Panda: Welcome to the second part of Dark Storm. Momo can you do the disclaimer.

Momo: Panda doesn't own POT. And she NEVER will! Oh well.

Panda: Just read the script!!

Momo: NEVER!!

Panda: On with the story, and people the last part does have hints of a starting lemon in it, but there is none and you may all blame Terra for the parts and for it being late.

Chapter 2: Practice

The next day at school seemed like a dream to Sakuno. The world around her buzzed with excitement and rumors. Apparently Tomo had tripped sometime during the storm and Horio had caught her around her waist. Another rumor was that Momo and Kaidoh had had a fight and both were knocked out on the floor during the storm.

Sakuno could only smile at how much the school had missed. They had missed the prince's claiming of his princess. She couldn't wait till her tennis practice! The ground was warms and dry and the tennis courts were dry as the roads. Sakuno looked out the window and saw the birds flying in the clear cloudless sky.

Suddenly the final bell rang and Sakuno and Tomo ran out of the school to the Sakura tree where Ryoma and Sakuno always met when they had a tennis practice that day. Soon Sakuno saw the white fila cap and Seigaku tennis member regular jacket and sweats on walked toward the two.

"RYOMA-SAMA!!" Tomo cried out to get his attention.

Sakuno only smiled as she saw Ryoma 'fix' his fila cap. Ryoma didn't stop as he passed the two and headed toward the main gate. Sakuno looked at Tomo and nodded as she began to walk behind the prince. Tomo walked next to Ryoma badgering him asking so many questions that Sakuno was sure Ryoma would burst at her soon.

Ryoma didn't he just began to tune her out. Sakuno walked half a step behind the two of them. She knew his heart was for her and only her. Sakuno smiled and closed her eyes for a second at the thought of what to give him for her repayment.

Soon the three made there way into Ryoma's house and changed their cloths. Tomoko fully understanding what Sakuno had told her wore a long white skirt and a baggy white and red shirt that she knotted at the bottom. Sakuno came out whit a similar cloths her skirt was pale lavender and her shirt was white with a lavender flower in the center.

When Ryoma took them to the tennis court next to the temple Tomo finally met Nanjiro. The man was sitting on the railing of the gong watching the three of them. Ryoma kept his fila cap's brim low as he helped Sakuno with her serve, and Tomoko with her balance and posture.

Soon Ryoma was standing back watching the two started up a simple game. Sakuno got the first point but Tomo bet her to the first game. Ryoma stood next to Sakuno showing her were she had gone wrong. He then moved to Tomo and helped her with her errors and told her how to polish some of her motions and such. The two girls practiced till Tomo's cell phone rang. She ran over to her back a flipped it opened, a few seconds later she came back her bag of cloths and things in hand.

"Sorry Ryoma-sama. Sakuno-chan. Echizen-san. That was my mom and I need to go baby-sit my brothers. Ja Na!!" Tomo called as she turned and left the temple.

Ryoma saw his father leave seeing as he had nothing to do and nothing new to look at. Ryoma walked toward Sakuno. She smiled and turned toward the temple's bathroom. Ryoma caught her wrist looking at her questioningly.

"Ano…I was going to go change." Sakuno said as he let go to let her change.

Ryoma followed her and stood outside the room while she changed. Sakuno came out and Ryoma's jaw dropped. She was in a mini shirt and she had a tang top over a long sleeved shirt. The tang top said, 'Heart stopper.' Sakuno walked slowly up to the prince, lifting up his cap she saw his deep blush and smiled sweetly.

"If it's to much I can go change if you want?" Sakuno said to his with a light blush.

Ryoma grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the tree line behind them. She pulled her closer and kissed her lips lightly and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"No I love you the way you are and I still need you just in case my heart does stop." Ryoma said with a playful smirk.

"Does this count as half of my payment?" Sakuno asked him with her own silent smirk.

"Yup, but you have a long way to go." Ryoma said as he turned and pinned her against one of the oak trees.

Sakuno smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. She smirked and put his cap on top of her own head before standing on her tiptoes and kissing the dark green haired prince. He smirked under her lips and began to deepen the kiss. Ryoma and Sakuno both wanted to move on, but the sound of bare-feet on the stone, and a yelling male voice told them that this wasn't the time.

Ryoma broke the kiss and slide to the ground with Sakuno in his arms. Ryoma was on the bottom and Sakuno was sitting on his lap. Sakuno looked into Ryoma's eyes and saw a protective aura. Sakuno held back a giggle by resting her head on Ryoma's shoulder.

Ryoma smiled as he felt the new weight on his shoulder and the soft feather soft breath that hit his arm. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled his princess closer to him. Suddenly they were surprised by the ringing gong out near the temple. Ryoma again turned his head toward its direction a frown graced his lips.

"I'm heading out for a little." Called the bare foot male.

"Alright uncle, be back for dinner." Called a voice from with in the house.

Ryoma loosened his muscles and stood with Sakuno in his arms. She grabbed the bag and his hat before Ryoma started off toward the house. Sakuno grew a little uneasy as the neared the back door. Suddenly Ryoma stopped and unlatched a window.

The window swung open and Ryoma jumped into the room. He turned and reached out for Sakuno. She jumped into the window only to be caught in his arms, which immediately wrapped around her waist. Ryoma sat her on the bed and turned back to close the windows.

As Ryoma walked away his cat, Karupin, jumped out from under the bed and curled up on Sakuno's lap. Sakuno giggle lightly as she stroked the cat in her lap. Ryoma saw that cat and scoffed as he now crossed to the door. He opened it and looked both ways, before closing it again and locking the door.

Sakuno looked around and noticed that the room was dark. She soon felt Ryoma's weight on the bed as he crawled toward the innocent girl. Sakuno felt the boy sit behind her and wrap his arms around her petite waist. Ryoma set his head on Sakuno's small shoulder. He cocked his head so his head was rubbing against her face.

Sakuno giggled at his cat like antics. She brought a hand and stroked her prince's dark green hair. Ryoma took this and glared at the cat on the ground who was just sitting and staring at the two. Ryoma turned his head and licked Sakuno's face. Then he swung her around so she was sitting on his lap.

"Oma-kun needs to act like a person," Sakuno said wagging her finger in his face.

Ryoma smirked before answering. He looked into her deep coco eyes and tilted his head so their forehead touched.

"Not till my heart stops."

And with that the two of them kissed. Unknown to them the weather outside had turned for the worst the storm from a few days before had gone out to sea but decided to make a u-turn and head back toward the mainland.

(From here on out it for older teens. Yeah Terra kinda wanted this in here and yeah we compromised and this came out of that deal. Hope you all like it. And it's not that bad. Yeah for author powers!!)

Sakuno soon found her self-lying under Ryoma and them having a very passionate kiss. She smiled at the face Ryoma made when Karupin had jumped on top of him before he kicked the cat out of the room. Sakuno had felt sorry of the feline, but soon found out that she had opened the tiger's cage yesterday when they had begun to kiss in the dark.

Sakuno felt Ryoma's hands start to search her body. She broke the kiss and looked into his eyes worry and fear etched into her beautiful coco eyes. Ryoma relaxed and bowed his head in a silent sorry for his actions. Sakuno smiled at the face her prince made and couldn't help, but to crawl over to him and kiss him.

With that done Ryoma smiled and lied down on the bed with his arm draped over Sakuno's waist. Sakuno was cuddled into Ryoma's well-sculpted chest with her eyes half-closed. She turned and looked at Ryoma's peaceful sleepy face. He had nodded off to sleep just a few minutes ago. Sakuno touched his face a crested his cheek. Suddenly a slam and a flash of blue light and a huge boom, all followed one another scaring Sakuno out of her mind.

"AHHHHH," Sakuno screamed as she pulled Ryoma closer and hide her face in his chest.

Her scream seemed to echo in Ryoma's head as well as the house. Ryoma was up and awake now. He sat up and pulled Sakuno on to his lap and rocked her back and forth. Suddenly there were thunderous footsteps pounding up the stairs. Ryoma's eyes widened and began to look around for a place to get Sakuno out of the way.

Ryoma began to feel her shaking in his arms as the thundering steps came closer and closer. Ryoma knew he couldn't leave her anywhere they would have to spit it out to his father. Ryoma swallowed his pride and held her closer whispering sweet words in her ear.

"It's alright I'm here to protect you." Ryoma whispered into her eyes.

"B-B-But I'm scared." Sakuno mumbled as the tears started to flow into his shirt.

"There is no need to be scared. I'm her to protect you my princess. And nothing will hurt you as long as I'm around."

"A-Al-Alright," Sakuno said as her tears slowed, but her hands tighten on his shirt when the door knob turned a hundred time signaling Nanjiro's arrival.

"BOY OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!!" he yelled.

"What if I don't want to?" Ryoma called back in his normal cold attitude.

Sakuno smiled at the fact that only his voice was cold toward his nosey father, but behind that door Sakuno still saw her warm hearted Ryoma.

"Now Boy!!" Nanjiro called again pounding on the door.

Sakuno pulled Ryoma's head down with a smile. Ryoma closed his eyes and brought his lips to her's gentle like a feather falling toward Earth. Ryoma's eyes snapped open by the sudden heat coming from her body. He pulled back and looked at Sakuno worry etched into his face.

Sakuno's cheeks were bright red and her eyes were still closed. Her breathing was labored and her chest tightened as she breathed. Ryoma lightly stood and laid her one the bed wrapping the covers around her. He growled at the door as his father's banging continued and quickly got louder. Ryoma stood and unlocked the door with such force that Nanjiro had a shocked face with his hand still in a fist which hung in mid swing.

"SHUT UP NOWW OLD MAN!!" Ryoma growled at his father.

It was at this time all the lights went out and Ryoma rounded so fast that it made a breeze hit Nanjiro's face. Nanjiro walked into the room to see Ryoma in the bathroom and someone else lying in the bed. Ryoma came out with a towel and bucket of water.

Ryoma set the bucket on the ground and kneeled next to the bed. He dipped the towel into the water and ringed it out and then draped it over the girl's forehead. Nanjiro smiled and quietly walked back out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Ryoma really didn't notice he was to busy at that moment. He was shocked as her temperature rose faster and faster in the short amount of time. Ryoma soon gave up and stood up. He stripped off his shirt and then pulled the covers back. He now striped Sakuno until she was only in a thin tang top and skirt. Ryoma crawled in next to her and began to hug her.

Sakuno's temperature slowly ever so slowly began to decline. They both soon fell asleep in the bed with Ryoma's head resting on top of Sakuno's. In the middle of the storm Sakuno's cell phone had rung and it had woken both sleeping teens.

Sakuno just jumped and grabbed it. She flipped it open and Ryoma smirk. He could hear the flustered couch even from the bed. Sakuno talked fast apologizing for every little thing. She smiled soon and hung up the phone.Only then did Sakuno realize what she was wearing. She whirled around at Ryoma and blushed. He held up his hands and shoke his head.

"Sakuno you were running a high fever."


Sakuno never finish for Ryoma had scooped her up and kissed her on the lips. The two sat on Ryoma's bed and looked out of the huge window. They watched the rainfall slowly to the drenched land outside. Sakuno was lulled into a light sleep by Ryoma's heartbeat, and with the princess asleep in front of him. The prince of tennis leaned back against the wall and he to fell into a light cat like sleep.

They slept way past the storms end and just in the same manor for all of their lives. Sakuno falling asleep first, then Ryoma, and Sakuno waking up first and then she would wake her prince. Their own nightly and morning ritual to each other and from that day on Sakuno was never scared of storms again. In fact she actually respected them and enjoyed the time they gave her with her prince.

There its over and we finally got it done hope you all like it and sorry the end was rushed. And we love you all for being quite as we're gone. We didn't get to many complaints and we really like the break and the rest time. We got a lot done and…School's out… so there's another plus. Love you all.

3 The Chara Agency