Writers Note: (UPDATED)!

First off I'm horribly sorry that it has taken…. Wait 2007…. 2011… um really long since I have updated my only story. -.- please forgive me. Honestly I wasn't feeling the story line very well. Then I sat down, accidently clicked on my story link, read my chapters, and realized at the end that it was mine. :D haha. Ya I'm so special. Anyways hate me latter and someone tell me what the spell check issues are later. I've been thinking about this next chapter for years and I know just how I want to do it. Thanks to jetsonastro24 i have updated and fixed this chapter. Our gratitude. STORY TIME!

Breaking Point:

Writers Note:

First off I'm horribly sorry that it has taken…. Wait 2007…. 2011… um really long since I have updated my only story. -.- please forgive me. Honestly I wasn't feeling the story line very well. Then I sat down, accidently clicked on my story link, read my chapters, and realized at the end that it was mine. :D haha. Ya I'm so special. Anyways hate me latter and someone tell me what the spell check issues are later. I've been thinking about this next chapter for years and I know just how I want to do it. STORY TIME!

Breaking Point:

"Come on Potter! LET ME IN!" Draco was furiously pushing against the boys bathroom with Harry also pushing on the other side. By now there were many people in the hallway and a great commotion has been created.

"NO GO AWAY!" Harry had enough!

It has only been a week since Harry's last mishap to the hospital wing and since waking up to falling asleep someone and almost anyone have kept watch over the slightly suicidal teenage boy. Poor Harry had no time to himself and was about ready to break! The reality was Harry needed to be watched, he was still feeling the need to cut and many times it was hard eat or sleep.

Now he was becoming suffocated. If he wasn't with Ron, Hermione, or Draco, some other Gryffindor and the occasional Professor would walk him to class, meals, library, bathroom, and everywhere else he needed to go. Harry was never alone!

"POTTER YOU ARE NOT GOING INTO THAT BATHROOM ALONE!" Draco pushed harder against the door.

Finally Draco had enough; he stepped back, pointed his wand, and let fire. Harry and the door was pushed hard enough by the spell so that there was a good 4 feet distance from the door frame and a knocked over Harry. A stunned Harry turned around and looked at Draco, not sure where to continue.

Draco stomped up to the other boy with giving him a very dark look. The two stared at each other for a few minutes in silence before Draco said, "You're under a suicide watch Potter, you can't be alone."

Stunned, Harry just said, "But I need some room." Harry got up and walked out of the bathroom leaving Draco quite.

It took the Slytherin a few minutes to realize he was supposed to be following before he could make his feet move again. By the time he caught up with Harry the crowed of people had dispersed and they found themselves in a very quite hallway.

"Potter wait up," Draco called after the fast passed Harry. "Potter. POTTER. HARRY!"

Hearing his name Harry turned around and looked Draco in the eyes. Getting his attention Draco jumped into what he never knew he had to say.

"Listen I know we don't get along and I've sent some mean curses your way but something has changed. I don't like seeing you hurt. That first time on the tower it was hard to understand why I felt bad for you but after the second time I was just scared you wouldn't wake up. I don't know what's going on but I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore and I'm not going to leave you alone. You might hate me and you might not want me around but I will not let you hurt yourself again."

There was a slight silence before Harry walked closer to Draco. They were only a few steps away when he said "I'm not happy. I can't take the pressure of being born the chosen one, I can't stand having to go home to my abusive family every summer break, and I'm tired of no one understanding what I'm really going through. My friends have great loving families and no matter what I'll never get my parents back. I don't want to be here anymore."

"But I want you to be here," Draco said taking one step closer.

This was the most serious the two have ever talked together. All of their time walking to classes, sitting next to each other during lessons, and the occasional library study; they finally connected. With all of the stress, feelings, and lack of sleep, Harry broke down and started to cry.

Draco hugged Harry for a few minutes before Harry's stomach decided to growl. Through their bathroom fight the boys almost missed dinner and since Harry didn't have much to eat in the past few weeks he was very hungry. Draco led Harry down to the dining room as Harry wiped his eyes off on his robe.


Writers Note:

Ok so this is the first time I've touched this story since… well 2007. So please give me some feedback. I want to know if I've kept to the story well of if I've fallen out of touch. Please help!

Writers Note:

Ok so this is the first time I've touched this story since… well 2007. So please give me some feedback. I want to know if I've kept to the story well of if I've fallen out of touch. Please help!

A great thank you also to jetsonastro24 for helping me fix up this chapter and help me work on more in the future!