
New Teachers

"You wanted to see me, princess?"

Zelda looked up from the letter she was reading. "Yes. You remember Dumbledore? The wizard that was here a year ago?"

Link thought for a second, then he remembered. "Ah, yes. What does he want?" Zelda handed him the letter. He read it slowly.

'Greetings Princess Zelda Harkinian and Hero Link Avalon,

I'm sure you remember me from last year as I took refuge in the castle. I must say I am deeply in your debt. But of course, this letter is not for 'thank you's and reminiscing. I have sent this to you as an invitation. I offer you posts at my school. Hogwarts will be proud to have you. Also, I feel that the school may be in danger, and I would request your help again. I know you both know a little of magic. Anyway, the posts open are; Defense Against the Dark Arts and Divination. And if you feel inclined, you could help with some of the other classes.

Please send your answer with the owl that delivered this.

Yours Sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore'

"Well, Zel? Do you want to?" Link asked, looking at Zelda. "If you want to." Link nodded. He got a fresh piece of parchment. "I'll teach Divination." Zelda looked surprised. "Oh? Not DADA? I would think you were more suited for that."

Link winked at her. "Ah, but Zellie. You know more magic than I do. Divination has to do with the mind and stars."

Zelda smiled at him. "But, who has prophecitic dreams? And who does more fighting?" Link huffed. "Alright you got me. I'll teach DADA. I think I may help in Care of Magical Creatures as well. When I don't have my own classes." Link wrote quickly. He signed it and then pushed the letter toward Zelda, who signed it as well. Link spotted the reddish-brown owl snoozing on a bedpost.

Zelda held the letter as Link coxed the owl awake. Soon it flew off. "Well. Might as well pack then. Be back in an hour, Zellie." Link left to pack for his trip to England, leaving Zelda to pack as well.


"Oi! Harry!"

Harry looked over to see his best friends, Ron and Hermione, waving at him. "Come over here! There's an empty coach!" Harry hurried over and they entered the coach. The thestral pulling it tossed it's head to the side. Ginny and Neville were in the coach as well.

"Wonder what the new DADA and Divination teachers will be like." Ron said aimlessly.

"Let's just hope they're somewhat normal."

Several loud gasps and 'ooh's were heard. They all leaned towards the window. A beautiful chocolate colored, snow maned horse was galloping beside the carriages. It seemed like it was racing them. It whined as shook it's large head from side to side. After a few minutes it galloped off into the grounds.

Ginny said dreamily, "I wonder if that horse belongs to one of the new teachers."


They entered the Great Hall. It was startling as always. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville sat at the Gryffindor table.

Harry scanned the teacher's table. There was one empty seat for the DADA teacher and a new face. The new Divination teacher was young and beautiful. Her long auburn hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her gentle purple eyes glanced nervously from the door to the empty seat next to her.

Harry nudged Ron who was sitting next to him. "Hey, Ron. Look at our new Divination teacher." Ron also scanned the table. He let out a low whistle. "Bloody hell. Well, at least now we know we'll enjoy Divination. Eh, mate?" Harry grinned at him. Hermione hushed them as the sorting started.

After the sorting, Dumbledore stood and spoke. "To our new arrivals, welcome, and to our returning students, welcome back. This year we have two new additions to our staff. Please welcome Professor Harkinian, our new Divination teacher, and Professor Avalon, our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who…is entering as we speak." Every head turned to door that just opened.

A young, handsome man walked in. He was tall and thin, but strong. His intense, shocking blue eyes were warm and full of laughter. His golden blonde hair was pulled into a low ponytail and he wore long, dark green robes.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Professor Dumbledore, but Epona got loose and Hagrid told me she decided to race the coaches. It took a while to catch her." His voice was rich and deep. Most of the girls swooned as he spoke.

"That's quite all right." Dumbledore turned his attention back to his students. "As I was saying, this is Professor Avalon, who teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts." Avalon nodded slightly in recognition as he sat down next to Harkinian. Immediately, she leaned towards him and they talked quickly. Dumbledore then said, "Tuck in." and sat down as food appeared on the tables.

Hermione pointed out Snape. "Look at his face!" Snape had an expression of pure loathing as he glared at Avalon. Ron snickered. "Serves him right." The feast continued. Most of the other chatter was of the new teachers and the horse. People wondered if Avalon owned it. Others were convinced he did. Still some were convinced otherwise.


The next morning at break fast, Harry was handed his schedule. It read:



12:00 – LUNCH




Ron had the same thing on his, as did Hermione, except hers said ANCIENT RUNES in place of Divination. "Two new teachers to try out. And oh look, double Potions. Joy." Ron said sarcastically, as he poked a sausage.


XDDD Sorry. I had to. I had an epiphany! Whatever that means! roflmaolol!! Eh, review plz!

Must. Not. Give. In. To. Temptation. To. Write. New. Story.

Link: Too late.

NOOOOO!!! ...wait... Nevermind.

I was formally DPhantom-Dragon. Now, I am DragonGal333! HUZZAH!

I have polls at the end of some chapters. Here's one!


Who should guest appear in this?


Sheik (as his own person, male)


Someone else (please provide who)