Change of Heart

Author's Note: I don't own Naruto. This fic is a bit AU-ish and the characters are also a bit OOC.

Just to make sure everyone knows, this story is going to be in Sakura's point of view. And the italics (as such) is Sakura's thoughts. Not all the time, though.

Heartache will be ahead!!!!!

It was just passed 7:30pm when both Ryo and I were done with all the paper work that had been sitting on my desk for almost a day.

"Whew. I can't believe we were able to get it done so early," I said, sitting back in my chair, Ryo just across from me sitting in a seat himself.

Then, like a light bulb going on in the back of my head, an idea occurred to me. I leaned forward, my forearms pressing on the edge of the desk and a mischievous smile splayed across my face.

"Now maybe we could leave home early." I could tell that Ryo had caught on to where I was headed; returning a mischievous smirk of his own and eyes gleaming with excitement and eagerness.

"Yeah. Mabye we could."

We were both well aware that if we were done with our own work, we were to report back to the chief of hospital(Tsunade) and be assigned to assist someone else, take our own patient, etc.

But we had another idea.

My smirk growing even more, I cleaned off my desk with speed I didn't think I had. Ryo did the same with his own working space and we both headed out the door.

We acted as though we were spies trying to accomplish a difficult mission. All we needed was the dramatic music.

We looked both ways of the hallway, making sure no one would catch us. I motioned with a finger to Ryo that it was clear and, instead of heading for the elevators, we headed toward the stairs, to be less conspicuous.

We may have been on the third floor of the hospital, but we'd rather walk down those dreadful steps than work another hour.

We actually made it to the main floor rather fast to my surprise. Well, mostly because we were talking the entire time. Ryo would make jokes here and there, and we'd end up almost rolling down the stairs from laughter.

When we'd got to the main floor, we both agreed to just "flow with the crowd."

Ryo nodded his head, his face looking so determined and eager it was almost laughable.

There was a group of people walking from the elevator and heading towards where our freedom lay.

I counted down the time to when to join them. "On the count of three," I told Ryo.


We both scurried out from the doorway of the staircase and aligned ourselves with the crowd of people.

I wasn't surprised at all that they didn't move away from us or look at us like we were out of our minds because they were all wrapped up in their own little worlds to notice us.

I giggled a little at the fact that we were actually doing this. If we were to ever get caught, we'd get in so much trouble with Tsunade. But what's wrong with being a little bad? Having a bit of excitement in your life?

I held onto Ryo's arm and leaned into his side. His body giving off this wonderful warmth I couldn't resist.

I looked at the exit that was just a few feet ahead and then I glanced up at Ryo. We both exchanged small smiles as the doors whooshed opened and, as soon as we were out of the hospital, we ran to the corner of the next block.

Once we reached the corner, we both looked at each other, panting heavily from the excitement and the energy running took out of us. We stood at the corner, open to the empty streets and the moon's light.

" I can't believe we made it out!" Ryo practically yelled. I started giggling and jumped up and down like a little girl. We both laughed and went crazy. Not caring one bit if people could hear or see us.

Ryo wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him, almost squishing me. But I didn't mind one bit. I squealed from joy, wrapping my arms around his neck and clinging to him.

After we were calm and composed, both of us started heading home. Ryo lived close by, just about a block or two from where I lived, so we walked home together. Ryo's apartment was coming up on the next block. When we got there, I stopped for a second, to say goodbye when Ryo said, "I could walk you home, Sakura." I smiled at him. "He's such a great friend," I thought to myself.

"That's all right. I can walk the rest of the way myself."

He held up his hand.

"No. I insist. I can't have you walking alone at night. You never know what might happen." I huffed loudly, pretending to be upset.

"Fine, fine."

We both gave out a small laugh.

I love being silly with Ryo. Most likely because he doesn't mind that I am and because he enjoys to do it, too.

H walked me the rest of the way home, stopping in front of my house. The lights were on. "Sasuke must be home!" I thought excitedly.

"Thanks for walking me home Ryo." I gave him a quick hug and headed up the steps. I stopped at the door and said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Then maybe we could leave early again." He said, as he left, a smile grazing his face. I gave out a small laugh and waved goodbye.

I silently opened the door so that I could surprise Sasuke. I stepped out of my boots and dropped my keys off on the desk by the kitchen. I made my way upstairs and saw that the door to our bedroom was slightly.

I approached the door slowly and ever so quietly, my lips quirking into a smile.

Then I heard moaning.

My heart began to race. It's just my imagination, I thought to myself.

I peaked into the little crack that allowed me to see in the bedroom.

I held my breath as I saw the scene in front of me.

………Sasuke hovering over a naked Ino. His lips meeting with her neck, her hands roaming over his bare skin.

Well, there you go! Sasuke and his secret is out! Although, it seems as though everyone knew, hehe. I'm obviously not that good at keeping you guessing.