Kent: I know this chapter is pretty short but I want to make sure that people actually like it before I get too far into this story. Another thing . . . If you would please help me choose someone for Naruto to be with it would help alot because currently it is a three-way tie between Gaara, Sasuke, and Neji. However, if you have read my profile then you know that I am pretty open to anything you guys can come up with. (lol) Besides, my friends chose those particular three but I am up to any suggestions and the one with the most votes will be the winner. Thank you so much for helping.



A faint cry could be heard through the empty streets of Konoha. Down an alleyway two figures could be seen hovering over a small bundle made of an old torn green shirt.

"Could you shut that thing up already!" The taller figure demanded his voice urgent.

"I've tried, Kosuke, but it won't listen to me!" The other sobbed, "Shut up damnit!" The cry became louder as the figure punched the small bundle before him.

"Stop you'll only make it cry more." Kosuke stated calmly before grabbing the bundle and tossing it into a nearby trashcan. "Let's go, BEFORE someone hears it. OK, Nataku?" Nataku nodded rubbing his eyes to stop the tears and in a blink they both disappeared into the night.

"Sakura, my love please stop crying--" A blond cried out as he was tossing and turning in his pale sheets. Suddenly he bolted up in his bed yelling, "CRYING! Sakura doesn't CRY! She just get's mad and hits you for being stupid!" He listened for a moment and hearing nothing he got up and draggeed himself into the kitchen for a glass of water. "Ugh! My stupid imagination is playing tricks on me again." Frustrated he grabbed the carton of pure water from his fridge and yanked the lid off. Raising the carton up to his lips he thought, 'That's the last time I'm going to eat fried tofu and bacon before bed-'

"Could you shut that thing up already!"

"What the-"

"I've tried, Kosuke, but it won't listen to me! Shut up damnit!"

"-HEll!?" Not even a minute later crying started getting louder and louder. The blond listened carefully and could hear it come from the alley right by his apartment complex. His blue eyes went wide and he ran out to retrieve the crying-whatever it was- and hopefully calm it down. 'Man, I sure hope that whatever is crying is OK.' The boy passed by more doors than he could count in his current state of worry before he finally reached the entrance to the alley. Slowing down he folloed the invasive noise until he ventured upon a small green bundle thatlooked like it was torn and had blood scattered on it in one of the nearby trashcans. When the bundle moved the boy jumped back in suprise. 'Well, whatever it is it's alive.' Cautiously he moved forward once again to inspect the strange moving bundle.

"OH MY GOD!! It's a BABY!!" HE cried out after moving part of the shirt out of the way. Said baby calmed down slightly and looked at him curiously. "Hello, little one, where are your parents?" He cooed as he removed the rest of the shirt and uncovered a few small bruises and a newly made rather large one on it's right side. Looking at it a bit more he noticed a few scratches here and there and-

"Oh! You're a GIRL BABY! Well, I'm gonna take you to Tsunade-baasan right now so that she can fix you all up and make you as good as new." He picked up the baby as carrefully a he could and started sprinting in the direction of the large building in the middle of the village.

'I wonder who Kosuke is? I bet if I find him then I'll find out exactly what happened here.' He looked down at the child in his arms and smiled.

Kent: I hope you guys liked it so far and I will continue and update ASAP if you guys liked it. Just remember that I am really REALLY lazy so it might take a while. Lol

Plus, for those of you who have seen this story on I am the author I just go by two different names. lol