Author's Note: As we're all aware of, I do not own the Transformer's franchise and unfortunately, I'm making no money off of this. This is an idea that just came to me, so I'm making this one up as I go. If you have any ideas you'd like to input, I'll greatly appreciate them and consider them. So thanks for reading and please review! I read them all! I have decided to edit portions of this fic to make the story easier to understand!


Chapter One:

Bumblebee sat silently in the Witwickey's driveway watching Sam and Mikaela spray each other with a water hose. Mikaela jumped on Sam and play fought to regain power of her water-wielding weapon. He watched on in amusement as Sam's entire outfit became soaked down to the last fiber. It seemed Mikaela would win this battle.

Bee quickly ran a scan on the temperature and decided that at 89.4 degrees Fahrenheit Sam would not catch cold from romping around in the twilight air sopping wet.

The temperature change very little on earth, Bumblebee thought to himself. On Cybertron the night side of the planet could easily reach lows of –600 degrees Fahrenheit and back up to highs of 400 degrees plus on the day side. Cybertron lacked the thick atmosphere that sheltered earth from such swing in temperature. However, that didn't bother Bumblebee. His robotic body automatically compensated for such a dramatic shift in temperature.

Movement in the yard brought Bumblebee back from his thoughts about his lost home. Mikaela was now right in front of Sam, her lips pressed against his, her fingers curled in his hair, pulling him closer to her. The water hose rested long forgotten in the grass.

Deciding that he would set the mood for the two lovebirds, he allowed soft romantic melodies to waft from his speakers. Sam and Mikaela were of course too engrossed in each other to really notice. The camero's inside lights glowed warmly. Bumblebee was delighted to see his human so happy. He had yet to experience the sort of feelings Sam was so obviously going through, but his unearthly imagination could compensate. He had never seen Sam so blissful and Bumblebee reveled in his friend's elation.

The sun smiled peacefully over the horizon, slowly fading into the starry void of night. The moon too was out and shining, reflecting the sun's rays back to the planet below.

Sam and Mikaela had paused their makeout session to hold hands and enjoy their planet's natural beauty. Bee directed his attention the night sky as well. Cybertron had nothing to offer that was quite as breathtaking as this.

A sharp beep interrupted the beauty of the moment.

Sam and Mikaela dropped each other's hand as they turned to run toward the yellow camero in the driveway.

Bumblebee slid his radio tuner over the frequency that Optimus Prime was transmitting on in order for the humans to listen in. Sam and Mikaela leaned down next to the passenger's side open window.

A calm and stoic voice filled the dusky air. Even though Opimus's computerized voice sounded just as it always had, Bumblebee had a foreboding sense that something was wrong.

Unfortunately he was not disappointed.

"Autobots," he addressed his followers, "I have found what we have been searching for. Our missing Decepticon is currently in hiding on this planet's satellite."

"Satellite?" Sam asked, his confusion plain to see by the look on his face. "What does he-"

"The moon," Bumblebee quickly explained, not wanting to miss anything his trusted leader had to say. He quickly hoped that Sam would take no offence to his snappy interruption.

"Because of the unique rotation of this satellite, one side is never visible from earth. Starscream has remained undetectable to earth's technological scans. My probability factions only detected the slight possibility this morning. It has taken me some 8.6 earth hours to identify his location deep within the moon crater called Vega." Optimus Prime paused, waiting for any questions or comments. None came and he continued on.

"I am on my way to meet with this country's Secretary of Defense. Mr. Keller and his operatives need to be made aware of this situation at once. This is not only a threat to us, but a threat to the humans as well. They deserve to be notified; however, I will advise them to make no aggressive actions. I will continue to keep watch of and inform you of Starscream's actions. Is there anything else?" Optimus paused once more.

Ratchet's smooth baritone answered. "While we are all on the same wavelength, I have found a building that I deem decently suitable to become our new base of operations on this planet. I will transmit co-ordinates immediately."

Another slight beep occurred as Bumblebee received and downloaded Ratchet's new information.

"Good," Ironhide nearly growled. "Quite a distance from the city and away from prying and pesky human eyes."

"Yes," Optimus reclaimed control of the discussion. "Assemble at the new base. I am sure all of you are eager to discuss these new findings. It would be much safer to not do so over radio-link. I will meet you there when I return."

Bumblebee's engine revved in response to the knowledge that he would soon be seeing his companions once more. He enjoyed his human friends, make no doubt of it, but he had began to miss his millennia long companions even though it had only been a very few short weeks since he had last seen them.

Sam laughed at his friend's eagerness. "Well, what are we waiting for then?" He asked his car. "Do you mind if 'Kaela and I tag along?"

The camero's doors swung open without a sound. "Samuel James Witwickey, you and Mikaela are valued members of the Autobot team, and although you are not of the same origins as us, you are always welcome and expected at all of our gatherings. We owe you our lives and our hopes for the legacy of our race."

"Well," Sam blushed modestly. "Uhm, alright then."

He climbed in the driver's side of the camero while Mikaela clambered in the other. They quickly strapped and buckled themselves in. Mikaela took the moment to twist her hair back out of her face and into a messy bun as the car shot out of the driveway.

Sam let Bee do the driving. His sensors picked up on the radiating heat of the asphalt from the day's exposure to the sun. The roadway was slick in places from oil leaked from some old vehicle as it had puttered down the highway. With little difficulty Bumblebee managed to force his tires to keep their traction on the slippery surface.

Sam held Mikaela's hand in his, caressing the tender spot between thumb and index finger with his thumb then tracing each of her fingers and palm with a slight touch. Bumblebee's sensors told him that the girl obviously found this motion pleasurable. The scent of her pheromones changed ever so slightly as she grabbed Sam by the waist and pressed him back straight against the leather seat, unbuckling herself as she did so.

She sat on his lap and passionately kissed him, opening his lips with the slight pressure of her tongue. Sam let Mikaela take charge, noticeably pleased by what she was doing.

Bumblebee watched on with an interesting emotion that bored between extreme fascination and nausea. Biological life forms were so entirely different from himself: remarkably complex, but at the same time so simple.

"We will be nearing the base complex in 2.36 minutes," he pointedly interrupted the makeout session on that basis that he did not judge it healthy for Sam's tongue to remain down Mikaela's throat for too long.

Sam let Mikaela slide off of him disappointedly. He could have sworn he had almost detected a note of jealousy in the Autobot's tone.

"Hey Bee," he questioned, opting to pay attention to his guardian.

"Yes Sam," Bumblebee's tone had returned to it's normal pleased state.

"Will the Autobots stay here from now on?"

Bumblebee took a moment to calculate the odds. "More than likely so. You may stay too if you like."

"We'll see what happens," Mikaela answered for him. "Oh! We're here," she added in exclamation.

Sam craned his neck to see out of Bumblebee's side window. Outside loomed a tall and dark factory style building. The place was surrounded by a chainlink fence. Bumblebee quickly crashed the gate and they were in.

"Hey! I know where this is," Mikaela smiled as she recognized exactly where she was. "This is the old Chrysler plant. This would be the perfect place for a base. The ceilings are all tall enough for Optimus and there are certain to be security measures installed. Ratchet really did make quite the find."

Bumblebee ground to a stop in front of the main vehicle bay door. Sam and Mikaela climbed out quickly allowing Bumblebee to transform into his normal mode. Metal clanked into place and motors slowly quieted.

Ratchet greeted them at the door. "It is good to see you all again," he sounded generally pleased and placed a hand on Bumblebee's shoulder in greeting.

The concern passed through the young Autobot's sensors but he slowly shook his head and narrowed his baby blue optics. Now was not the time. He could explain the source of his apprehension to the medic later.

Ratchet removed his hand after a final pat. "Come inside then. Ironhide is on his way. We have much to set up if this is to be our new home."