
Sakura talking to inner

"Please don't leave me ! I love you!"

"Sakura… thank-you" thump

Flashback over

"Why does that stupid memory keep on haunting me?" the pink hair, jade eyed beauty wondered. "Stupid Sasuke. What's that supposed to mean? Thank you for what?" For Sakura these two years since Sasuke had left, had been torture. Not only did she always think about Sasuke and his stupid last words, but the current Hokage, Tsunade, made her train like hell. When she wasn't training her butt off with Tsunade, she had her shifts in the hospital.

She began walking away from where she was at; the Team Seven training grounds. This place always brought her all the memories she had shared with the team. Now, the team had split up. Sasuke, of course, had gone to Orochimaru's layer and there was no trace of him to track him down.

Naruto, The Number One Hyperactive Knucklehead Ninja, had left soon after to train with the Toad Sage, Jiraiya. Word was, they traveled around in different places. If someone tried to look for them, they would be nowhere to be found.

Then there was their Sense Kakashi, aka the pervert. Sakura and him sometimes saw each other, not much though. He was always busy with missions that were assigned to him.

That left her. She wanted to help Naruto bring back Sasuke, but back then, she admitted, she had only been a burden. She had had to search for her own teacher, the Hokage. Thanks to her, she was considered to be one of the best kunoichis the Leaf Village had. Sure she had also made many friends, including the rookie team and Gai's team, but she missed her own team. Besides, everyone else always had missions with their teams. She was the only one who had no team.

Thinking about her team, she ended up in their,(more like Naruto's) favorite place to eat; Ichiruku Ramen Shop. Most of the time he was the one who had forced, almost dragged, them to go eat there.

Sakura was totally in her old memories world, she didn't notice Shizune running straight toward her until they bumped into each other.

"Oww…" they both said at the same time while rubbing their heads. "Sakura, I'm glad I (literally) bumped into you. Lady Tsunade would like to see you immediately, please hurry," Shizune informed her.

"Okay," Sakura replied. At lightning speed, she left jumping from roof top to roof top to avoid all people. In other words fan boys. Yes, over the years people said Tsunade's inhuman strength wasn't the only thing she had passed down to Sakura. Tsunade had passed down the looks too. Fan boys seemed to stalk her 24/7; especially Rock Lee. He declared his 'never ending youthful love' for her everyday he had the chance.

In a couple of minutes, she was outside the Hokage's office, awaiting for the matter that was so important. After a come in, she walked in to see Tsunade buried under tons of paper work like always.

"Sakura…" the Hokage hesitated in continuing. "It's Orochimaru… he's coming in for an attack along with Sasuke, sound ninja, and many other allies of his. I'm not sure that this time we can defeat them. Jiraiya and Naruto are still away training so we can't rely on them. That's all. It was just a heads up so you can be ready. If you want to run away, don't worry no one will blame you for doing so. The odds are against us," Tsunade explained immediately cutting to the issue.

"We can't just give up. We still have many skilled ninja on our side. We can and will fend off the enemy," Sakura optimized.

"Sakura, chances of us winning are slim we are outnumbered. Quit being so optimistic," Tsunade screamed while punching her desk so hard and breaking it in half. It wasn't like she had meant to, sometimes her anger got the best of her and she couldn't control even her own strength. "Orochimaru has always had a sick obsession with destroying the village and nothing can stop him when his mind is set on something."

Sakura's hope was sinking but she didn't let it. She walked out and slammed the door and because of her strength equal if not surpassing her sensei, the door fell on the floor.

"Look at this place. The war has not even started and everything is falling apart already," Tsunade sighed as she looked from her desk to the door.

Sakura ran not caring about anything else but getting to her house and getting all of the right supplies to be ready for the imminent battle.

He's coming back but not for us. It's to grind the Hidden Leaf Village into dust.

We'll kick his sorry ass before he can even touch anyone. He will be sorry for leaving us all alone in a dark, cold bench. I mean some bastard could have raped us. CHA!

I hope we can stop him. Who knows how strong he's gotten. For all we know he could kill us in mere seconds.

Come on! He may have trained under the snake Orochimaru, but we trained under the Hokage. One of the Legendary Sannin.

You now, Orochimaru is also one of the Legendary Sannin.


As the argument went on in her head, Sakura packed everything she needed. As soon as she was ready packing healing and fighting supplies, Sakura left her small apartment, or to her, her home.

She climbed on top of a tree with the chakra training technique Kakashi had taught Team Seven during their mission to the land of waves (?) to get a better view of where the enemy was coming from. On top she, at last, let agony drown her.

"Oh, Naruto. I wish you were here. You would send all of sound crying back to were they came from and make that asshole Sasuke stay here. I know you would. Sasuke why'd you have to leave?"

Suddenly, a presence was felt behind her. She felt chills run down her spine. "For strength to complete my revenge, that is why," it said.

Short? Yes, I know. This is my first story so please review and tell me what you thought about it. The story will get heaps better, but you have to review.