Hi. Yet another fluffy James-Lily fanfic. Anything you haven't read about in the Harry Potter series is mine….or my friend's. She helped, so I can't take credit for all of the original stuff you see in this chapter, but everything that's not ours is obviously going to be J.K. Rowling's.

"Lily!" Ugh, it was Potter. I started to run.


"Lily! Lily! Wait!"

"Never!" Unfortunately for me, James' legs were longer than mine, and he quickly caught up to me. He passed me and stopped right in front of me. I rolled my eyes; he had that smirk on his face. "What is it, Potter?"

"My Lilyflower! Why were you running?"

"Running? Who was running? I wasn't running."

"Yes, you were. Anyway, I wanted to ask you something."

"For the 7,856th time, I will not go out with you, Potter."

"That wasn't what I was going to ask you. And for your information, it would have been the 100,876,514th time." I rolled my eyes yet again.

"Then what were you going to ask me?"

"Go out with me, Evans?" I scowled and turned to leave. "It was a joke, Evans. Calm down. Honestly, you have no sense of humor, do you?"

"What is it, Potter?"

"Sirius pushed Peter into the girl's toilet. Peter was actually stupid enough to try and use one of the stalls and- and- he kind of… got stuck."

"I don't believe you; you'll probably just corner me in there."

"No! I'm telling the truth! Moony can prove it."

"What do you want me to prove?" I turned and screamed.

"Where'd you come from, Remus?" Remus opened his mouth to respond.

"Wait! Why do you call Moony by his first name?"

"Remus doesn't annoy me, Potter."

"Oh, come on!" Remus rolled his eyes at Potter.

"What exactly did you need me for, Prongs?"

"Oh, right! Tell my Lilyflower that Wormtail got stuck in the girl's toilet."

"Your Lilyflower!? 1: I am not yours; I am not anyone's. 2: Do not call me Lilyflower!!!" He flinched. Excellent.

"Sorry, my dearest." I glared at him and he shut up.

"Remus, is Pettigrew actually stuck in the toilet?"

"Yes. Sirius pushed him in and somehow, he got himself stuck in between the stall and the door." Wonderful. Now I had to go get Pettigrew out of the toilet. At least I could punish Black. I loved being a prefect.

"I'll go get him out." I turned and started walking. "Which toilet?" I paused and looked back. Potter's eyes shifted back and forth.

"Moaning Myrtle's bathroom." My scowl deepened. Bollocks.

"That's just lovely. More fun for me." I turned and headed towards the stairs.

"Lily! Don't go!" I ignored Potter's inane behavior. Merlin, he was annoying! I heard him chasing me again. I rolled my eyes and walked faster.

"No you don't. You can't go into Myrtle's bathroom by yourself."

"Pettigrew's in there alone."

"But you're more important." I rolled my eyes.

"If you were smart, you'd shut your ugly face right now."

"I'm not ugly! I'm the number one bachelor in the school!"

"Oh, don't flatter yourself, Potter. Hey, Lily." I turned at the voice. It was Severus Snape.

"Go away, you useless ball of slime." Potter said, badgering the boy as always.

"Shut your ugly face, Potter!" Snape shot back. I turned and started walking away without a word to either of them. I couldn't forgive Severus for what he had said last year. He's a half-blood. He can't call anyone a 'Mudblood'.

"Lily, wait!" they said together. I kept walking, but Potter was the only one who ran to catch up.

"I know you're a girl and just dying to see the inside of a girl's toilet, but I don't need your help, Potter."

"You should've seen Snivellus' face when you ignored him. It was like some twisted kind of upset expression." He snorted.

"Oh, so you're a pig now, are you?" I purposely changed the subject, not wanting to even think about the end of fifth year.


"Get lost, Potter."

"Fine. But only if you go out with me." I turned and kneed him in the groin. He fell to the ground, groaning. "Why, Lilyflower, why?"

"It seems that's the only way to get rid of you without putting myself through extreme misery. Instead, it puts you in extreme misery. Andthat is an added bonus." I headed towards the bathroom once more. Fortunately, without company this time. I opened the door and walked in. Water covered the floor. It appeared that Moaning Myrtle did not want Pettigrew in the bathroom.

"Oi, Pettigrew! Where are you?"

"Over here!" I headed toward his voice and immediately came upon a much squished Peter Pettigrew in between the door and the edge of the stall.

"I'll pull on the door; you try and get yourself out of there. Ready? On the count of three. 1…2…3!" We tried as hard as we could, but the door wouldn't budge. Maybe Moaning Myrtle could fix it…yeah…

"Myrtle?" I called sweetly.

"What do you want? I've been here for hours all alone with that horrid little boy. The one time someone actually comes in, they start complaining about being stuck in here. As if I don't know what it feels like. It's horrible."

"I'm very sorry, Myrtle. Do you think you could help me get him out of here? Then he won't be able to hurt your feelings anymore."

"Oh, that. Of course I can." She wriggled her hand in between him and the door, lubricating it with her ghostly essence. The door shifted open a little so Pettigrew could breathe.

"Thank you so much, Myrtle." Finally, I could get out of here.

"It was nothing," said Myrtle, while Peter pushed the door open the rest of the way.

"Thanks Myrtle."

"Ew! The creepy boy is talking to me! Aaahhhhh!" And she dived into a toilet, spraying water everywhere.

"Come on, Peter, let's go." We went our separate ways: Pettigrew to the kitchens, most likely, and I went up to the Prefect common room.

So, what did you guys think? Please review. When you do, I'll update. :) Hopefully you'll review anyway, without my encouragement cough cough bribery cough, but anyway……