This story is a little bit different from my usual stories, but I hope you'll like it anyway. Let me know if you did and if you didn't, then let me know what I should improve and or change. I know you all can find that review button!

Disclaimer: We all want to... If anyone wants to give me a christmas gift... :giggle:

Escape part 1.

Because at some point, we all want to escape. This was his point.

The mind is a mystery to us and to them.

Becoming a traitor.

No way, no freaking way.

Anger, sadness, disappointment, rage and despair were all running through my veins. I can't tell you in which order, because it all happened way too fast.

My heart was pounding in my chest, my breathing was heavy and my palms were sweaty.

"Don't you remember me, Sasuke-kun?" I cried in despair, fighting back my tears. This just couldn't be happening to me. Not after all those years. It felt like my heart was torn apart.

His empty eyes were watching me.

"I remember him," he said emotionless, nodding towards Naruto who was lying unconsciously next to me. "I guess you weren't important enough to remember." His cold voice hit me like a kunai piercing my already bleeding heart.

"Sakura! Haruno Sakura, I used to be your teammate!" I tried again and my quivering voice finally broke. I wanted to be recognized so eagerly.

"Sakura huh?" His eyes travelled up to my hair. "I see."

"Sasuke-kun, do you know this woman?" A girl with glasses and the ugliest hair ever asked him. How could he forget me? I wondered. It felt so surreal.

"Shut up, Karin," he replied, and the girl shut her mouth, clearly hurt by his cold voice, like he hurt so many others.

"Sasuke-kun!" I cried out.

"I used to have a teammate, female. I don't remember her though," he spoke before he turned around.

I ran towards him and he turned around again.

"I wouldn't touch me, if I were you," he warned me, glaring at me with his Sharingan. "If you'd know me, you would also know that I hate women who touch me," he stated. His voice still sounded emotionless.

Instead of hugging him like I had done years and years before during the chuunin exam, I lifted my hand and smacked his face. He should have seen it coming, but he didn't dodge. My hand left a burning red mark on his left cheek.

I heard one of his team members whistle between his teeth.

"Shouldn't you be protesting, Karin?" he teased the girl. She threw him an angry glare.

"Let's go, Sasuke-kun," she pleaded and grabbed his arm. He jerked it away, without looking at her. I could easily tell that the girl felt hurt. Just like I did.

"Haruno Sakura, if you know what's good for you, than you better leave," his voice was threatening now and his eyes narrowed ever so slightly, giving me an indication of how angry he was.

"Shut up," I replied. My tears had dried on my face. "It's been five years since you left," I told him. "I came after you that night." I searched his face for signs of recognition, but it was hard to tell what he was thinking since his face was blank as ever. I didn't care for his other teammates as I continued. "I told you I loved you."

"Aa… Sakura," he said, clearly remembering it now. "The pathetic girl that was slowing me down all the time. Not even worthy of remembering," he sneered.

Suddenly, I heard a lot of footsteps. The back-up was on its way. Everything happened fast now. Several teams were coming to capture the Uchiha. I turned around and lifted Naruto up. I would take him back to the village. The others would take care of Sasuke-kun.

Of course I'd recognized her. That stupid, short, pink bubblegumish hair of hers. I wouldn't be able to forget it even if I tried.

I had hurt her. I knew I had. Her feelings were ever so obvious. She hadn't changed much. She still remembered me of the fangirlish girl she used to be, always in tears because of me.

Haruno Sakura. She desperately wanted me to remember her. Why was that so important to her? Because she and the dobe had been searching for me?

"Sasuke-kun, do you have a plan yet to get out of here?" Karin asked, managing to make her voice sound whining, yet seductive. If I would have to portray her at this moment, I'd say she'd taken off her glasses, just for the show. How disgusting.

"Shut up," I replied annoyed and heard Suigetsu snickering behind me. Karin scooted away and I occupied my mind again by thinking about her.

The way she had been fighting earlier had surprised me. Yes, her fighting style had changed a lot. But what would you expect of a shinobi who used to run away and cry her eyes out. She was so much stronger now. If anyone had ever told me about this, I would have laughed it away. No, I never laugh. I would simply have said that it would be impossible. Haruno Sakura physically stronger than me? No way. Yet, she was.

I remembered the day I left. How she begged me to stay. How she had offered me her love. Pathetic. Like that would help me any further. What could the love of a thirteen year old girl be of any good to me?

I furrowed my brow. Yet some days, I tried to protect her. Then I shrugged. It was not like that meant something or whatsoever. "Uchiha Sasuke, come with me please." I looked up to see one of the guards speaking to me, waiting for me to stand up. Of course I had heard him coming. It didn't surprise me that they wanted to interrogate me first. After all, they knew me… once. At least they thought they did, and I smirked inwardly. I stood up and followed the guard quietly. He didn't even look at me as he told me to go inside the room we were standing right in front of. I twisted the doorknob and opened the door to the rather small room. How annoying. I hated it already.

"Take a seat," a familiar voice said and even though I hated to be ordered around, I obeyed.

"you know why you're here," the voice spoke again. I didn't reply, there was no need to.

The female in front of me turned around and glared at me without frightening me. I never had been afraid of her. This was certainly not going to change now.

"Sasuke, I'm going to ask you some questions and you will answer them, am I clear?" Sakura threatened, pushing herself up from the table.

I just narrowed my eyes. I didn't like to be threatened. Orochimaru used to do that sometimes, and look how he ended up.

"Did you kill Orochimaru?" was her first question. She was leaning against the table in front of me now, serving as some sort of desk.

I crossed my arms. "You're annoying."

"When I told you to answer my questions, I didn't mean that you would do anything but answering. Did you kill Orochimaru, yes or no," she repeated her question slowly, her voice sounded venomous.

"You haven't heard that yet?" I asked bored.

"I'll take that for a yes," she said, ignoring my sarcasm. She noted something on a piece of paper.

"Why did you decide to betray the village?" she continued.

"You have changed, Sa-ku-ra," I said slowly, grinning inwardly. I would crack her.

"Did you plan to run away ever since you got that seal?" she asked stubbornly, once again ignoring my remark.

I would definitely crack her.

"Did you really think that offering your pathetic twelve year old love would help me in any way?" I sneered, awaiting her reaction. I don't know why I had such pleasure in finding her weak spot. Maybe because I knew there would be one. Or maybe to find the old Sakura inside this new body.

"Did you leave out of cowardice?" she said, pushing herself away from the table.

Now that was low. "You couldn't offer me anything. You were never going to become any stronger in that stupid little village of yours. And don't you know Sakura, you were the worst. The main reason I left. Only crying your eyes out. You were the weakest of them all. Not even worth of remembering."

I received a blank stare. Right after that, she punched me full in the face. I could feel my nose break and I was crashing backwards, still sitting on my chair until it lost its balance and collapsed. That hurt.

I wiped away the blood and Sakura picked me up by my collar.

"I could do this all day long. I can heal your nose again," she said and she did. It still hurt though. "And I could break it again, along with the rest of your bones, or we can do it the way I intended it to, I ask, you talk." Then she let go of me and ordered me to sit down again. Once again, I obeyed but didn't speak.

"Well, let's continue this. I've got all day and so do you," she smirked. "I'm afraid that if you don't work along, I'll have to tie you up and we wouldn't want that now, do we?"

I narrowed my eyes once again. How annoying, but I didn't feel like breaking any more of my bones. "Aa." I would work along… until some level.

I didn't trust him at all. At least he still remembered me. Maybe I could finally ask the question I'd been dying to ask after those five years. Yet this was not the Sasuke-kun I once knew. I had to be careful not to open myself up to him too much.

"Did you kill Itachi yet?" I went on with my question. Again, his eyes narrowed and his voice sounded almost angry as he said: "No."

I couldn't help myself but smile sarcastically. "How ironic." But he didn't reply.

"Why did you leave me unconsciously on a bench?" I finally asked. This time, it was his turn to smirk. "You were annoying."

"Weren't you afraid that something might happen to me?" I desperately asked.

"No," was his only answer. Silence filled the air.

"I know enough for now," I said, staring at his beautiful yet cold face. Then I leant forward and whispered: "You're the most ungrateful, egoistic and stupidest person I know. I hate you," I said while tears were welling up in my eyes.

It all happened in a second. He leant forwards as well, kissed my cheek and said, almost satisfied while he watched my widened eyes: "No, you don't."

I considered smacking that arrogant bastard again but I would have to heal him and I didn't feel like it, so I knocked on the door as a sign for one of the guards to take him away again.

Once Sasuke-kun was taken way, I slammed my hand on the table. It cracked, just like my heart.

Back in the stupid cell, I licked my lips. I could still taste her skin. Sweet and somewhat salty, because of the tears she had shed. Did I feel guilty? No, not at all. She was a shinobi, just like the rest of us. Even though she used to be weak as hell, I couldn't help myself but admire her new strength. I wondered who would've trained her. She would beat Kakashi and Naruto to pulp if she had the chance. Yet, she remained so… innocent at the same time way too naïve. There were still too much emotions involved from her side.

Karin was right. We had to find a way out of here. I knew the security was optimal. Konoha never liked to take risks with prisoners.

Suddenly, I saw that Sai guy walking by. He had once come to Orochimaru's lair. I wondered what he was doing here… was he here to comfort Sakura? No, he had told us that he had no feelings or whatsoever yet. That could easily have been a lie of course. He had fooled Orochimaru and betrayed his team. One thing was for sure. This guy knew how to lie.

I smirked. Nice replacement.

He would just be the person Sakura would fall for. Dark-haired, unreadable, incapable of feelings and a traitor. As he finally walked back, I got to my feet slowly.

"Oi," I called out and the guy shifted his gaze towards me.

"What's wrong, Sasuke-kun?" he asked, smiling politely.

"How's your relationship towards Sakura?" I asked, yet I didn't know why.

"The relationship?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. "Between me and ugly?"

Ugly? I repeated inwardly. That would make things clear enough. "Never mind," I said and seated myself again. Sai looked at me strangely before he walked away.

Ugly… How was that a nickname? I wondered what Sakura would've done when she heard it. In most guys opinion she wasn't ugly at all. I might not be able to read minds, but I could pretty well imagine how people, that is most guys, would react to my ex-teammate Sakura… in her nurse outfit… Hell, it could even get me… No.

Stupid. How could he act so incredibly stupid? Well, not that much stupidly, but rather as a jerk. And there I was. In charge of their interrogation while Naruto was recovering in the hospital, kissing me like that. It shouldn't affect me that much really. He was just trying to break me. To provoke me just enough to crack me all the way through. I wished Kakashi was here… I could need some help.

Alas, my lazy ex-sensei wasn't here to help me. I was a big girl. I could do it on my own. And what I had to do was asking Sasuke-kun back now. For more information of course. It was not like I wanted to see him again. Impatiently, I waited for the door to be opened.

The first thing I saw as he entered the room was his raven black hair. I had to focus on something else. Like that godlike body of his. Oh my god, his chest was way too visible. I swallowed and averted my eyes to his face. He was smirking mockingly. Fuck.

"What are you smirking at?" I spit irritated.

"You," he replied, looking straight into my eyes. "And your lustful gaze," he finished, making me blush.

"Shut up." Then I breathed in to steady my breathing. "What are the names of your companions?" I started.

"Karin, but you might have already heard that, Suigetsu and Juugo." He fell quiet again but was still smirking at me. I bit my lip. Couldn't he just stop it already?

I wrote their names down for further interrogation later on.

"Why did you find it necessary to kiss me?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. I wanted to get that out of my system.

"If you call that kissing, than you must never had a real kiss before," he said, still arrogantly smirking at me. My face reddened.

"Like you ever kissed before, you hate women," I replied venomously, but he didn't reply. What did that mean? That he had kissed before? Now way, had he kissed that Karin girl? "You did?" I asked stunned.

"I don't hate women," he simply said, annoying me till no end.

"Have you or have you not kissed someone before?" I felt strangely obsessed.

"Is this part of the interrogation? I wonder if others would have asked the same questions. Are we a little bit jealous, Sa-ku-ra?" he teased me.

He fucking teased me in his position. I slammed my hand on the table and this time it broke. I couldn't help myself but jump to my feet and grab his collar, which was way easier now because the table was gone.

I lowered my face until it only half an inch away from his. "Have you or have you not kissed someone, except for Naruto before?" I grinned in his face, remembering the day they accidently kissed.

His face hardened. With a quick jerk, he pulled me down and I fell onto his lap. His eyes were dangerously looking at me. I gulped at the effect. What was he doing?

"You see, Sakura, I am wondering as to why you got your nickname 'ugly'," he whispered in a low voice. "But I'm only here to answer questions, right?" I nodded stupidly, lamed because of his presence so close to me.

Then, he finally did what I'd been dreaming of so often. He closed the distance between our mouths and kissed me. For real this time.

His lips were delicious upon mine. His mouth softly moved over mine and his tongue was making my lips wet. Hesitantly, I opened my mouth slightly and he used the opportunity to enter it with his tongue.

In the back of my head I was wondering why this all was happening. But I couldn't really care. This was Sasuke-kun we were talking about. Sasuke-kun who was finally captured for interrogation. Oh god, I shouldn't be doing this!

Resentfully, I pushed him away. "What the hell are you doing?" My voice didn't sounds as steady as I wanted it to be. Damn.

"Yes I kissed a woman, is what I can tell you now," he smirked. That stupid smirk of his… I wanted to smack his face. "Are you talking about me now?" I couldn't resist but ask.

"You have a very jealous side on you, Sakura," he replied. "But yes, I was talking about you. Only you. Furthermore, I can tell you, that I want to keep it this way." That statement somewhat shocked me.

"Why?" I managed to let out.

"Because I don't feel the urge to run off and kiss other women. No need to be jealous," he smirked again. I knew there would be one way to wipe that smirk of his away and now it was my turn to smirk. In response, he lifted his eyebrow, but then I crashed my mouth onto his.

Being a ninja was shoved way back into my mind. I was taking advantage of the situation. To my surprise, he eagerly responded. But why?

"Sasuke…" I breathed between his kisses.

"Mhm?" he murmured in response.

"Why are you doing…" His kiss captured me again, but then, he was getting the message.

I could feel his lips curl against my mouth. "Don't you like it?" he asked, travelling with his mouth along my jaw, making his way to my neck, while I gasped for air. "Because I do," he finished his sentence. "Do you?" I muttered unsteadily.

"I couldn't imagine… how good it would feel," he murmured thoughtfully against my skin. I gulped.

"Does that mean you thought about it then?" I dared to ask.

The answer to that question had to wait, since the door was suddenly opened by my shishou, a.k.a. the Hokage, currently seeing her apprentice on the lap of an S-rank missing nin, being kissed by the traitor and not protesting the slightest bit. I froze in place. Oh dear god, this was my death sentence.

Yet, despite anything I thought, going against all the odds, she smiled. It totally freaked me out.

"Uchiha," she said, directing herself against the boy who was softly kissing my neck. He stopped in his tracks and looked up.

"Aa…?" he said, awaiting the Godaime's reaction.

"I see you're getting along with your former teammate fairly well. Since I came here to tell Sakura that the interrogation was no longer necessary and that her new duty would be to prevent you from any stupid business like running of again. I think this is rather fortunate." She nodded approvingly.

Just what the hell was this? It was okay for me to fool around with an S-rank missing nin, who betrayed Konoha? This was madness, yet who was I to argue the Hokage's decisions?

"Then I'll leave the two of you again," she smiled, walking out the door.

Was she drunk already?

"Don't you think it's…" I started, but was cut off by Sasuke-kun's demanding mouth.

Delicious, absolutely delicious. I never really was a fan of sweets but this would change my mind forever. If I would spell out my thoughts for her, innocent, naïve little Sakura, she would be shocked. I mentally smirked. That, I would save for later. If I wouldn't know any better, I'd say my fucking brother had sent her to distract me. But I knew her too well for that. She could never be capable of that. Innocent little Sakura. With a sardonic pleasure I remembered her tears from yesterday.


Just the way she was moaning my name now… No, this wasn't me. All of a sudden I stopped, leaving her in confusion.

"Sa-Sasuke?" she asked uncertainly and hurt.

That innocence of her… Pink, innocent girl.

Oh damn. I wondered how many of those assholes who called themselves 'good guys' had dated this innocent girl.

I couldn't help myself but crash my mouth onto hers again. I wanted to get out of here, take her with me and leave. I didn't care for the rest of team Hebi, they would make it out of here theirselves. My mouth travelled down her collarbone. Sakura rewarded me with one of her moans.

Once again, I wondered what the hell I was doing. Her hands grabbed my head and her fingers entangled themselves in my hair. Whenever I wiped my tongue across her sensitive skin, she clutched her hands together, pulling on my hair.

She had never forgotten about me. No way she could. This time I would make sure that she wouldn't ever forget about me.

Then the stupid door bursted open once more.

"Sakura-chan, where's… TEME!" Naruto screamed from the top of his lungs. There was nothing funny about that.

I felt that Sakura was cocking her head up. I looked at her flushed face and then activated my Sharingan. I glared at the blonde dobe in the door opening.

"Get lost," I said coldly.

Slowly, his eyes were about to turn red as well. It was then, that Sakura sprang to her feet and dashed off to him. She threw her arms around his neck. "Naruto, calm down, please," I heard her whisper soothingly to the dobe and his expression relaxed. I noticed her glowing hand. She must've been sending some of her chakra through his body. Interesting. Sakura knew how to control the Kyuubi powers.

Yet, it wasn't only the effect of the chakra that calmed Naruto down. He must really love her. Not as a crush, but as a real and true friend. That boy really had to learn not to give his love away so easily, for his heart cold be broken. For instance, the fact that I would abduct Sakura tonight.

"That's all!" I could suddenly hear her say. I'd probably been too occupied with my thoughts to hear their conversation. "If that's really all there is to," Naruto grunted in return, still angry obviously. "Otherwise I would kill him twice," he added, glaring in my direction. I wasn't intimidated by that stupid idiot.

"Naruto! Just calm down," Sakura replied, half smiling, half concerned.

"Hn, if he'll hurt your feelings, I will rip off his balls myself, dattebayo," Naruto finally finished his rampage.

Sakura smiled adoringly at him, but then as he finally looked at her again instead of glaring at me, her look became annoyed. She didn't want him to know that deep down, she loved him as much as he loved her. How pathetic. Feelings weren't allowed once you decided to become a shinobi. Feelings made one weak. I couldn't allow myself to be weak. Not until Uchiha was burnt. That bastard had made sure to strip me from every loving or appreciating feeling in the world. Even though I wanted to have a family of my own again, I didn't think I could love my wife. Of course I would be able to love or at least like my own children. After all, they would be my own flesh and blood, but my wife for that matter, she should be able to live with that. And that was it. Case closed.

The last thing I remembered was being asleep, finally, I might add before awakening in the middle of the night from a cold breeze. I seriously remembered falling asleep in my own bed. Then what was I doing here in mid-air in the middle of the woods?

Oh yeah, right, I was being kidnapped.

Wait… WHAT?!

I looked over my shoulder and saw the ebony hair of no one else but Sasuke-kun. How dared he?

"Sasuke!" I growled weakly. Damnit, I wanted to sound threatening, not like I was actually enjoying what he was doing, but felt obligated to protest.

He didn't look over his shoulder. "Hn, shut up," he replied, sounding stronger than I had.

There wasn't much I could do, but I could…

Carefully, I filled one of my hands with chakra, forcefully pushing his carrying arm away. But damn, it hadn't thought about the consequences. So I dropped down pretty fast. I gulped. There were only three possibilities.

One: Sasuke would jump down and catch me before I would hit the ground.

20 feet left…

Two: Hit the ground and knock my head on the way, meaning it would be easier for him to take me away.

15 feet left…

Three: Land on my feet and get the hell out of here.

7 feet left…

As quickly as I could, I spun around, right before Sasuke-kun's greedy hands could catch me. As soon as I hit the ground beneath me, I bend my knees and pushed my body up to the sky again, ready to leave this place. I masked my chakra and jumped into the welcoming trees, filling with fresh green leaves.

I didn't have to look back to know that he was following me. I had to hurry back to Konoha. Just where the hell was I? I had no idea of how long I'd been on my way already.

I felt startled as I felt hot breath in the back of my neck, but when I turned around, I saw nothing. Must've been the wind. When I turned back around, Sasuke-kun was right in front of me. Fuck.

"Did you really think you were the only one who could mask his chakra?" he asked sarcastically and haughty. Whenever he was near me, whether he was talking to me, or just close to me, I felt like such a klutz, so weak.

"Sakura," he said, jumping on the same branch I was standing now. "Help me." Then he crushed his longing mouth onto mine and I desperately tried to fight for air.

Once I could finally breathe again, I spoke. "I can help you. We all can. Let's go back to Konoha and get the others together."

His cold laugh made me stop talking. "What do you think? That they will help me? Not within the next three years. That is, if I live through. You know that they won't help me. But I need you to help me Sakura." He stared intensely at me and I tried to wet my dry mouth. "I can't," I whispered. "I will become a traitor like you… I will become a missing nin…" I said with moist eyes, thinking of Kakashi, Tsunade-shishou, Shizune-senpai, Ino and Naruto. They needed me there. I couldn't put their trust in me on the line.

"I need you Sakura. I have to kill that man with my own hands," he said and his eyes glowed dangerously red. "Come with me," he said softer now.

I gulped again. Something in his eyes made me cross the line and tears were running over my cheeks as I replied, thinking of my friends and beloved ones. "Hai."

That moment, I became a traitor…

Yet, at some point we cannot always comprehend what is happening. This was her point.
Yeah well... I think there will be one or two more parts. I hope you liked it! I'll update my other stories ASAP. I'd like to hear your opinion on this story though, so if you'd be that kind :puppy-eyes: