Author's Notes: Well, here it is. My first big fic that I hope will turn out ok. I will try to update asap.

Chapter One.

Blink's P.O.V

Well, it started out as any regular day would. I woke up as usual to Kloppman's insanely loud yelling, and yawned hugely as I made my way to the washroom with all the other guys. Nobody's really a morning person, so we don't talk much. Even I take at least an hour to become my usually happy-go-lucky self. So, since nothing really happened, I'll just skip to the part where we get to the Distribution Office. I took my usual place in line, in front of Mush and behind Crutchy. I greeted him with my usual 'Heya Mushy!' while slapping him on the back. All he did was smile a little and turn away. Kinda odd. Maybe he had a bad night or something. I mean, Mush has always been on the quiet side, but we were best friends, he always talked to me. He'd snap out of it.

When I got my papes I waited for him as usual, threw my arm around him then said, "Ready? I got some good ideas for improvin' the headlines today, so I was thinking'-"

"Blink," Mush interrupted feebly, "I-I think I wanna sell alone today."

"Oh….ok," I replied, surprised, we always sold together. And I mean always. I watched him walk off. Well, maybe he needed some 'alone time.' I'd give it to him, and then talk to him at lunch. I hoped he'd be back to his normal self by then.

So, how did you like it so far??? Please review. Sorry the Chapter was so short.
