Three words for this story. Serious. Writer's. Block. There's only three more important things that needs to happen, and I just want to type them out. But I have to add plot, dialogue, setting, it's driving me crazy! Well, here's chapter 6…


Komali was sitting alone. Aryll was trying to avoid him by averting her gaze from him, and Medli went out of the ship with Shadowlink. Komali didn't know why Medl would go with him, but he heard something about archery and fire. Komali didn't know what he could do anymore. It seemed that Medli would never remember anything about him, and his injuries prevented him from escaping. He was thinking over these things when Aryll tapped him on the shoulder.

"Um, Komali?" Aryll said, "I'm sorry about, you know, earlier. It's just that I feel so helpless and it helps if I blame someone else for this. I'm sorry."

Komali looked at her. "It's not your fault," Komali mumbled, "I shouldn't have hit you. It was wrong of me to do that." He held out his hand. "Friends?"

Aryll took it. "Friends." They shook. "You know Komali?" Aryll said, "Before, when I was about to die, I thought big brother would come charging in at any second to save me. He always said he'd be there for me, but he wasn't." A tear formed in her eye. "Now I don't know what to think. I don't think Link's ever coming."

Komali wiped her tear. "Don't think that." He said, "You shouldn't give up hope, don't throw your life away, we can still get out of this."

"But if Link's not coming-"

"Listen Aryll," Komali interrupted, "You shouldn't think Link will always be there for you. Sometimes you have to do things for yourself, stand on your own two feet!"

Aryll smiled. "Thanks Komali." She took his hand again, but held it differently. "You know Komali, I'm really glad I met you."

"I'm glad I met you too," Komali said. "Though I wish we met in a less dangerous place."

"Me too." Aryll replied, "But since every minute could be our last, we should make the most out of our time left." She leaned in closer.

"What are you talking about?" Komali asked.

"This." Aryll kissed him. Komali was shocked for a second, then relaxed a bit, then pushed her away.

"W-what was that!?" Komali yelled, blushing.

"It was a kiss silly," Aryll said, "I really like you."

"I like you too," Komali said, "But not like that."

"Why not?" Aryll inquired.

"Well, first of all," Komali said, "You're at least two or three years younger than me, and we're kind of a different species, not to mention the fact we're being kept by a bloodthirsty sadist!"

"Which is why I did it!" Aryll said, "If we were gonna die in the next hour or two, I want to at least know what it's like to kiss somebody!"

"So what?" Komali argued, "Is this some sort of childish fantasy or something!?"

"Childish fantasy!?" Aryll yelled, "If this was a childish fantasy then there would be fairies!"

"What is your problem!?"

"What's your problem!?"

"My problem!?" Komali said, "My problem is that you kissed me when I'm in love with Medli!"

Aryll opened her mouth to say something, then shut it. "If you told me that earlier, then I wouldn't have kissed you." She mumbled.

"Well, I'm sorry there was no time to mention it earlier." Komali said.

"I'm sorry too," Aryll said, "About everything."

"Awww, how sweet." A voice said, "Two birds in a cage apologizing for nothing." Shadowlink stepped out of the shadows and clapped his hands together. "You know, it's times like these that make me feel all warm inside. Of course, that could just be the excitement after another massacre."

"Who'd you kill this time?" Komali asked bitterly.

"Just a bunch of jingly freaks." Shadowlink said. "But if I were you, I wouldn't worry about that."

"Why not?" Aryll said.

"Because today's the day you're gonna die."

Medli crept up behind Aryll and Komali and tied them up. "I'm sorry about this." She said.

"If you're so sorry," Komali said, "Then why are you doing this?"

Medli didn't say anything.

"You're silence is answer enough." Komali said.

"Shut up, bird boy!" Shadowlink said. "Take them above deck."


The moon was full when Komali and Aryll saw it. The night air was blowing west, and there was a glowing fire in the distance towards the east.

"The moon," Aryll said, "I never thought I'd see it again."

"Stop your blabbering," Shadowlink said, "You're not here to appreciate nature, you're here so I can kill you." He got his sword out. Now as I said before, the girl shall die first."

"So, this is how it ends, huh?" Aryll said. "I thought I'd have a chance to see my big brother again, but I guess I have to go without him."

"What are you saying Aryll?" Komali said, "Don't you remember what I told you earlier?"

Aryll nodded. "Yeah, but we all have to die sometime, it just depends on the when and where." She turned to Medli. "I know I haven't given you any reason to like me, but if you ever see a boy dressed in green named Link, tell him that I love him, okay?"

"I-I wish things could have been different," Medli said.

"Me too," Aryll said.

"Are you quite finished yet?" Shadowlink asked, "All this sappy last word stuff is giving me a headache."

"Go ahead, I'm ready," Aryll said.

"Good." Shadowlink stepped towards her.

No, Komali thought, this can't be how it ends.

Shadowlink raised his sword.

I must be able to do something!?

He tilted his head to see if she would do anything.

Something! Anything!

He brought down his sword.


Komali sprinted towards Aryll and pushed her out of the way before the sword met flesh. Komali's wounds opened and blood spilled openly. "She won't die!" Komali said. "I won't let her!" A flash of light engulfed Komali and a red pearl appeared in his hands.

"Din's pearl?" Shadowlink said, "This is interesting."

Komali looked at the pearl and gave it to Aryll. "Take this, and run." Komali said.

"Run?" Aryll asked. "Run where?"

"Anywhere." Komali charged at Shadowlink.

"You think you can beat me?" Shadowlink said, amused, "Have at you then!"

Komali tried to tackle him, but Shadowlink dodged. "Is that all you've got?" Shadowlink taunted, "What happened to not letting the girl die?"

Komali spotted a dagger in Medli's pocket and ran over to her. "You may have lost your memory," Komali said as he took the dagger from her pocket, "But you are still Medli."

Komali was about to run back at Shadowlink, but Medli held him back. "Why do you trust me so much?" she asked.

"Simple," Komali said, "I love you." He ran at Shadowlink brandishing a dagger and lunged. Shadowlink parried with his sword and laughed.

"You think a small blade like that can defeat me!?"

"If I can protect my friends, then I'm sure it can beat you!" A red light surrounded Komali, closing his wounds, and the dagger elongated with Din's crest an it's hilt.

"What are those goddesses thinking?" Shadowlink said. "Blessing you with their power. Typical of them." He charged. Blades met.

Komali, having little skill with a blade, hacked and slashed madly, while Shadowlink, having hundreds of years of experience, skillfully blocked and parried.

"You think that just because you use a goddesses blade you can beat me?" Shadowlink said, "A blade is nothing if the wielder is weak!" Shadowlink knocked the dagger out of Komali's hands. "What now, bird boy?"

"This." Komali charged at Shadowlink, surprising him, and knocked him down. A purple object slipped out of his pocket. Aryll picked it up. "Let's go Aryll!" Komali picked her up and started to fly away.

"The Ocarina!" Shadowlink yelled, "Medli, chase after them!"


"Just do it!" Shadowlink yelled.

Medli nodded and flew after them.


Komali was flying over the sea, away from Shadowlink's ship, when suddenly the pain came back to him. He flinched.

"Komali?" Aryll asked, "Are you okay? I don't think you should be flying with that broken wing of yours."

Komali smiled sadly. "You're right Aryll," he said, "The energy that filled me earlier is fading away. I'm going to have to drop you here and go back."

"What!" Aryll said. "You can't go back! He'll kill you!"

Komali shook his head. "Like you said earlier, we all have to die sometime, it just depends on the when and where. I'm just glad I was able to save someone before I go."

"But you can't just drop me here, there's no land for miles!"

Komali jerked his head in a direction. "There's a small ship over there. It's probably a merchant's ship. If you use all your energy, you'll probably be able to swim there."

"Why can't you come with me? You can fly there, right?"

"I'll drop any second now. I might as well go back."

"But the ship is further away! And Shadowlink is sure to provide a painful death!" Aryll pleaded, "You can't go."

Komali smiled. "Goodbye, Aryll." He dropped her.

"Komali!" Aryll yelled as she fell.

"Good luck." Komali said quietly. He started to fly back when the pain hit him again. "Argh!" Komali tried to keep himself in the air, but the pain was too much for him. He was about to fall out of the sky, when Medli caught him. "Oh, hello Medli." Komali said.

"Why didn't you go with Aryll?" Medli asked.

"Because I wanted to see you before I die." Komali said.

"I don't understand." Medli said.

"That's because you don't remember." Komali said. "Just do me one favor before we go back."

"What?" Medli asked.

"Don't bring Aryll back to Shadowlink."

"I won't, don't worry." Medli said.

"Oh, and Medli?"


Komali kissed her. "Before I die, I want you to remember that."

Medli started crying. She wiped a tear. "Why am I crying?"

"Because some part of you still remembers me," Komali said. "And it's that part of you that I love."

"I'm sorry that you have to die, Komali."

"Don't apologize," Komali said. "We all die."

"But Shadowlink will torture you before you die! He'll probably make me kill you!"

"It doesn't matter anymore," Komali said. "I don't care, as long as you remember me."

"I'll remember you." She said.

"Good." He kissed her again. "No matter what the future holds, always remember your friends. And no matter what Shadowlink tells you to do, always stay who you are. Promise?"

Medli wiped her tears again as the approached the ship. "I promise."


the final chapter. I actually wasn't planning to finish here, there was gonna be another one that describes Komali's death, but I'll just stop it here. The three important things were Din's pearl, Aryll's escape, and Komali's death. And all of those things happened. Even though I didn't write it, Komali did die, so don't expect a sudden appearance from him in the future. Now I can work on Farewell, My Love…