Title: A Field of Opium
Chapter Title: In the Heart of His Brain
Author: This Is Da Vinci Speaking
Fanfic Of: Tin Man
Rated: It varies.
Warnings: A cup of language, 2 teaspoons of innuendo, a tablespoon of RAWESOME. (Sorry, I saw that phrase floating around and I love it.) Oh, and slash, because Cain/Glitch IS my OTP. XD
Disclaimer: I'm not even going to bother.
Fic Notes: What happened when we weren't watching?
Chapter Notes: I feel like there's a lot of sadness in Glitch.

Cain sighed as he kept watch from his post by the fire while everyone else slept. He felt a pang of jealousy as he glanced around at the peaceful, sleeping faces, and was about to set up a decoy so he could sleep as well. No...he couldn't do that to DG...or Raw or Glitch, for that matter. Actually...Glitch, in particular, needed protecting from himself. He'd been talking rather animatedly in his sleep, which on occasion startled the life right out of the Tin Man. Yes, the last thing he needed right now was for Glitch to—

A little noise interrupted that thought. Cain slowly turned his head towards Glitch, who—to his dismay—was wide awake and looking around nervously.


The man with half a brain jumped, troubled, and wrung his hands. "I don't...I don't know what's happening..."

Cain then realized this wasn't a normal episode. The man was awake and genuinely confused. He dubbed this an emergency and ducked over to the former scientist, kneeling down beside him. The moment he did so, the smaller man's pale, thin fingers were clutching at his leather coat.

"Please..." Glitch whispered. "I...I don't know where I am."

"You're in the forest in the O.Z.," Cain answered calmly, and he wondered if this was triggered by Raw's viewing...

"No, no." His voice was growing softer. "I'm scared."

The Tin Man didn't know what to do. He'd never seen his friend like this, and it was starting to hurt his heart; he wanted to help but couldn't because he didn't understand what was happening. He noticed a thin stream of tears running freely down Glitch's pale face, and Cain immediately embraced him protectively. "You're okay," he said gently.

"Oh...Cain! No...no, I don't know...where I am..."

He was so scared...and it tugged violently at Cain like a short leash. Glitch's mind was screwing with itself to the point where his memory was almost completely gone in an instant. The fact that he had said Cain's name was a good sign...but as the moments wore on with Glitch's face buried in his chest, the cop realized it was getting worse.

"Glitch," he murmured, holding the shaking man away from him and looking him in the eye. "You're okay. I promise. There's nothing to be scared of because I won't let there be."

Glitch grasped at Cain's shirt. "I don't know who you are..." he breathed, "or why you're here...but please...please don't leave me."

He had to say nothing more; Cain pulled him back into an embrace, kissing the top of his head near the grotesque zipper and gently rocking back and forth until the scared child that was once Ambrose fell asleep in his arms. When he did drift away, Cain followed suite, and they were found like that.

Yet nobody had mentioned it from then on.