Sullenly, Zuko walked down the hall to the main dining room for "breakfast". He was actually in an oddly good mood, but if Azula knew that she would suspect something. After the dream and regaining some of his Firebending abilities, he couldn't help but be happy. Confused, but happy. It made no sense to him, how was it possible? Was Katara somehow trapped somewhere? Was her spirit captured by Azula? Had she been reincarnated and was trying to contact him? A million questions ran round in his head; his only hope for answers would be her contacting him again.

A loud scraping noise came from the doors as Zuko reached the end of the hall. A pair of guards with blank, thoughtless faces mechanically opened the door for him. They didn't acknowledge Zuko or even blink as he walked by. They were as conscious of their actions as he had been the night before with Azula. All of their servants were to some degree, under Azula's influence.

He walked pass the enslaved guards and into the dining room. It was in its usual state of debauchery. Male and female servants, some naked, some clothed in see thru gossamer or simple loincloths, were scattered around the room. On the dinner table, instead of plates and cups, was a beautiful woman, She lay on her back, naked and writhing as Azula, Ty Lee and Mai all bit her in different places. She gasped and moaned enjoying what should've been painful. But it wasn't. Zuko knew that all too well as his hand went to the eternal scar on his neck. Since that fateful night, it had been the only injury that hadn't healed completely, Mai and Ty Lee each had one as well. He wasn't sure if Azula had had hand in the scars remaining or not, he just knew that whenever anyone bit him there it was the most amazing feeling.

Azula, Ty Lee and Mai pulled away from the women, her breathing shallow and eyes rolled in the back of her head, she begged for more. Azula took her hand and led the shaky legged women to a guard whom escorted her to a smaller room where some of Azula's other "children" were. Over the years she had occasionally added to their little group, but never truly cared much for the others, not like her first three.

Zuko looked thru the curtains and saw her given to Jet and Haru. After Azula had defeated Zuko and taken the Fire Nation, she had decided to hunt down the Avatar and his friend. While the Avatar had eluded her, these two had been willing to throw their lives away to stop her. But she had decided they were to pretty, so she had kept them. It always surprised Zuko to see how easily the two had adapted to this life. He had a sneaking suspicion Azula'a odd abilities had something to do with it. From the start, it was as if they were entirely different people.

His attentions were drawn back to the main table; another woman was brought over, this time a Water Tribe girl. Zuko's eyes darkened, he knew this servant would eventually be brought into the dining room; he just wasn't looking forward to it. Azula beckoned him over, he set his face to look angrier than he was and took a seat on a red silk cushion at the table.

The woman had beautiful, darkly tanned skin, blue eyes and dark brown hair. Azula took her left arm and handed it to Zuko.

"After you." She said in that tone she always used when she knew she had won a battle that had never been declared.

Soft and delicate, like the rest of her body, he leaned down towards the veins underneath the delicate skin of her under arm. The scent alone was enough to cause his teeth to ache, but Zuko didn't want to drink her blood. After what had happened, whatever had given him the small bit of his humanity back might disappear if he drank blood. Unfortunately, Azula was watching his every move, she knew he must be very hungry by now, as he hadn't fed in almost two days.

Zuko opened his mouth, glistening fangs slid out, he bent down and bit into her soft flesh; making sure to pierced the vein just enough to get blood out but not collapse it. The warm, sweet liquid filled his mouth and that's when he realized who she was. Anger filled Zuko's golden eyes, did her cruelty know no boundaries?

The Water Tribe Girl was not only from the Southern Water Tribe, but was a descendant of Sokka. This girl was a relative of Katara!

Zuko stood up and walked towards the doors, he would rather find some street corner whore drugged on hashish than be forced into such a horrible act. In fact, he preferred it, the drug in her blood would make him drowsy and hopefully he would dream of Katara again.

The doors slammed shut in his face, and bolted from the other side.

"Perhaps that was a little too cruel Zuko." Azula said, her voice as close to remorseful as it could get, "Let me make it up to you."

Zuko turned around and glowered at her.

"Ty Lee, Mai" Azula said turning to her closest friends "You will be joining Zuko in bed tonight."