's why I get it." he laughed.
"Maurice Thurston…"
"Yes Avriana Johansen?"
"You're lucky I like you. There'd be problems if I didn't."
"OOH, I'm so scared. Come on. We'll get a sausage and mushroom for us."
"Works for me."
"How'd everything go?" asked Talho.
"Just fine." Holland replied as the crew climbed out of their LFO's. "I think we got all the dust off of them."
"I think so. I saw that seventh swell effect from the Nirvash and Venturion. I guess that was them having fun?"
"Yeah, it was. But it's good knowing the Amita drive still works."
"No doubt."
"Hey, I saw Nadia go driving off. Where'd she go?"
"Oh, she had to run a couple of errands. Avriana and Maurice went with her."
"I see. How's the Newhope?"
"Pretty bad. I think Tresor is going to have it's hands full with that one."
"Yeah, I believe it."
"You should've been here earlier."
"Why's that?"
"We were testing the new surveillance system and we accidentally caught Maurice's and Avriana's first kiss."
"Oh really?" Renton chuckled.
"Yep. And you should've heard the conversation. It would've brought a tear to your eyes."
"You didn't happen to record it did you?" asked Eureka.
"Sorry dear, but we didn't since we were only testing. But it was sweet. You have a wonderful son in Maurice. I think those two will be together for life just like you two."
"I suppose so. Come on Renton. Let's go get finished settling in. I have to call the schools and have the kids pulled out. I just wish we could get them home schooled here on the ship. It wouldn't be so stressful that way."
"Well talk to the schools and see what they can do. If there isn't anything they can do, it's back to the study guides for them. We'll just keep raising their grade levels that way until we figure something out."
"Alright, that's fine."
"Hey Doggie, can I fly the Gekko sometime?" asked Maeter as they were going over the ship controls.
"Sure Maeter, but give us time to get used to things first. It is a new ship and some things are different."
"Oh, ok. Can Talho help me out too?"
"Oh, I'm sure she can. By the way, how is your little sister doing?"
"Oh, Felicity is doing good. She and Timothy are taking a nap right now. I can't believe she's three already."
"Tell me about it. All of you kids have grown up quite a bit. Hey, any boyfriends for you yet?"
"SORRY!!" he laughed. "I just had to ask. I can't believe Maurice and Avriana are dating now though. It's pretty cool."
"Yeah. They do make a cute couple."
"Where is my daughter anyways?" asked Hap.
"She went into town with Nadia and Maurice. They'll be back later."
"I see. I guess those two are inseparable after all."
"Hey Hap, they're just like you and Nadia."
"Yeah yeah I know. Jobs, how are the engine conditions?
"Starting the flywheel. Engines are ok. We can take off at any time."
"Roger that. Good job. Ok everyone, take it easy for now. Maeter, why don't you go check on Linck and make sure he's staying out of trouble."
The next day after Holland had transferred temporary command of his base to his new second in command John Johansen, Nadia's brother. The entire GekkoState crew was set and ready to go for a whole new adventure. This one was going to be the final one for the small group of people. They all knew they would make it through this one last campaign, but what's going to happen afterwards still remained a mystery to them. They didn't care though. They were still happy to be back together, even with the new extensions to the family. Before they took off, they all met in the lounge for the first meeting of the new GekkoState.
"Everyone," said Holland. "I'm glad you're all here. I'm hoping you all feel the same way. I'm also happy to see that some of you have extended onto your families as we have. It should be quite the adventure with all these kids around, but it'll be worth it in the long run. Now, to go over our orders. First of all, we have to head to Tresor. There we load up on what we need, get the Newhope fixed, and do whatever else we have to. Now I know our LFO's are probably way outdated, so we'll get those upgraded too if time allows. After that, we head to FAC51, or Hacienda, whatever you want to call it. There we get our orders from Admiral Benson on what we should do next. After that we're on our own. Now, I don't know if we'll be doing the same thing or going after new enemies. It's hard to tell yet. So don't get too anxious on me. Otherwise you know what to do. Alright, anyone else got anything to add?" The room stood silent for a few moments until Holland said "Good, get to your stations then. We're taking off. This is going to be a whole new adventure for us."
"Jobs, engine room." said Holland.
"Flywheel is engaged. Engines are stable. We're ready to go."
"Good. Hap, trapar counts."
"Better than ever. We're good to go."
"Roger that. Woz, radar."
"Radar is clear. Just a few commercial federation ships. No enemies to report."
"Good. Gidget, communications and clearance to take off.'
"Communications are good. Clearance has been given. We can take off at any time."
"Roger that. Doggie, fire the boosters. Lets see what this bird can do."
"Roger! GekkoState launching now!" As the Bellforest military base watched, the site of an old memory raced down the runway and into the skies above Bellforest. A whole new final adventure had begun for the hero's of the world, and everyone knew it.
"Now heading to the high altitude leylines." said Doggie as the Gekko gained altitude.
"Good job Doggie. Everyone relax now. It'll be a day or two before we reach Tresor. Until then keep an eye out for rebel activity."
"Roger that." everyone replied.
"Poor thing." said Avriana as she looked at the Newhope. "We'll get you better, you'll see."
"You like taking care of him don't you?" asked Eureka as she walked into the hangar.
"Oh, hey Eureka. Yeah, I do. I just wish he didn't have to end up like this after that last battle."
"I know how you feel. Nirvash was the same way at one point. We had gotten into a heavy collision with an enemy KLF when I was pregnant with Felicity. It was probably the scariest moment of our lives."
"Sounds like it. Hey, You don't mind me dating Maurice do you?"
"Of course not dear. I'm happy for you two. I heard about your first kiss with him by the way."
"My parents big mouth…"
"Actually, it was my mom." Eureka giggled. "Apparently she was with your mother when she saw it."
"Don't worry Avriana, you're ok. I know how much you love Maurice. I feel the same way about Renton."
"Thanks Eureka. Hey, how is Timothy doing?"
"He's doing well. Want to hold him?"
"Here you go. Be careful now."
"I know. I've had to help baby-sit Anemone's girls. Gosh, he's so cute. He looks just like Renton."
"Yes he does. I have a feeling he's going to be a daddy's boy."
"Just like Felicity is a momma's girl?"
"Yeah, something like that." Eureka giggled. "Have your parents talked about having a baby soon?"
"Yes they have actually. They're just waiting for the right time from what they keep telling me, but I know they're ready."
"Do you want a brother or sister?"
"I'm not sure. Probably a brother. Make it even."
"I suppose so. Anyways, where is Maurice?"
"He was checking on Felicity the last I checked. He's a good big brother."
"Yes he is. We're proud of him. Anyways, I'm going to go make us some breakfast. Want some?"
"Sure. I love your cooking. I think it's better than my moms." Eureka and Avriana just laughed at the comment and headed towards the dining hall for an early morning breakfast.