The Little Flat

Chapter 1

In a little cottage in Hogsmeade Hermione Weasley prepared to leave. She was going to I their /I flat, the one place in the whole of Wizarding Britain that no one except she and her love could enter. The spell they used to ward their little world was borderline Dark Magic, each had spilled blood in order to set it to recognize only them and let no other inside. The magic used was ancient; Purebloods used it to protect their homes and estates for centuries from unwanted intruders. It's not as if anyone else knew about the flat, or about the two lovers, not even Hermione's parents knew. Hermione walked out of the cottage setting the wards before she made her way to the public Apparition point and to the one place in the world, she longed to be.

Hermione stood at the counter watching the knife she charmed cut up the vegetables she set out to add to the stew that would be for dinner this evening. Her thoughts wondered to him, the one wizard she truly loved, who would have thought that of all the wizards she knew HE would be the one for her.

Adding the potatoes, carrots, and celery, she sent the knife and cutting board to the sink. It was hard to believe that already ten years had passed since Voldemort's demise. She was now married, a Potions mistress, and had the job of her dreams as a potions researcher with a prestigious company. She travelled to so many different countries, had seen so many wondrous sites. The only thing that would make her life perfect is to be married to the one wizard she loved with all her heart and therein lay her dilemma.

The distinctive I pop /I of Apparition let her know that he had arrived…finally. She covered the pot and set the flame so the stew would not burn, before making her way to the sitting room to greet her love. She opened the door and there he stood, dressed in his trademark black robes and frock coat, looking at her with a smile he reserved just for her.

She moved towards him both holding their arms open to embrace the other, as they came together they kissed. His kisses always made her toes curl and made her want more…so much more.

It was Friday, the week seemed to drag on, but now it was time for him to leave. Severus packed for the evening even though she normally couldn't stay he did; he enjoyed the little flat that was their world. Heading out the door, he made his way to the Apparition point stepping quickly, anxious to get to the little flat. He hated that they had to keep their love a secret, but there was nothing he could do about that, until she decided to change things.

He reached the gates and stepped outside the wards, and with a slight turn, he was gone only to appear in the sitting room of their shared flat. He heard the door open and there she stood the witch who owned his heart. As he opened his arms to her, she stepped forward, arms encircled and lips met. She felt so good in his arms it felt so right. His lips left hers and moved to her cheek, temple, to the top of her head. "Hello, my love, I have missed you." He said.

"I've missed you as well. Did you have a good week?"

"As good as it could be without you near. How was your week?"

"The days were good, I had a few breakthroughs, and my nights were long and lonely."

"Did he give you a hard time again?"

"When doesn't he? I do have good news though…I don't have to leave tonight. Ron has gone to Ireland; he's playing tomorrow the first string Keeper came down with Dragon Pox last night."

"I'm sorry to hear about the Keeper, but it's good news for us. It's been too long since I've been able to hold you all night."

"I know, love, it'll be so good to wake up next to you."

"Mmm, what is that wonderful aroma?"

"Dinner, I made beef stew. It should be done soon. Why don't you go change and I'll check on dinner."

"I'll take a quick shower and join you shortly, then."

One last kiss and Severus went to take his shower.

After having checked the stew, Hermione went to the bedroom; she could hear the water in the shower still running. She quickly changed into her green silk nightgown; it was floor length with a slit that went up to her hip. She covered it up with a matching robe and left to set the table in the little alcove off the kitchen.

A/N: I normally don't write Affair!Fics but I was asked to write this one for a challenge. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. This story is complete in seven chapters and has a small epilogue so you won't have long to find out how it ends!