Disclaimer: i do not own Peter Pan that title unfortunately belongs to J.M Barrie and Disney
AN: this is my first fanfic, so i hope you all like it, please review and tell me if i should change anything it would be appreciated greatly. so enjoy, oh hold on forgot to mention that this is based of the 2003 film without the last part of Wendy never seeing Peter again
Chapter 1: Growing up
Wendy would come home from school and sit on her window seat staring out to the stars every night and had been doing so for the past three years. Her brothers had moved out of the nursery so that she could have the room to herself, this was done under her Aunts suggestion. Wendy had not liked the idea but everyone else agreed that as she was now a young lady she should also have her own room. This solitude from the rest of the family had given Wendy a lot of time to think and she had decided that the best way to deal with things was to try and forget Peter and pretend that the whole thing had never happened. This was not so easy for her with daily reminders of the time she had spent in Neverland from simply seeing Curly, Tootles, Nibs or the Twins. Wendy did try but she could never bring herself to forget Peter Pan no matter how hard she would try her mind would always wonder back to the many adventures she had shared with him and that one fateful night where she had given him her hidden kiss or as Peter thought of it, her thimble.
Tonight was no different from any other, when she arrived home she placed her books on her desk and went to sit on the window seat, but before she had had a chance to get comfortable she heard her mothers voice call for her from down stairs. Wendy was tempted to ignore it and just continue to stare out the window but when her mother popped her head through the door saying that her Aunt was here and there was something important the needed to talk about Wendy new that ignoring was not an option. She got up from her seat and followed her mother down stairs. As she entered the lounge room she was greeted by a rather foreboding sight, her Aunt sat on one of the lounge chairs which was by far anything from what she was doing. She sat tall with her back straight as a ruler and had a firm expression on her face. Wendy's father sat on the couch opposite doing his best serious and firm look; her mother closed the door behind her and took her seat on the piano stool although Wendy was certain that playing a nice cheery song was the last thing on her mothers mind. Wendy stood still in the centre of the room with everyone staring at her, her mother gave her a warm smile but it did not help that much, Wendy did not even try to smile back as she new she would be incapable of ding so all she could do was to stand and wait for someone to say something.
'My child,' her Aunt began Wendy hated her calling her that 'your parents and I have come to an agreement that it would be best for you, in this present state to attend a new school, Kingston College to be precise. It has a wonderful reputation despite that fact that it has taken to a very modern idea of boarding, one which involves both boys and girls boarding on the same campus although classes are separate naturally, it is not quite my idea of well bred society but the headmistress assures me that nothing distasteful has ever occurred there. I have also heard from my dear friend and patron of the school Lady Charlotte of Kingston Park that they have a wonderful curriculum and that you should enjoy it there very much. Do you have any questions child?'
'W..why?' was all that Wendy could stammer as she heard muffled gasps come from behind the closed door, she wasn't at all surprised that her brothers were listening. Her Aunts face did not soften and she continued with the same harsh directness of her words before.
'We have decided that this move would be the best thing for you given your situation at the present moment'
'What situation, what on earth is that supposed to mean, are you suggesting that I'm sick because I'm perfectly fine and making go to some stupid boarding school wouldn't help anyway?' The words spilled from her mouth, she wasn't even sure if the made coherent sentences, but she didn't care she just couldn't be taken away from here, this place was her home it was where she had met Peter, and that meant everything to Wendy. She wasn't willing to give up her one last chance of happiness a chance that had been growing smaller and smaller as she had been growing older and taller or as most would call it growing up.
Her thoughts were so confused and she saw how her Aunts face had hardened and felt that the only thing she could do was to yell at her and tell her she wouldn't go even if it didn't make a difference on the out come. She felt like she was screaming at the top of her lungs, she felt tears well up in her eyes but she would not let them fall, she would not let them see her defeat.
Her parents faces grew with worry and concern they had been so certain that this would be exactly what Wendy needed, some time to get out of this house and meet some new people. They were sure it was the best thing for her but perhaps they might have been wrong. Aunt Millicent did not seem to think this at all in fact Wendy's behaviour at the time made her think that this school was an even better idea than what was originally thought and it was time to put this indecent screaming to an end.
'Wendy Moira Angela Darling, that is quite enough!' Wendy stopped instantly she new the tone in her Aunts voice all to well and it was not something you messed around with. She continued 'you do not have a choice in this decision you shall be leaving in a week and presently you shall be leaving for your room, do I make myself clear.'
'Yes, Aunt Millicent' at that Wendy turned to walk out of the room she could no longer keep her tears back and she could not bare the sight her Aunt any more. Her mother went to stand up to go comfort her only daughter she knew it had been hard on Wendy, but Aunt Millicent would have none of that and she flatly said 'Stay seated Mary, she got herself into thins mess and I will not have you telling that everything is alright and that she will stay at her old school. No that girl shall go to Kingston and become a proper respectable young lady she aught to be, mark my words.'
Mr and Mrs Darling were quite taken aback by her harshness on their child and Mr Darling would have said something about it being their daughter and they would raise her how they chose if he were not so afraid Aunt Millicent would bite his head off in the process. Mary broke the awful silence that followed by saying she need to check on the boys, she might also be able to pop into Wendy's room and console her daughter.
Up stairs Wendy nestled into the corner of the window seat her tears rolling down her face, she had never felt so alone and abandoned in her life. She couldn't believe that her family could turn against her like that, especially her mother, her mother had always been there for her and had always comforted her when she needed it but this time when she needed comforting the most she was not there. Wendy looked out the window her eyes filled with tears making it hard to find exactly the right star in the sky, she heard a knock on her door and her mother entered the room. Wendy could hear her mother's skirts sweeping across the floor as she came to sit beside her.
'Wendy I know your upset about this but we all honestly thought that it would be the best thing for you to get out of this house for a while,'
'I do get out of the house, every day when I go to school, why doesn't that count,' Wendy offered in desperation
'oh, my dear Wendy I know how hard it has been for you the last three years and I know you have tried to forget him and move on in your lie but obviously something is still holding you back and..' Mrs Darling paused for a moment 'well maybe if you couldn't come home to this house and sit by the window everyday it would help you move on'
'Oh but mother, I have tried, honestly I have but it is just so hard to forget someone when……when you love them with all your heart and all your soul…' she paused and her mother opened her mouth to speak but Wendy continued her words flowing out of her mouth with such heartache and passion that all her mother could do was to sit and listen.
'…and taking me away from here would most certainly rip my heart in two and I know that it couldn't possibly make it any better' she finished
'well, dear, I…I ' Mrs Darling was slightly taken aback at her daughter words and was not quite sure what to say, Wendy spoke in a way that showed she was not a little girl any more and her feeling for Peter were truer than black and white. Mrs Darling's word finally game back to her and she looked at Wendy solemnly and said 'you really do love him, don't you' it was not so much a question but a realization that Wendy was actually in love and not just stuck in some childhood fantasy.
'yes mother, with all m heart'
'well my dear I do honestly wish I could change things for you but everything has been settle and your Aunt Millicent is not someone to be crossed when she has her mind set on something, do you understand'
'I understand mother' Mrs Darling got up from the window seat and walked to the door she turned around again to look at her little Wendy who was now not so little after all.
'Thankyou' Wendy whispered to her mother
'I am glad I could be of some help' she turned once again and left the room.