Looking around the grounds his scowl deepened

Looking around the grounds his scowl deepened.  The blond woman showing him around chatted on and was entirely too cheerful for his liking.  Spotting some movement in the distance he looked to a small figure turning the corner towards them.  Even as far away as she was he could make out the surprise in the eyes of the blue haired girl.  But before his escort could notice her presence she had darted into the main building.  Later he found out that her name was Bulma, and that she was the daughter to his hosts.  Cursing his father for the millionth time that hour for sending him here, he wondered if the teen would be like all the other women he knew, a slut.

Bulma dropped her bag to the floor with little thought, the reunion had gone nicely.  The group had had a blast searching for the balls for a third year.  Taking a look around her room she sighed.  They had given her a budget large enough to furnish a large apartment to decorate her room.  One she hadn't touched, maybe she would now.  Looking to the pile of blankets in the corner she smiled, that was her bed and her wardrobe was in her pack.  Crawling onto the mass of blankets she let her body drift to sleep.  The briefs were nice people.  Dr. Briefs had given her everything she asked for including a lab of her own.  She knew he was surprised at her brilliance for a girl coming from where she had.  But that was what was so nice about the public library.  Books and escape, those were one in the same in her mind, at least at that time of her life.  Tomorrow, tomorrow she would begin making her room into something that reflected her.  Starting with black paint.