The cool night breeze gently made the grass sway and the moon glowed gently in the night sky. In the middle of a field, Izumi and Meroko were sitting near each other, peacefully counting the stars and waiting for a meteor shower to start. So far, neither of them had seen a shooting star.

Even so, Meroko sighed happily. She treasured every moment she was with Izumi, and she knew for a long time that she loved him. Maybe...Maybe I should tell him again…

While she was pondering the thought, a streak of light lit up the sky and wiped out all of her previous thoughts with excitement. "Look Izumi!"

Quickly, she squeezed her eyes shut, made a wish, and then opened her eyes. In that one fleeting moment, the star was gone.

Barely being able to register the fact that she saw a shooting star, she eagerly looked over at Izumi. "Did you see that?" He looked back casually, with an amused gleam in his eyes. "Of course I did. Did you make a wish?"

She felt her face heat up when she thought back on her wish and a small smile appeared. "Yeah"

He instantly spotted her blush and smirked. "Was it about me?"

In an instant, the smile was replaced with a look of shock and her face turned a darker shade of red. "O-of course not!"

Izumi's smirk widened. "Are you sure?" he teased.

Meroko's face was tomato red by this time. "Yes!"

Much to Meroko's relief, he stopped teasing her and they both returned to watching the shooting stars fall like rain in the dark night sky. Meroko glanced at Izumi for a moment, and then looked back at the stars with a hopeful smile.

I wished that we'd always be together.