The Yaoi Note- Chapter 1

This is the story of a girl, one who would bring absolute horror to non-yaoi supporters. She is a seventeen year old senior in high school, her name is Haruko no Kagerow. Some also know her as Swirly-chan. It was a rather windy autumn day, when she found it, or should I say, it found me…

"Geez it's so cold and dry out, I think I'll make some ramen when I get home," she mused as the sharp wind struck her face, turning her cheeks a rosy color. That's when she saw it, "Hm, I wonder who this could belong to?" It was a small black notebook, with white writing on the cover, "Yaoi Note," she picked it up off the ground for further inspection.

"I see you've found my note," she turned quickly, and was face to face with a rather strange looking boy. He looked as though he'd be about her age, but had black wings and tight leather pants. His hair was an unusual shade of maroon, styled in a long braid. In his hand was a rather long, menacing looking, leather whip. He also wore a studded belt with matching boots, wristbands and choker; both his ears were pierced as well.

"When're you gonna stop gawking, this is exactly why I can't stand you female types," he spoke in an annoyed toned.

The girl was quite taken aback, "Well EXCUSE me for looking! Besides who do you think you are, wearing such a gaudy outfit and in this cold weather?"

"I'd watch my mouth if I were you, a human like you should show respect to a Semegami. In fact you should serve me and call me 'master'—hey where're you going!?"

"I don't have time for crazies."

"Why you insolent little wench, do you not know what kind of power you are holding in your very arms?"

The girl stopped, "What're you saying; it's just a beaten old notebook."

"Clearly you haven't looked inside yet, why don't you open it?"

The girl hesitated for a moment, and then slowly opened to the first page:


Page 1

The human whose name is written in this note will become homosexual

You may write two names with an X between them to specify a wanted pair

This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his name therefore people sharing the same name will not be affected

After writing the human's name, further details can be written at any time

If you write down the name of a human girl she will die of a heart attack

If you write the cause of death details should be added within the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds

She stopped reading and looked back at the Semegami, "Go on, keep readin'," he smirked.

Page 2

When writing two names note that the first name written down will be seme and second name will be uke

If the name of a previously deceased person's paired with a live person then there will be a completely illogical resurrection

If you write down neko, kitsune, inu, etc. in front of a human's name, that human would be given the ears and tail of said animal

Even though further details can be written at any time, there is a 6 minute and 40 second restriction for the writer to control how they have sex

Whoever touches the yaoi note will instantly become a yaoi fan

Page 3

Threesomes are allowed

The human possessing the yaoi note shall be fallowed by the Semegami or Ukegami yaoi gods who the note originally belonged to

All yaoi gods are equipped with whips and wear tight leather clothes

If the yaoi note is in possession of a female, and the female is somehow killed, she will be instantaneously revived as a homosexual male

The once yaoi fangirl revived as a homosexual male will fall in love with the most arrogant male they've been in contact with, regardless of their sexual orientation

Male yaoi note owners may write their own name in the book

Haruko closed the book and looked up in disbelief, no way this is real, or maybe it was, only one sure way to find out. She smirked, "Well then, I'm using you're the Semegami who owns this note?"

"Ahh you're starting to believe, perhaps you're a lot smarter then I thought."

"So are you here to take back this note or something, because you see we humans have a little game we like to call finders keepers."

"Meaning, you don't want to give it back."


"Well don't worry I have no intentions of taking it, at least not for now. If gets rather boring in the world of Yaoi gods, we could write each other's names down, but most of the Ukegami's are horny as all hell so it's no fun sleepin' with them when they don't put up much of a struggle. So I purposely left my note on the ground for a human to find."

"Hmm," she paused, "Well I supposed I could keep you amused for a little while, after all, yaoi's not all that bad. But how do I know this thing'll actually work?"

"Why don't we go back to your place and I'll show you what to do. Don't worry no one but you can see me, unless of course someone else touches that note."

"Alright then." They headed back to the girl's house, the Semegami lead her to a television, "What's this going to do?"

The Semegami touched the television, suddenly the screen went white. "All you have to do, Haruko, is think of two males and write their names down, you did read the instructions?"

"Yeah a bit of them."

"Then what are you waiting for, do something."

Haru opened to a fresh page, "Do you have a pen?" The Semegami gives an annoyed grunt, then hands her a pen. "Ok then, here it goes."

Naruto Uzumaki (seme)
Sasuke Uchiha (UKE)
In the middle of an intense battle; Naruto will pin Sasuke down to the ground. His eyes fill with tears, why did this have to happen, why did Sasuke have to go to the wrong side; he holds the kunai at Sasuke's neck. "Wait" Sasuke pants, the kunai in position. The two gaze intensely into each other's eyes. Naruto pulls the kunai away and Sasuke pulls him into an intense kiss...

Suddenly, the tv fills with the images from the yaoi note. "No way, this isn't possible, just a coincidence."

"You've got another 6 minutes and 40 seconds to write how they're going to do the deed, go on try it out. You can even put a female's name down if you wish to test it." On the television, Sasuke and Naruto's clothes are being thrown every which way.

Haruko picks up the pen again:

Sakura Haruno

She approaches the scene and is about to stop them; when suddenly she feels an intense pain in her chest. The final thing she sees before her last breath is Naruto penetrating Sasuke...

"Still don't believe me, after you've re-written an entire episode? Take a look at that magazine on your desk." He motion towards it, surely enough the episode description contains all the details about what they just witnessed.

"Semegami, may I ask what you're name is, I mean you do have names, right?"

He smirks, "Saia"

"Well Saia, tell me more, I'm curious to see what else I can do with this note."

'With this note, I shall rule the world of anime, forever…"

Swirly is back with a new fic; based off of a deviation made by Taymeho. Seriously, go check out her DA sometime, she's got some good stuffs in there. I figure I'll be putting a bit of time into this fic. I'll try to update bi-weekly.

As for my other fics, ANS has always been my main focus; Fushigi Alchemy I try to update quarterly

Whose line is it will start to be a monthly thing (now that I have a little more free time)

Sleepover and You say you're my what?! I've been stumped on, eventually I'm just going to make a very very long chapter for each and end them (has never posted a "long chapter" XD)

What Really Happened in FMA; pretty much died, I don't see my friend who helped write it very often so the idea's just dead

No Way will eventually update, depends on how much the dub pisses me off XD
