The Other Way Around
Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own Naruto, and I hope Masashi Kishimoto-sensei if you're reading, please let Sasuke and Sakura become a couple and let them rebuild the Uchiha Clan. Thank you.
(In Sakura's View)
I was the new student to Konaha Academy, but who would know that I could make so many friends the first day. I was scared the first time I walked into Kakashi-sensei's room and had to tell the class about my self. I really like the uniforms they made us wear. Mine was a short pink skirt with a white and pink collar shirt and a pink tie around the neck. My shoes were black loafers and my socks ended at my knees.
"Hello, my name is Sakura Haruno, and yes this is my natural hair color. My parents and I just moved here about a month ago. I really like it here."
The students started to raise their hands one by one, wanting to ask me questions.
"All right now class settle down, Sakura will answer your questions later we need to get started."
They all put their hands down and got out their books. I was still standing in front of the class waiting to be assigned a seat.
"Sakura we have room for you to sit by hmm, let's see, ah, Sasuke Uchiha."
Everyone gasped, as I was walking to Sasuke, who had his hand raised to let me know where to sit, some girls gave me glares and started to smack their hand against their open fist.
I sat down hesitantly waiting for him to say something to me, but thank god he didn't. I wasn't the one to talk much.
"So your names Sakura?"
I didn't realize that he was talking to me at first, I was too consumed in my notes to hear him. He tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention I guess, and it worked.
"What do you want?"
"All I was saying is that your name is Sakura right?"
"Well, it sure isn't Suzie, now is it."
"Whoa, no need to snap at me I asked a simple question. Do you even know who I am Sakura?"
"Well, you sure are no Itachi that's for sure."
His face grew cold, and his eyes narrowed at me.
"How do you know my brother anyway?"
"That's none of your business Sasuke and please let me finish my notes."
I turned around to the teacher and finished taking the notes I needed for the test he was scheduling for next Monday. Sasuke was quiet the rest of the day and I didn't see him at lunch thank god, but that's when I met 'The Gang'
(Lunch Time)
I had my head in a very good book that was just reaching the climax of the story when someone smacked the spine of the book causing it to hit my face.
There sat in front of me a lot of people. I was familiar with some of them from some of my classes, the others I had never seen before.
"Hi, I'm Ino Yamanaka, and these are my friends."
She pointed to everyone sitting next to her and smiled a big grin scaring me outta my mind.
I was being polite and introduce myself as Sakura Haruno.
"Hello Sakura, I'm Neji Huyga of the Huyga clan. It's nice to meet you."
I nodded my head to show that I acknowledge his presence. And glanced at everyone sitting beside him in a line.
The next person introduced them selves as Tenten, and the person beside her as Naruto Uzumaki. The line went on and on so it went like this: Ino, Neji, Tenten, Naruto, Hinata, Shikamaru, Kiba, Lee, Temari, and finally, Gaara.
When they were finished speaking I guess they expected me to say something to them and explain about my self, but I am not the one to talk much.
"Sakura," Ino started," Have you met Sasuke Uchiha yet?"
I glanced at her and sadly shook my head yes.
"So do you think he is hot?"
"No, I have seen much better, and spit on better looking people than him."
Everyone looked in my direction that was sitting at the table.
"Sakura you're not head over heels for Sasuke? Normally every girl is, and no one even looks twice at us regular guys." Naruto said motioning over at the guys sitting with him.
"Don't worry I'm not the one for dating."
All the guys gasped, and all the girls whispered.
"Why not Sakura, were not bad people, just misunderstood."
"Thanks but no thanks Naruto, I am un-dateable."
I got up and took my tray of food to the drop off place and left the lunchroom happy that no one was going to bug me.
(Music Class)
I finally made it to my last class of the day with no problems. That is unless you count the whole lunchroom thing, but other than that I had a good day. I could hardly believe at first that they had a band class. Finally I get to play my flute, I haven't had a chance to play in over a week.
"Sakura, I didn't know that you played an instrument."
I glanced up from putting my flute together to see Neji, Hinata, and Sasuke standing there scrutinizing me, and my flute.
"Yes, I have played the flute all my life, what do all of you play?"
Neji held up a flute case, and so did Sasuke. Hinata held up small golden piccolo, and sat two seats away.
I was shocked to see Sasuke with a flute, but not so much with Neji. Sasuke sat on one side of me, and Neji on the other.
Neji asked me what songs I could play, and I told him about all the classical music he wanted to hear. Sasuke played several old songs by Chopin, and I joined in after the first measure in all of them. When we finished playing Neji was applauding as was the rest of the class.
"Sakura, you do play very well, how about you and I go grab some yogurt after class together?"
I looked at Sasuke like he had asked a stupid question.
"Sasuke I don't think so, you should be practicing more, you sounded flat in some measures, and sharp in others."
I stood up and put up my flute and left since class was over. Sasuke sat there dumbfounded as Neji hit the floor laughing.
When he was finished laughing at Sasuke being shot down by a girl for the first time, he sat upright in his chair and nudged Sasuke in the side saying, "The Great Uchiha isn't so great anymore."
Sasuke shook his head to clear his thoughts again and glanced at Neji.
"Why doesn't she automatically say yes like all the other girls here? Does she not see that I'm the hottest guy here?"
"Sasuke to tell you the truth, she doesn't date, Sakura is un-dateable, no one has been out with her."
"Neji, you need to quit playing around and spreading rumors, Sakura has to have gone out with some one at least once."
"No, she hasn't, for some reason she doesn't want to, today at lunch she even said that she has spit on better looking people than you."
"Do you think by the end of the year that I could be her first?"
"Her first what, Sasuke?"
"Her first everything."
"That is crazy, there's no way that you could even touch her let alone go out with her."
"Oh well, I all ways get what I want no matter what."
"Sasuke this is different, Sakura is un-dateable, there's no way in hell you will date her before anyone else. I over herd that your brother's group has their eyes set on her anyway, you know what that means, soon she will be untouchable."
"Where did you hear that? My brother probably doesn't even know her, even if he did, she's mine I saw her first anyway."
Neji got up from his chair and motioned that Sasuke do the same, "Come over to my house tonight and bring the gang, but leave the girls out ok, it's going to be a guys night."
Sasuke nodded his head and left the room going to his black and red Harley Davidson. He noticed that a silver and blue Harley Davidson special 2008 edition perched next to his.
As I was leaving the building to my ride I remembered that I left my book in the art classroom and had to go back and get it. I walked outside and saw Sasuke looking at my bike.
"What are you doing Sasuke?"
"Do you know who owns this bike Sakura?"
Well duh I know who owns it, too bad he doesn't know that I am the owner.
"Yes, why?"
"Tell them I said nice bike, and that the pipes are nice and loud."
I couldn't help it I cracked up laughing at him.
"What's so funny Sakura?"
"This is."
I opened one of the satchel bags and placed my books into it. Next I got on it and brought it to life by giving the throttle a good twist.
"Sakura what are you doing?"
"Leaving, why?"
"You mean to tell me you own this bike?"
I pulled it out of the parking space and switched it to first, and before driving off I said to Sasuke
"I like your bike too."
I didn't see his reaction to my statement, and to tell the truth I could careless.
When I arrived home I saw that my house had been broken into by some on during the day.
No answer, I tried again and still nothing, I walked into the living room and saw broken glass, pictures on the floor, chairs, couches, and the TV on the floor.
I called for my mom and dad again but still nothing, I walked in the kitchen and saw that the person had messed that up even more.
Now I was panicking, still no answer from my mom and dad, as I advanced into the bedrooms upstairs saw it.
My parents were on the floor blood soaked and dead, someone had killed them and left a note for me on my mother's body that was overleaping my dads.
(The Note)
Sakura Haruno,
I see that you have seen my handy work if your reading this. Too bad I couldn't get you, but there's all ways next time. Remember My little cherry blossom who's property you are, and that if you do what I think you will, then your parent's won't be the only ones dead.
(End Note)
"NO" I screamed at the top of my lungs, how am I supposed to live now? No parents, the other Haruno's are all ready dead from old age or Kimimaro.
I did the only thing I knew to do. I called Tsunade.
"Sakura what on earth happened here? Did Kimimaro track you down here too?"
"Yes Tsunade, he did and he also killed my parents, I can't live here any more."
"I understand Sakura, I will find someone to look after you, and a place for you to live for the time being."
"Thanks ever so much Tsunade."
"Your welcome."
"Now, Sakura come with me to my office and lets see what we can do."
I followed her all the way not speaking to anyone, the vision of my dead parents bodies were fresh in my mind, its like your happy all of a sudden then you come home to see your parents dead and laying on the floor bloody, bruised, tear stained face, and you weren't there to protect them.
When we arrived a lady with long pitch-black hair, wearing a black shirt, and a tan skirt. She was young looking about her mid 30's and was beautiful.
"Hello, Tsunade welcome back, Hello Sakura."
I didn't know what to say, she never told me her name at all.
"Hello, uh, what's your name?"
She laughed and gave me a heartwarming smile.
"Sakura, you can call me Mrs. Uchiha."
Mrs.Uchiha? Is this Sasuke's mother?
"Mrs.Uchiha, are you by any means Sasuke Uchiha's mother?"
"Yes, Sakura and Itachi's too."
I smiled and went over to Tsunade's desk and sat down on the couch.
"Mrs.Uchiha, can you do me a favor?"
"Yes, Tsunade."
"Will you let Sakura stay with you? Her parents were just killed and I don't know any other family she would be safe with."
"Sure, Sakura do you have your stuff with you?"
"No, Mrs.Uchiha I'll get some of my workers to bring it over so Sakura hasn't a thing to worry about."
She motioned for me to stand and I did walking over to her and hugging her.
"From now on Sakura you can call me Mom, or Mother."
When we were walking to the compound that all the Uchiha's lived in, she told me funny stories of Sasuke, and Itachi. She even told me that she all ways wanted a daughter. I wouldn't be that hard to find in the compound, I was the only one with pink hair and green eyes, ever one else had the Uchiha characteristics.
I turned around to see Sasuke standing with a boy about our age. He was an Uchiha too, and looked like Sasuke. I think it was Itachi, but it has been so long since I have seen him that I couldn't remember him even if I wanted to.
"Sakura, I assume you know my sons Sasuke, and Itachi, they look like they know you."
I glanced over at my new mothers direction and smiled, "Yes mom I know them we go to school together."
Her face brightened up when I said the word mom and she hugged me tight like a stuffed animal.
"Sakura, you called me mom, oh, I love having you as a daughter."
I didn't hear Sasuke and the other boy as they snuck up behind us. When mom finally let me go I took a quick breath, but screamed when Sasuke grabbed me from behind in a bear hug.
"Sakura what are you doing here? Did you finally decide to take me up on the yogurt offer?"
His mother shook her head and sighed," Sasuke be nice to Sakura, she will be living with us from now on so don't be hard to get along with."
I swear Sasuke's eyes got big like melons and he let a little yelp escape his lips. I glanced over at Itachi and saw him smile at me before kissing our mom and going inside.
"Where will she stay mom?"
"With you in your room of coarse, you have two beds in there, don't be a hog Sasuke share."
Before she left she hugged Sasuke and me one last time and kissed us both on the cheek.
"Wow your mom is real nice Sasuke."
"That's what everyone says, but I do agree she is nice, but it's my dad you have to look out for, he's not so nice."
We stood there for some time watching all the little kids play, and the clouds roll by the flesh warming sun. It was nice and peaceful with Sasuke at my side.
"So you wanna go in and have a tour of the house?'
I nodded my head yes and blushed as I let him hold my hand so I wouldn't get lost.
He showed me the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and Itachi's room. Last was his and my room. When I entered I was immediately stunned at what was before me.
(Read and Review so I can continue writing, with out yall I wouldn't be able to come up with some of the stuff that I do)
Sasuke: You make me sound so gay. I could get Sakura any time I want.
Sakura: Oh, really Sasuke?
Sasuke: Well everyone knows you like me, it's obvious in the ANIME, and MANGA!
Sakura: So, I don't know why I do. You don't like me.
Sasuke: (Whisperers to himself) That is what you think.
Sakura: What did you say?
Sasuke: Nothing just read and review and see how Sakura's and I relationship develops. Ja-ne