Disclaimer: Yeah, I don't own Pushing Daisies…

Author's Note: Well hello! This idea struck me the other day and I couldn't help but write. This fic is also based on an episode from Kristin Chenoweth's short-lived sitcom "Kristin"…so I don't own that either…

This first chapter is pretty much just a buffer chapter, I suppose you could call it, setting everything up until the plot really gets going…ALSO! the title is subject to change as soon as I think of something else...

Summary: Olive is tired of falling in love with the wrong man. But when a stranger makes his way into the gangs life at the Pie Hole Olive suddenly wonders if her woeful years are over. Has Olive finally found the man to get her over Ned? Or is there more to Mr. New Guy than meets the eye?

Someone to Watch Over Me-
-Chapter One: Unrequited Love Syndrome

Olive Snook suffered from what she liked to call "Unrequited Love Syndrome", but for the sake of time we shall simply refer to it as ULS. The side-affects of ULS are neither deadly nor fatal, but rather emotionally depressing. Olive always found herself falling for the wrong man at the wrong time.

There was Neal, the football player who had been in her high school math class, who had told her he wasn't going to prom then showed up with Patricia Anderson, who was also in her math class. There was Phillip, the TA for her Religions 100 class in college, who had told her that TAs were not allowed to date students then ended up dating and marrying Tabitha Beachly, who had been another student in the same class; (the fact that the two ended up divorcing always made Olive smile, though she would never admit it). Then there was Aaron, the stable boy from racing rink who took care of her beloved Pi and all the other horses, who she had dated for a month, then reluctantly dumped after she found out he had a boyfriend.

And of course the many, many men who fell in between. From freakishly tall to too short for, even, Olive, they were all men who didn't love her back. Men who didn't want to touch her in the way that Ned didn't want to touch her.

Now with the mention of the pie maker we find ourselves in the present, with Olive obediently and hopelessly in love with her shy employer. Once again, a man who loved, not her, but another woman; a woman who was, unfortunately and fortunately, becoming her best friend.

It was all so simply-complex. Or was it complexly-simple? Olive neither knew nor cared. The only thing she was certain of was the fact that this time ULS was never going to go away and she was never going to get over it…

"Just…a little…further…ugh…" Olive stood at the edge a chair, trying desperately to reach the top shelf above the oven. All she wanted was a measuring cup that someone had carelessly placed in the wrong spot. Leanly forward a little more, Olive felt the chair slide on the tiled floor beneath her, sending her forward into the oven. Before she could brace herself further, she fell off the chair, falling to the ground. She clenched her eyes and grit her teeth, fully waiting for impact.

However, Olive Snook was fully surprised to realize that the impact never came. Carefully she opened her eyes to see Ned staring at her from above, making her realize that his arms were wrapped tightly around her.

"Olive, what were you doing?" he asked.

Olive simply stared, overwhelmed with the fact that the pie maker had yet to put her down. "I—uh…pie…cup…g-get."

Ned's brow slowly furrowed at Olive's lack of response. Slowly, realization dawned on him and he looked to where is arms were wrapped around her petite frame, wondering how they had gotten.

He coughed, looking decidedly more and more uncomfortable.

Olive laughed awkwardly. "Funny how we find ourselves in these situations more and more after we come to our mutual agreement of no touching in a way that we shouldn't be touching; which we are right now. In the way that we shouldn't be…"

Ned laughed nervously, unable to form a response.

"Hey Olive, I was wondering if you could take this pie to…" Chuck's voice trailed off as she entered the kitchen, the sight of Olive in Ned's arms greeting her.

"Chuck!" Ned exclaimed, in an unnatural high voice, as he dropped Olive.

"Ah!" Olive yelled, as she dropped to the ground, landing hard on her behind.

"Olive," Chuck said, rushing to the blonde's side. She grabbed one of Olive's arms as Ned grabbed the other, pulling the smaller woman to her feet.

"Ow," Olive said once she was standing, rubbing her behind.

"Olive, I—uh…sorry…"

"What were you two doing?" Chuck asked looking between the too, unable to decide if she was jealous or amused. Or rather, if she should be jealous or amused.

Ned opened and closed his mouth, trying to decide what to say. To explain. The last thing he needed was Chuck thinking that something really was going on between him and Olive. Guiltily, he looked to Olive for help, but she seemed to be as flabbergasted as he was.

"I was trying to get a measuring cup," Olive quickly explained, pointing to the cupboard. Despite the fact that she had more than welcomed the feel of Ned's arms around her, Olive was suddenly overcome with guilt at being caught in the position by Chuck.

"Yes," Ned quickly agreed, talking faster than he should have. "And she was falling, so I caught her."

Olive nodded, overly enthusiastic. "Yes, that's all it was. A friend helping a friend, who are in no way what so ever romantically involved." Olive mentally smacked herself. Why did she have to bring up the word romance around Ned? "You know me…ever the klutz."

Chuck decided that being amused was the right reaction to have. She smiled kindly. "So much for saving you, since he dropped you anyways."

Olive's hand instinctively shot to her back, as Ned appeared to blush. "Right, well, I'll see you later," Ned said, walking quickly from the room.

Olive stood awkwardly before Chuck, "I swear that's all it was," she spoke again before Chuck could open her mouth. "It probably didn't even last more than a couple of seconds. You know, slip, catch, you, drop! Heh, heh…"

Chuck laughed quietly. "I believe you, Olive." The blonde nodded, still refusing to meet Chuck's eyes.

"But anyways, I have another pie ready for my aunts. Will you take it?"

Olive nodded. "Yes, I'll go right now."

"Oh you don't have to, you know if your busy."

"Nope," Olive's voice was firm. She wanted desperately to get as far away from The Pie Hole as possible at that moment.

Chuck nodded and walked to the refrigerator, pulling out the pie for her aunts. "So they're really doing better?"

Despite her embarrassment, Olive smiled genuinely. "The last time I was there Aunt Vivian told me that they had finally gotten back in the water. But Aunt Lily still isn't sure about the comeback tour."

Chuck smiled. "Well, that's progress. Maybe this pie will help."

"I still don't understand how a pie came do so much. I mean, I love 'em too, but it's only a pie, Chuck."

Chuck shrugged and grinned, "Sometimes it just takes a slice of happiness to get people going again."

Olive nodded and picked up the pie. "Keep an eye on things up front; I'll be back in a bit."

"Bye, Olive."

Olive waved and walked to the back door of The Pie Hole. Balancing the pie in one arm, she reached to open the door, but Chuck's voice stopped her.


"Yes, Chuck?" she replied, turning back to face the brunette.

"Thanks again…you know, for everything."

Olive smiled, though this time, it didn't quite reach her eyes. She some how had a feeling that Chuck's thank you wasn't just for taking the pies to her aunts, but also for her relationship, or lack of relationship, with Ned.

Olive Snook turned, opened the door, and disappeared into the sunny day; getting as far away from The Pie Hole, Ned, and Chuck as humanly possible.

Author's Note: Well there you have it chapter one! I don't know when I'll be updating again…I've got finals this entire week but then break…so hopefully I'll be able to get some updating done then…let me know what you think!

Until next time,
The Lonely Goatherd